Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2918: Go together

Hei Xiaose had promised the grandfather An Xilie of female Xilie before that he must take care of female Xilie's thoroughness.

A gentleman's promise is worth a thousand dollars.

It's time for Hei Xiaose to fulfill her promise.

In fact, it was only for that promise, and more importantly, Hei Xiaose wanted to protect the girl Xilie.

Seeing the Dacheng people rushing in, Hei Xiaose desperately jumped off the wall, turned the tide, swept under the sky ruler, turned over three chariots, and killed hundreds. people.

Especially the terrifying lethality of the red worms completely shocked the soldiers of the Dacheng clan.

Knife, chopping and axe are acceptable, and people are gnawed into a pile of bones in a very short time. This powerful visual impact has cast a huge shadow on the hearts of the soldiers of the Dacheng clan.

Not long after Hei Xiaose went down, Li Zejian, who was standing on the city wall, greeted him loudly, "Old Hei, come back quickly!"

The reason for this is because Li Zejian saw that from the direction of the Dacheng clan, several figures were quickly approaching Hei Xiaose.

The Dacheng tribe has been crushed all the way, half of the Western Wilderness 100 tribes surrendered to his command, and it is not entirely dependent on the powerful combat power of those soldiers of the Dacheng tribe. Among them, there are many powerful practitioners in the Dacheng tribe.

Li Zejian and the others had heard from female Xilie before that the Dacheng clan was the elder above the ghost fairyland and there were ten people.

Among them is a person named Hu Gejin, who is a proper fairyland.

These talents are the backbone of the Dacheng clan and the most terrifying existence.

Standing on the city wall, Li Zejian had a clear view of the situation below. As far as he could see, the masters of the Dacheng clan were quickly approaching Hei Xiaose.

However, Hei Xiaose seems to have killed her eyes at this moment. Li Zejian's words did not even hear her ears. He waved the measuring ruler in his hand and continued to fight. The large swaths of soldiers of the Dacheng tribe were shocked by him. Eight fall.

The land of the mulberry field is another space outside of China. The space here is full of aura, so masters come out in large numbers.

The strength of the elders of the Dacheng clan must not be underestimated.

Soon, two elders from the Dacheng clan came forward. One of them, holding a long spear, danced, like an antelope hanging horns, and the spear wandering around the dragon. The black color was broken in two or more strokes. The offensive of the measuring ruler in his hand pierced towards Hei Xiaose's heart, and the red-eyed Hei Xiaose was unprepared for a while, and was forced to retreat a few steps.

At this time, another Dacheng elder, holding a five-element firework stick in his hand, attacked from behind the black and small color. A stick fell, and it was a scarlet flame spreading more than ten meters away towards Hei Xiaoshi swept away.

For a moment, Hei Xiaolu was attacked by the enemy. He just dodged the tricky spear in front, and a hot flame spread over behind him.

Hei Xiaose reacted quickly, holding the measuring ruler and flashing to the side, the flame on the firework stick spread over his body.

What's more, the flame also ignited the black sleeves and trouser legs. The flame was so hot that it instantly scorched a piece of skin, and the black little color even smelled the scent of barbecue.

Rolling on the ground at the moment, with the help of the mud and blood on the ground, the flame was finally extinguished.

Just getting up here, the elder with the spear pierced it again, and then Hei Xiaose felt that even on one side, the wind was whistling, and he didn't even have the time to breathe.

Hei Xiaose quickly stabilized her mind, hurriedly pinched the law, greeted a large swath of red and greeted the expert with the gun.

As soon as the elder who used the gun saw these red worms, his face didn't look good. Knowing the horror of the red worms, he quickly stepped back.

However, the elders of the Dacheng clan who came to chase Hei Xiaose were not the only two. The crisis had not been resolved. Then another elder with a nine-section whip whizzed and made a sound as the whip swung. The sound exploded, Hei Xiaose kept retreating to avoid, and was attacked by the three of them.

The one who didn't pay attention, was wrapped around the ankle of the elder who used the nine-section whip, and pulled in his direction.

Hei Xiaose was staggered and his figure was unstable. The elder with the spear used a few fire charms to disperse the red worms for the time being, and the spear pierced directly at Hei Xiaose's heart.

"Brother Hei's life is going to be lost..." Hei Xiaose screamed in her heart. Seeing that the spear was about to fall on Hei Xiaose's body, Hei Xiaose suddenly felt a figure flashing before her death. Then there was a clanging sound, and the spear shifted directly by half a meter, and pierced from the black side.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that at a critical moment, Li Zejian's divine sword chased the soul and missed the spear in the elder's hand.

"Hurry up!" Li Zejian greeted Hei Xiaose, and the Divine Sword Pursuing Soul rushed towards the elder with the spear again.

"Brother Hei, come up quickly..." Zhong Jinliang had ordered someone to fall down a rope, calling Hei Xiaose to quickly climb up the city wall.

However, when Hei Xiaose was about to leave, she found that the three elders didn't entangle her, and pointed the finger at Li Zejian again.

"His grandma..." As soon as Hei Xiaose saw that they were entangled in Li Zejian, the anger came up, where she was willing to leave, and once again sacrificed the measuring ruler, a ruler shot down, and the three besieging Li Zejian The elders all forced back.

"Brother Li, go together!" Hei Xiaose greeted.

I want to go now, where is it so easy.

The soldiers of the Dacheng tribe suddenly swarmed over, waving their weapons, and shouting to block their way.

Li Zejian pinched a magic trick, and the divine sword flew into the crowd in a whirlwind chasing soul. It was like a meat grinder. It went all the way, blood flowed into a river, and the stump flew around with one arm.

At this moment of effort, the elders of the three Dacheng tribes once again surrounded them, surrounding them again.

"I'll cover, you go first!" Li Zejian said, and suddenly his body became erratic. For a time, dozens of Li Zejian appeared in all directions, and a large expanse of sword chasing soul buzzed in the air.

Before the elders of the Dacheng clan reacted, Li Zejian whizzed towards the elders.

Accompanied by a jingle, dozens of wounds came out of the elder with the spear, spurted blood from his mouth, and fell straight to the ground.

"Elder Yilan!" The elder who used the firework stick saw a companion be beheaded by Li Zejian, raised the stick and smashed towards Li Zejian.

Li Zejian did not move, until the man approached him, a sword suddenly appeared in his hand...

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