Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2976: Leaving is goodbye

The battle ended too soon.

As a result, the soldiers of the Dacheng and Kuicang tribes outside the city had no defense.

In their opinion, fighting must kill many people.

Even if they finally broke the gate of the Jialang tribe, the men on both sides would lose at least more than half.

However, Ge Yu and the three of them sneaked into the royal city of the Jialang tribe, beheaded Turhan, captured Elder Yuqi alive, and controlled the entire Jialang tribe's soldiers step by step.

This is what makes people truly admire.

The reason why Ge Yu and the others took such a big risk was to make people of the three major ethnic groups as few dead or undead as possible.

They did it. This battle was fought, and it was a super battle in which the two major ethnic groups besieged the Jialang tribe. The three parties lost less than a thousand people.

This is unique among all large and small ethnic groups in Sang Yu.

A great battle destined to change the pattern of Sang Yu ended in this way.

The Kuicang tribe once again became the master of the Jialang tribe, but this time they did not allow the Jialang tribe to leave their territory with them and return to the Kuicang tribe.

After a brief discussion, Princess Wuyan and others finally negotiated a strategy, that is, an elder or general elected by the Kuicang tribe and Dacheng tribe to jointly manage the Jialang tribe. As for the Dacheng tribe, it is still the Wu The Japanese and Chinese came to rule, but whether it was the Jialang or Dacheng people, they had to obey the management of the Kuicang clan chief Wuyan.

This time, Zhou Yiyang had to temporarily release the Thousand-Year Gu, and put the Gu on the few people in charge of the Jialang Clan, just in case.

It is estimated that no one will be able to crack the Gu under this thousand-year-old Gu.

Among the hundred ethnic groups in the Western Wilderness, the more than fifty ethnic groups that were previously subdued by the Dacheng Clan are now all under the leadership of the Kuicang Clan. Ge Yu abolished the slave system and only allowed the ethnic groups of these hundred ethnic groups to All tributes must be paid, but the amount of tribute is reduced by more than half than usual, which greatly reduces the burden on the various races.

In addition, Ge Yu also formulated a policy that as long as they submit to the rest of the Xihuang ethnic group led by the Yukuicang clan, they will not only receive the protection of the three major ethnic groups, but also enjoy the preferential treatment of halving the tax burden. The ethnic group attacked the ethnic group belonging to the Kuicang tribe, and the Kuicang tribe must send troops to assist.

As a result, the remaining nearly fifty ethnic groups, without having to send soldiers to kill, came over and took the initiative to submit to Kuicang.

In the past, these small ethnic groups, even if they did not submit to the major ethnic groups, had to pay tribute to one of the three major ethnic groups every year.

Why not get the protection of the three major ethnic groups and pay only a small portion of the tribute?

Before moving the swords and soldiers, basically all the ethnic groups have returned to the Kuicang tribe, and the Kuicang tribe should once again be named, and they are the previous Jiu'an tribe.

The entire Sangyu tribe was included in the Jiu'an tribe, and Wuyan became the king of the Sangyu.

And Ge Yu also told Princess Wuyan that after ten years, if the Jiu'an clan stays in the Kuicang clan, if the Jiu'an clan stays in the Kuicang clan, Wurihan will take over her position if the Jiu’an clan stays in the Kuicang clan. Just live a free life.

Where did Princess Wuyan want to be the king of the mulberry domain, she wished to give this position to Wurihan immediately.

Ge Yu refused, and Wurihan had to be tested for a while, so Princess Wuyan led the Sangyu for the time being, and was assisted by Yuzhu and General Wulu.

Under Hei Xiaose's persuasion, the female Xilie also came to the Jiu'an clan to help Princess Wuyan maintain the overall situation. Duke Wuyan mainly wants to rule the entire Sang Territory, and there must be someone who can be trusted by him.

After spending a few days in the mulberry field, everything was settled.

The injuries of several people have improved a lot, but the injuries of Hei Xiaose and Li Zejian still need to be taken care of, so they thought about leaving Sangyu and returning to China, and then took them to the Red Leaf Valley to find someone from the Xue family. Go and see.

There is no never-ending feast.

Although Princess Wuyan and Yuzhu were reluctant to leave Ge Yu, they still had to leave.

On the day of leaving, Princess Wuyan hugged Ge Yu and did not let go, tears wet Ge Yu's clothes. Ask Ge Yu if he can stay, as long as he is willing to stay, he can give him anything, the king of Sangyu, and even herself can give Ge Yu.

In Wuyan's opinion, in this mulberry field, Ge Yu can get everything he wants, status, status, honor, money, beauty, everything, why Ge Yu still wants to leave?

She couldn't figure out what could not be left of Ge Yu, a man like a fan.

There are too many things that Ge Yu can't give up, far beyond what a Sang Yu could give.

He has someone he likes, and there are many mysteries waiting for him to solve, and even the future Black Dragon Ancestor may have a life and death battle with him, so he had to leave.

It is worth mentioning that when they were about to leave, the female Xilie also pulled Hei Xiaose and refused to leave.

The two were tired and crooked, weeping and entangled for a long time before Hei Xiaose got out.

Hei Xiaose, who had left the female Xilie, sighed all the way, and seemed to be very reluctant to give up to the female Xilie.

Zhong Jinliang couldn't stand it anymore, and jokingly said to Hei Xiaose: "Brother Hei, if you really can't bear it, just stay here, let Princess Wuyan give you the position, you come to be the king of the mulberry field, and then Marrying the daughter Xilie, so we will have peace of mind. When the time comes, our brothers will come to see you again.

Hei Xiaose sighed heavily, glanced back in the direction of the Jiu'an clan, scolded Zhong Jinliang to get out, and then left.

A group of four people walked for a few miles, and came to the border of the mulberry field, a very cold place, where there is no vegetation, no creatures, and an extremely unstable space in the Qi field. Then Ge Yu urged the Nine Cloud Disk and took them. Several people left Sang Yu.

Leaving this time, I am afraid it will be a farewell.

I think there is no reason to go to Sang Yu again.

There was originally a space incompatible with them, and it passed by chance.

Meeting is fate, and now that fate is exhausted, Ge Yu has also done what he should do.

Using the Nine Cloud Disk to travel through the space, the place where the group of four people settled was still near the cliff on Penglai Island.

When I went, I wasn't sure where I fell in Sang Yu, but when I came, it was the same place.

Since Hei Xiaose and Li Zejian both had injuries, they left Penglai Island and headed straight for Hongye Valley.

It's just that not long after they came out here, they encountered another thing that surprised several people.

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