Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1843: Died suddenly

Ge Yu and the others are much better, because they have Xue’s medicine store that specializes in the prevention and treatment of various poisonous insects and gu worms. Those poisonous insects are not close at all, and they don’t carry a lot of powder, so they cannot be used by everyone. , Some soldiers were inevitably caught, and were tossed by the blood-sucking leech.

In addition, there are the other venomous snakes and beasts in the woods that cannot be defended against. Fortunately, those soldiers are fully armed and crowded, so the beasts dare not approach the crowd.

These soldiers are all well-trained and are very familiar with this old forest, including several medical soldiers.

Therefore, some of these soldiers can be treated in time after being bitten by snakes, rats, insects, and ants. Even so, some of them will die because of being bitten by that very rare poison.

In the jungles of Burma, all weird things can be encountered. Therefore, every entry into the jungle hinterland is a great challenge for ordinary soldiers, and casualties are inevitable.

Unless there is nothing important, under normal circumstances, no one wants to dive into this deep mountain and old forest.

This time, General Banla sent out his most powerful guards in order to be able to safely send Ge Yu and the others to southern Yunnan in China.

That is, the master in white called the tarp.

Even in the jungle, the guy called the tarp is still in white clothes, riding a tall horse, unsmiling, and doesn't like how to get close to Ge Yu and the others.

Perhaps it was because General Banla treated Ge Yu and the others too seriously, and the kid was worried that Ge Yu and the others would steal their jobs, so they were so lukewarm.

Or maybe it was Ge Yu who used the Phoenix Demon Sword to defeat it as soon as he shot it. This talent would always be so worried.

Usually there is nothing important. The guy called Tarpaulin doesn't talk to them much, and Ge Yu and the others don't bother to use their hot faces to stick to their cold ass.

As long as they can leave Southeast Asia this time, there may be no intersection in the future.

Just be able to fool the past few days.

However, there are a few soldiers who have seen Ge Yu take action in the general's mansion, knowing that these people are extraordinary characters, and have always been polite to them.

Sometimes when a few people are idle, they will chat with the soldiers.

At the beginning, these soldiers were respectful and afraid of Ge Yu and them. After all, they were the distinguished guests of General Banla, so how dare to offend them.

But after getting acquainted with them, these people became more courageous.

Through conversations with these soldiers, Ge Yucai has some understanding of the situation in Myanmar. There are more than a dozen warlord organizations, large and small, of which four are the most powerful. The Wa State Army in Banla is the most powerful. One of the four strong warlords.

Between warlords, for their own interests and territory, frictions often occur. Fighting is inevitable, and dead people are normal.

But these soldiers are very happy. They would not choose to be a soldier if it was not for the difficult situation at home. However, there are many advantages to being a soldier, not only good food, but also payment and money. Although Myanmar is poor, every I have several children in my family, so there will always be one or two children who come out as soldiers and earn money to support the family.

Speaking of which, these people are also poor people. Maybe they will lose their lives in any war, but they still enjoy it. They feel that this kind of life is justified, and sometimes they even look forward to fighting, because once they fight , They will double their silver rewards and hurt more money. If the person dies, they can also allow the family to receive a part of the pension.

Only by chatting with these Wa soldiers did a few people know how happy the people in China are. At least they don’t have to suffer from the war, and they don’t have to worry about their lives.

It’s worth mentioning that these Wa soldiers often set their eyes on Tila’s body. Although Tila wears a human skin mask, pulls up her hair, and wears a camouflage uniform, the handsome figure cannot Be disguised.

However, these people only dared to take a few glances with the courage, and did not dare to do anything, because they all knew that these people were all guests of General Banla, and gave them a hundred courage, but they did not dare to do anything. What out of the ordinary.

Furthermore, with Ge Yu and the others, they did not dare to make a mistake.

From the words of these Wa soldiers, several people learned that it would take five days to walk from here to the southern Yunnan border.

It is difficult to travel in the mountains and forests, and the speed of travel is not fast. Sometimes you can walk tens of kilometers a day, and at the best time it is hundreds of kilometers. Sometimes when it rains on cloudy days, you have to camp on the spot and wait for the rain to stop. You can only go there, and at night, there are many unknown dangers in the old woods, and no one will walk at night.

A few days before the beginning, nothing happened, except for one or two people who were bitten by weird poisonous insects who died and were buried on the spot, nothing else happened.

But on the third night, something strange happened.

Every night, the guy called the tarp would choose a relatively flat place, either with his back against the mountain wall or by the river.

On the third night, everyone set up their tents as usual. After dinner, they rested.

Early the next morning, something big happened.

The soldiers in a few tents by the river did not see them get up for a long time, and someone came to greet them.

Unexpectedly, I opened the tent and found that all seven or eight people died suddenly.

The death of these people is also very strange, all of them are bleeding from the seven orifices, and their bodies are swollen, as if people have died for several days, and the corpses will swell because the weather is too hot.

When the tent was opened, a few soldiers vomited directly because they were uncomfortable.

These seven or eight soldiers not only died miserably, but also exuded an indescribable stench.

The matter quickly spread, and the soldiers all approached the tents, and no one dared to touch the corpses.

Lao Linzi has all kinds of weird things, and the soldiers are afraid that the poison on the corpses will spread to themselves.

This incident not only alarmed Ge Yu and the others, but the expert in white called Tarpaulin also came in quickly.

Ge Yu and the others had no idea why these soldiers died suddenly, after all, they rarely came to such a ghost place.

The rest of the soldiers seemed to be very unfamiliar with this situation. They said everything at a time. Some said that these soldiers were bitten by some poisonous insects. More people said that these soldiers provoked evil spirits and were The evil spirit killed...

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