Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2963: Really strong

It turned out that the Black Dragon faction was divided into two groups, all the way to unlock the seal from Sangyu to China, and it was done by the Black Dragon ancestor and Black Dragon mother.

On the other way, Professor Liu brought some thousand-year-old monsters to come and besiege the Zhaoyue Clan with the Dacheng clan, and by the way, solve the serious problems of Ge Yu and the others.

No one knows how Wu Jiuyin understood the big moves of the black dragon ancestor, unexpectedly called to kill Qianli, and destroyed the black dragon ancestor's methods together, and then sneaked over to the Zhaoyue clan, in the Zhaoyue clan When he was about to be breached, he suddenly appeared here, turning the tide.

When they came to Sangyu before, they killed Qianli to inform them.

It is estimated that at that time, Sha Qianli had already ‘hooked up’ with Wu Jiuyin.

Ge Yu couldn't figure out how, how could Sha Qianli unite with Wu Jiuyin, they had a fierce fight at the beginning, which was considered deadly enemies.

This time, it seems that their relationship is not bad, and there is still some tacit understanding.

Ge Yu thought for a moment, a little distracted, and then he said: "Okay, I'm going to tell you what I should tell you, the old man is leaving..."

"Kill the old man, are you really not staying in Sang Yu for a few more days?" Ge Yu tried his best to stay.

"No, although things are over here, the old man has other things to do, and there is an apprentice." Sha Qianli said, then turned and left.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Ge Yu and said, "By the way, I have to remind you of something. Do you know why Xiao Jiu and I didn't fight against the ancestor Black Dragon?"

Ge Yu shook his head, saying that he didn't know, but he didn't know why Sha Qianli suddenly sold it.

Sha Qianli then said: "The Black Dragon ancestor at this time is no longer what Xiao Jiu and I can contend with. His strength is really strong. Just a far away, we two quickly evacuated. Fight against him, I am afraid Xiao Jiu and I will be more auspicious. The black dragon ancestor’s injury has long recovered, but I don’t know why it suddenly became so strong. When you meet him in the future, don’t confront him directly. Run if you can, or you can only wait to die!"

Ge Yu took a breath, feeling a little weird.

I had already seen Wu Jiuyin's strength just now, and an earth immortal was easy to handle in his hands, and the flying dragon was solved by the sky.

But Sha Qianli actually said that he and Wu Jiuyin were united together, and they were not the opponent of the black dragon ancestor at this time.

To what extent does the black dragon ancestor's cultivation base go against the sky at this time?

After Sha Qianli finished speaking, his figure flashed, and he disappeared between several ups and downs.

After Killing Thousand Miles was gone, Zhong Jinliang, who had been standing next to Ge Yu, said, "Brother Yu, did you say that what you just said to kill the old man was true or false? Is the black dragon ancestor so powerful?"

"When did you tell a lie when you killed the old man?" Ge Yu asked rhetorically.

"That's true." Zhong Jinliang nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly seemed to remember something, and said with a horrified expression: "Brother Yu, would you say that the ancestor of the black dragon would kill a carbine, and direct towards Shall we come here?"

Ge Yu who was talking about this was stunned, but soon calmed down and said: "It shouldn't be. The Black Dragon sent to Sangyu this time to prepare for a big move, but was destroyed by Brother Xiao Jiu and Sha Qianli. If he fell, the plan would also fail. For the ancestor Heilong, his opponents are characters like Brother Xiaojiu and Sha Qianli, and we still can’t get into his eyes. Furthermore, the ancestor Heilong is not sure about Xiaojiu. Did brother and Sha Qianli really leave? There was a reason why Xiao Jiu and Shao Qianli didn’t fight against the black dragon ancestor. They felt the power of the black dragon ancestor, but the black dragon ancestor couldn’t figure it out. How strong is your brother? Just now, Xiao Jiu made a trick that the flying dragon solved the earth fairy Hu Gejin. It was actually quite useful. This trick was to kill the chicken and the monkey. He was demonstrating with the black dragon ancestors to prove himself. The strength of such a black dragon ancestor would not act rashly."

"If the black dragon ancestor does not have absolute certainty to kill him and us all, he should not easily make a move. At this time, the black dragon ancestor will come over and it will not make any sense. After all, the overall situation has been determined." Ge Yu analyzed.

Zhong Jin nodded brightly, and said no more.

After Wu Jiuyin left, the purple-haired zombies he had previously controlled with the Emperor Xuanmen Bell also fell to the ground, turning into the most ordinary corpses.

If these devastating purple-haired zombies remain, everyone does not know how to deal with it. It seems that Wu Jiuyin also controlled those purple-haired zombies when he was leaving.

Afterwards, a few soldiers of the Zhaoyue clan came out and helped Ge Yu and the others in. Then a large number of people left the city and began to clean up the battlefield and deal with the corpses all over the floor.

Although the Dacheng tribe had a lot of casualties, but the Zhaoyue tribe’s guard soldiers also had a lot of casualties.

Ge Yu and the others didn't care about these, and went straight to the royal city of Zhaoyue Clan.

As for the patriarch of the Dacheng clan, Urihan, he was locked up with immortal ropes by the female Xilie, and was temporarily detained in the dungeon.

This person is an important person, and several masters were sent to watch him specially.

As soon as Ge Yu and the others arrived at the gate of the city, they saw Hei Xiaose and Zhou Yiyang being helped to the gate of the city.

When he saw Ge Yu and Zhong Jinliang, Zhou Yiyang said excitedly: "Xiaoyu, Liangzi, did Brother Xiaojiu come just now?"

"Well, Brother Xiao Jiu is here, if it weren't for him, the Zhaoyue Clan would have been breached." Ge Yu said.

Even in the royal city, I must have seen Wu Jiuyin's ultimate move. After all, the huge purple dragon shuttles through the clouds. You only need to look up to know it, and Zhou Yiyang and Wu Jiuyin are here. After staying together for more than ten years, he is most familiar with this purple dragon.

So I couldn't wait to go out of the city with Hei Xiaose and the others, asking the truth.

Hearing Ge Yu's affirmative answer, Zhou Yiyang immediately said again: "Where is Xiaojiu? Didn't you come back with you?"

"No, he left after finishing things, and didn't say hello to us." Ge Yu said.

Zhou Zhouyang couldn't help feeling a little bored, and sighed: "What the **** is Xiao Jiu brother doing? He hasn't missed a face after missing for so long. He finally appeared once, and left without saying hello."

"Brother Yiyang, don’t blame Xiaojiu, he must have his own problems. If it weren’t for this crisis, he wouldn’t show up yet, but this time, Xiaojiu’s cultivation base seems to be much stronger. Killing thousands of miles is more powerful." Ge Yu said.

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