Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2917: Siege

Wurihan narrowed his eyes, and a knife-like gaze suddenly fell on the black body, and a few words popped out between his teeth: "Who are you?"

"I'm your Grandpa Black, the general guardian of the Zhaoyue Clan! As long as your Grandpa Black is there, you don't even want to step into the Zhaoyue Clan."

"Okay, the guardian general of the Zhaoyue Clan, right? Don't worry, I won't let you die so easily. You have to pay a heavy price for what you say..."

Before that Wurihan had finished speaking, there was a "swish" sound, and a white light shot down from the wall of the Zhaoyue Clan, and flew directly towards Wurihan's heart.

Excalibur Chasing Soul was dispatched again.

Na Wurihan couldn't help but his heart jumped, and his face changed greatly when he saw the white light flying quickly.

However, at this moment, the two old men beside Wurihan flickered and suddenly stood in front of Wurihan. The magic weapon in their hands appeared at the same time, intercepting the soul chasing sword of Li Zejian. The Excalibur chased the soul and swung around for a while, then turned back again, and slaughtered the Wurihan again.

At this time, Hei Xiaose's hands shook, and the large group of red worms flew out again and swept towards the three people under the city.

With this method, the face of Wurihan and the others changed drastically. One of the old men shouted in shock: "No, there really are top masters in the city of the Zhaoyue Clan, the patriarch, let's evacuate here first."

The old man said, with a wave of his hand, a few groups of aura flew out of his sleeves, and those groups of aura quickly condensed into a group of blue flames, flying in the direction of the red worms. In the past, the red worms were intercepted. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the three of them hurriedly fled towards the group of Dacheng clan.

The Excalibur Soul Pursing tracked the past, and the three of them fought and retreated, until they retreated to the middle of the brigade, then the Excalibur Soul Pursing returned back.

Back among the Dacheng clan, Urihan’s face looked better. The method of mobilizing people just now was really powerful. No wonder the Zhaoyue clan has such courage, the Dacheng clan’s people and soldiers are still not open. The city surrendered.

As soon as Wurihan returned here, a silver-clad general came quickly, kneeling under his horse, and said in a deep voice: "Report to the patriarch, a few people from the Zhaoyue Clan, who are defending the city. Before, hundreds of our cavalry bowmen and crossbowmen had no chance to get within ten feet of the Zhaoyue Clan’s city gate. They were all wiped out. Most of them died tragically. They were all corroded into bones by the red poison just now. Horror."

Wurihan’s expression returned to calm, a cruel smile came from the corner of his mouth, he waved his hand, and said, "This is a bit interesting. For so long, my Dacheng warrior has crossed the Western Wilderness and the hundred tribes. When I came to this little Zhaoyue Clan, I received this resistance, but don't worry, my Dacheng Clan is strong and strong, and there will be some powerful foreign aid coming. Today, the Zhaoyue Clan will break, and get ready to attack the city."

With an order, the soldiers and horses of the Dacheng clan dispersed immediately, leaving a corridor in the middle.

Not long after, dozens of chariots and powerful crossbows were pushed up.

The Dacheng people are already preparing to attack the city.

First of all, a dozen huge bed crossbows lined up, all pointed in the direction of the Zhaoyue clan.

This crossbow is so powerful that it is comparable to the full blow of the earth fairy. Hei Xiaose and the others had seen it before.

Seeing the Dacheng clan's equipment, the black little color and others on the city wall, their expressions changed drastically.

Before they could react, those bed crossbows began to exert their terrifying power. Accompanied by a terrifying sound of breaking through the air, the huge feather arrows from that bed crossbow shot towards the Zhaoyue Clan's city wall.

"All get down!" Hei Xiaose yelled, and immediately sacrificed the measuring ruler in her hand, and swept toward the huge crossbows that had been hit.

The soldiers guarding the city were terrified and lay on the ground.

Li Zejian's Divine Sword Chasing Soul was also sacrificed over there, and headed towards the huge bed crossbow.

First, the huge feather arrows from dozens of bed crossbows blasted down towards the Zhaoyue clan’s city wall. When the huge feather arrows blasted down on the city wall, the solid city wall was blown away by broken stones. Several holes came out.

Hei Xiaose and Li Zejian used their full strength, and they did not have a few huge feather arrows.

The power of that feather arrow was really too great. Hei Xiaoshi had only the next two feather arrows hit by the bed crossbow, and she felt the blood flowing backward, and the mouth of the hand holding the measuring ruler was torn away.

Under the cover of these bed crossbows, dozens of Dacheng clan chariots began to march towards Zhaoyue clan. A large number of Dacheng clan infantry, armed with shields and broadswords, attached to the solid chariot and moved quickly. The Zhaoyue Clan's city wall moved closer here.

Under the deterrence of those bed crossbows, the soldiers defending the city did not dare to get up. Seeing those Dacheng people and chariots constantly approaching the Zhaoyue clan's city wall, the female Xilie first lost her breath and waved. Suddenly hundreds of crossbowmen stood up and shot at the infantry of the Dacheng tribe near the city wall.

Because the distance was too far, and the soldiers of the Dacheng tribe had their armored chariots as a cover, their lethality was very limited. On the contrary, many people became the targets of the crossbow attack. At a time, dozens of people were caught by the bed. The flesh and blood of the huge feather arrows hit by the crossbow flew across, tragically trampled in confusion.

When the chariots approached the city wall, the soldiers of the Dacheng clan set up the ladder, and the group like locusts climbed up toward the wall without fear of death.

After the soldiers of the Dacheng clan approached the Zhaoyue clan's city wall, the offensive of the huge bed crossbow ceased, but a large swarm of infantry came.

"Hold, I'll go down and dismantle those chariots." Hei Xiaose said, holding the measuring ruler, and suddenly jumped off the city wall and fell into the encirclement of the Dacheng clan below.

These are just some ordinary soldiers, not too powerful practitioners.

When Hei Xiaose went down, she immediately entered the flock like a fierce tiger, waved the measuring ruler in her hand, bowed left and right, and swept across, a large swath of people was blown out by the ruler.

Using the measuring ruler to clear the way, Hei Xiaose quickly rushed to the front of the tanks, one ruler down, and one of the tanks was shot to pieces. The people on the tank were also killed and injured.

At the same time, there were red worms flying out of the black and small body, toward the soldiers of the Dacheng tribe, those who were about to climb the city wall were wrapped in red worms, and they fell screamingly. Down.

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