Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2964: Unbreakable

Zhou Yiyang didn’t have any opinion on Wu Jiuyin. They were older brothers for more than ten years, and they were more intimate than their own brothers. They just didn’t see him for too long and missed him very much. He just didn’t. I thought that Wu Jiuyin didn't even come over to say hello to him and left. I didn't understand it. Since they are here, why don't you come to the city and have a chat with yourself? Is there anything to worry about him as an old brother? Is it?

Zhou Zhouyang couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't help but feel a little depressed, but after learning that Wu Jiuyin is now very safe, and that there is still a big breakthrough in his cultivation, a stone in his heart can be considered to have fallen to the ground, after all, he hadn't had it for so long before. He appeared, not knowing whether it was alive or dead, and now finally has news of him.

The crisis on the Zhaoyue Clan’s side has been resolved. The Black Dragon ancestor originally planned to release all the soldiers and horses in the Sangyu region outside to help him achieve that kind of ulterior goal, but he didn’t know how Wu Jiuyin was. Knowing this plan, together with Sha Qianli, he destroyed all his plans.

At the beginning, Sha Qianli didn't say too clearly, only that the black dragon ancestor wanted to try to open the barrier between Sangyu and China, and release all the soldiers and horses in the Sangyu. Ge Yu could not understand the specific operation. A few of them made use of the space that the Nine Cloud Disk could only enter and exit, but the ancestor of the black dragon wanted to let everyone out. Just thinking about it, he felt that it was a very huge project. Fortunately, it was given by Wu Jiuyin and Sha Qianli. If they are destroyed, otherwise, if these people are released, Huaxia will inevitably face a disaster.

For the ancestor of the black dragon, these fate of Sang Yu was nothing, at best, they were just chess pieces used by him.

It's just that the ancestor of the black dragon is in a situation where he loses all the games, and he must be very upset.

In the next few days, a few people stayed in the Zhaoyue Clan to recuperate.

Yuhan Xiaoliangjian, besides Zhang Yihan, all the four who came here were seriously injured, and Ge Yu and Zhong Jinliang were in slightly better condition.

One is a devilish body protection, the other is because of the eight zombie poison.

As for Hei Xiaose and Li Zejian, the situation is a bit serious and needs to be adjusted.

Zhou Yiyang’s injury recovered quite quickly, mainly because the thousand-year-old Gu swallowed the old Gu Po’s colorful Gu butterfly, and his strength greatly increased. At the same time, Zhou Yiyang also benefited. In the imperceptible way, the Millennium Gu helped Zhou Yiyang. Part of the damage was shared.

For a while, they couldn't do without Sang Yu, and they had to wait for Hei Xiaose and Li Zejian to get better.

But there are also some things that need to be handled by them.

The first is that Urihan, the patriarch of the Dacheng clan, is currently being held in a dungeon in the Zhaoyue clan's royal city, and is guarded by a master.

Several people discussed whether or not to save Wurihan's life.

The problem now is that it is a difficult problem whether to kill Wurihan or not. If you kill Wurihan, there will be no one to lead the Dacheng people. Maybe the other party will have a chance to resurrect. If you don’t kill Wurihan, you will be afraid. It was like Turhan, and one day he turned back and continued to make waves.

Finally, Zhou Zhouyang suggested that after another period of time, the energy of the colorful Gu butterfly digested by Thousand-year Gu will be about to release it, give Wurihan a Gu, and let him lead his tribe to join the Kuicang clan. The Gu under the Millennium Gu is naturally infinitely more powerful than the Unsolving Gu, and only the Millennium Gu can be unlocked. Even if the Black Dragon Sect produces an old Gu, there is no way for the Gu under the Millennium Gu. .

Another problem to be solved is Turhan. Female Xilie has sent someone to investigate the news. It is said that after the great defeat of the Dacheng clan that day, Turhan led her troops and returned directly to the Jialang tribe. Back to the previous Kuicang clan.

The former Jialang tribe who resided by the Kuicang tribe had also returned to the Jialang tribe three days ago.

Obviously, the ancestor of the black dragon directly gave up Sang Yu, and Turhan and the Dacheng people left them alone.

In any case, this Turhan must be solved, this person is completely untrustworthy.

A few days later, the injuries of several people healed, especially Ge Yu and Zhong Jinliang both recovered.

Zhou Yiyang's injury had not recovered yet, Ge Yu asked him if he could spur Millennium Gu. Zhou Yiyang tried a bit and found that Millennium Gu had already responded.

Now is the critical period for Thousand-Year Gu to digest that colorful Gu butterfly. It is in a dormant state. It is said that it is not suitable to let it come out at this time, and it might consume some of Thousand-Year Gu's Dao and deeds.

But Thousand-Year Gu is already the King of Ten Thousand Gus, even if it wears a little, no Gu worm in this world is its opponent.

These days, Ge Yu's Gu Decontamination worm always likes to revolve around Zhou Yang, and he misses the Thousand-Year-Year Gu. He doesn't dare to bother Thousand-Year Gu, knowing that it needs to rest now.

This made Ge Yu a little worried, if he and Zhou Yiyang were to be separated, would Jie Gu worm get lovesickness.

After getting a response, Ge Yu and Zhou Yiyang went down to the dungeon in person to meet Wurihan.

Although she was reduced to a lower-level prisoner, Nv Xilie did not torture Wurihan, but kept her in a dungeon full of runes, with shackles on her feet.

When Ge Yu and Zhou Yiyang came to the door of the dungeon, Wurihan looked up at them and snorted coldly: "I Wurihan fell into your hands. I will admit it, but it depends on a few of you. I haven’t done anything about my Urihan. The last person who can release the real dragon is truly amazing. If this person does not come, Zhaoyue City would already be in my Urihan’s pocket. It's something."

"Wurihan, what's the point of saying this now? The Dacheng clan has been defeated, and you have become a prisoner. Would you like to bet and lose?" Zhou Yiyang said in a deep voice.

Wurihan gave a wry smile and said, "I have nothing to say, you can kill me."

"It's because of you alone that caused such a big war. Whether it is the Western Wilderness Clan or your Dacheng Clan, there are countless casualties. It is not enough to kill you a hundred times with these." Ge Yu said.

"Where are the undead in the war, are you still a kid?" Wurihan looked at Ge Yu with some sarcasm.

"These wars shouldn't have happened. You provoked them. Otherwise, where would so many people die?" Ge Yu said again.

"If you don’t break or stand, Sangyu has always been chaotic, fighting each other. Whether it’s between the hundreds of races in the Western Wilderness or between the three major races, don’t fight it several times in a year? I, Wuri and Han, unified the whole by the power of one clan The Sangyu is to settle disputes among the various ethnic groups in exchange for a peaceful Sangyu. In between, many people will inevitably die, but it will be peaceful for many years... What's wrong with me doing this? "

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