Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1842: Leaving Wa

General Banla was stunned for a moment, and the atmosphere suddenly became a bit stagnant.

The white and black masters standing behind General Banla couldn't help but sink.

But after a while, General Banla laughed suddenly: "Okay, with the promise of Brother Ge Yu, the general is relieved. You guys will eat and drink, and rest here for a day. After dawn, This general will arrange personnel to **** you back to southern Yunnan in China."

Ge Yu and others got up and solemnly thanked General Banla.

After a meal was finished quickly, General Banla went back to rest, and then someone took them to live directly at the mansion of General Banla.

This is a huge manor, with heavily armed soldiers standing guard everywhere.

They were all arranged in several adjacent rooms. This general's residence was very large, and the rooms were naturally very spacious.

After coming to Southeast Asia for so many days, a few people can finally sleep comfortably and take a good rest.

Ge Yu was also arranged in a very luxurious room. When Ge Yu sat down on the thick Simmons mattress, his whole heart was at ease.

When I thought of being able to return to China soon, my mood improved a lot.

Immediately, Ge Yu walked to the bathroom, took a shower, and walked to the balcony to look at the scenery below. After seeing this, I realized that General Banla was really not easy. There were faint formations in the entire mansion, and there were many practices. People are scattered all over it, seemingly ordinary, but in fact it is loose on the outside and tight on the inside. If a practitioner sneaks into this place, it will be caught alive.

Recently, I was really worried and exhausted physically and mentally. Ge Yu was wearing pajamas and was about to go to bed. He suddenly heard a knock on the door. They thought it was a little black and they came to look for themselves. As soon as they opened the door, they saw a beautiful lady standing at the door. Looking at Ge Yu shyly, he said that General Banla asked him to come and accompany him.

This Burmese beauty is indeed good-looking and charming. She looks younger than twenty years old, but Ge Yu still declined.

In this kind of place, it is better to do more than to do less. Moreover, such beautiful women as Chen Zeshan, Lei Qianjiao and Zhou Yating, Ge Yu refused, let alone under such circumstances.

After being turned down by Ge Yu, the eyes of the Burmese beauty suddenly looked a bit aggrieved, and there was a hint of loss, but she didn't say much, lowered her head, and quickly left here.

After returning home, Ge Yu didn't plan to practice anymore tonight. He slept comfortably and set off tomorrow morning.

But before going to bed, Ge Yu still released the hedgehog and the fat girl in the house to prevent unexpected incidents.

I slept very sweetly all night, and nothing happened.

After getting up in the morning, Ge Yu put on clean clothes and was taken to the restaurant for dinner.

Several people gathered again, with different faces, especially Zhong Jinliang and Zhang Yihan, their expressions looked a little unnatural.

It's just that Hei Xiaose has a beautiful expression and is still humming a little song.

The big guys are tacit to each other. It is estimated that last night, the doors of several of their elders had been knocked on, but it was not known who stayed and who did not.

But looking at Hei Xiaose's humble appearance, it's hard to tell.

General Banla quickly walked over with two of his men and had breakfast with a few of them.

In addition, General Banla arranged some specific details about escorting Ge Yu and the others away from Southeast Asia.

Here, Banla intends to dispatch a hundred soldiers to **** them to southern Yunnan in China, and there are also seven or eight practitioners mixed in it, and the master next to Banla, that is, the master in white clothes.

Although the master in white was forced to retreat by Ge Yu with three Phoenix Demon Swords, the strength of this person still should not be underestimated.

General Banla was able to send his strongest men to **** them out of here, which was enough to show the sincerity of the other party.

Until now, several people knew that the master in white was originally called Tarpaulin.

Ge Yu and the others all had to put on the clothes of the Wa State Army, including the Tira. They were mixed among the more than one hundred Wa State Army, and it was difficult to find them.

Furthermore, they will also wear human skin masks so that no one will find out.

The reason why I asked General Banla for help was mainly because he had fancy the name of the Wa State Army. Under normal circumstances, Heishui Shengling would not offend the Wa State Army.

And this time General Banla dispatched more than a hundred people, and there was indeed a business to do with Wan Luozong, and a batch of jade agate was sent to trade with Wan Luozong at the border.

After everything was arranged, General Banla sent them out of the mansion in person.

At this time, Ge Yu and the others also changed into the outfits of the Wa State Army. At the gate of the General's Mansion, more than one hundred Wa State Army waited for a long time. There were also a lot of horses prepared with goods on them.

It is impossible to drive through the vast virgin forest, so I can only use these horses to walk all the way to the border.

General Banla didn't give more, but he told the tarp to take care of Ge Yu and them all the way, and then turned back.

The group of people quickly mixed among the soldiers, and left the place of Wa State with the tarp riding in front.

This time he escorted Ge Yu and the others away, and Chen Guang also followed. After dealing with this matter, Chen Guang will not be able to stay in Southeast Asia anymore. Once the people of Heishui Shengling find him on his head, he will definitely This time, Chen Guang happened to be able to return to China with them, and then Wan Luozong arranged to continue to serve Wan Luozong elsewhere.

This time a few of them came to Southeast Asia, thanks to this man named Chen Guang, otherwise they didn't even have a place to stay.

Ge Yu also thought that after returning to China this time, he should spend a sum of money to thank this person.

The jungles of Myanmar are hot and humid.

Less than half a day after leaving the Wa state, the group of them plunged into the vast virgin forest.

Once you enter this old forest, you can see the broken statues in the grass from time to time, covered with moss and tangled vines.

There are all kinds of weird and strange poisonous insects in this old forest, poisonous mosquitoes bigger than flies, one bite can make people build a fist-sized bag, and blood-sucking leeches, sometimes accidentally legs and feet Sweeping to the grass, it will be attached to you unconsciously. Sometimes when passing under a tree, it will fall on people's body along the way, making it hard to guard against. Once you find it bites , It's too late, because the sucker of the leech has plunged into the flesh, making it painful.

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