Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 2977: Saved her before

This happened the day after they returned to Hongye Valley.

After returning to Hongye Valley, Xue Xiaoqi quickly checked the injuries of several of them.

Ge Yu and Zhong Jinliang's situation is the best, not much damage.

Zhou Yiyang has only recovered half of his injuries and needs to stay in Hongye Valley to continue recuperating. As for Hei Xiaose and Li Zejian, the situation is the worst and needs to be treated by the two old men.

But these injuries are nothing to Xue's pharmacy, it's just a matter of time.

It hasn’t been long since I came to Hongye Valley last time. When I saw Zhou Linger again this time, my stomach was already bulging a lot, and I looked like a pregnant woman. So Xue Xiaoqi had nothing to say to Zhou Ling’er, and did everything. Don’t let her do it. It’s really like holding it in the palm of your hand for fear of falling, holding it in your mouth for fear of melting. As long as Zhou Linger does a little bit of work, she ran all the way with small steps to hold her and let her sit back on the stool. , Patted his chest and said to do it by himself.

This dog food is really envious of others.

Zhou Ling'er was free, but Ge Yu and Zhong Jinliang were a bit miserable.

The two elders were greeted by Xue Xiaoqi to cook, dispense medicine, and clean up.

In Zhou Yiyang’s words, you two guys, there’s nothing shit. You came here to eat and drink in two days. You don’t have to pay for medical treatment. When you leave, you have to take away a lot of medicinal materials that I have carefully configured. , This time should also be the time for you to work hard.

Yes, the two of them naturally had nothing to say. They were instigated by Xue Xiaoqi and were busy.

But let’s not say that Zhong Jinliang is a good cook. After all, children from poor families headed home early. Zhong Jinliang was born in a hard life and learned to take care of himself early. Cooking is not difficult for him.

On the second day they returned to Hongye Valley, Ge Yu received an inexplicable call from Jinling.

As soon as he came up, he asked if it was Ge Yu.

However, Ge Yu has no record of this phone number, completely unfamiliar.

Even Ge Yu didn't remember when he had any intersection with the people from Jinling.

Ge Yu responded and said he was Ge Yu, and asked who he was.

The other party seemed a little anxious, and asked Ge Yu if he had time to go to Jinling and needed the other party's help.

The one who called was a middle-aged man who looked very anxious.

This is a bit strange. Ge Yu doesn't know the other party at all. The other party opens his mouth and wants to help himself, and why he wants to go to a place as far away as Jinling?

Enduring curiosity, Ge Yu asked again: "This gentleman is your last name, do we know him?"

The middle-aged man quickly said: "We don’t know, but my daughter knows you and said you have great abilities. Now my daughter has an accident. Before the accident, she left a phone call for me and said you can help. we."

"Who is your daughter?" Ge Yu said again.

Although I know a lot of girls, I really can't remember one in Jinling.

Not long after, the middle-aged man said: "My daughter is Leng Bingxin, Mr. Ge, you saved her before."

Cold heart?

Ge Yu thought about it for a long time, but couldn't remember who this person was.

When did he save a girl named Leng Bingxin?

After hesitating for a while, Ge Yu asked again: "What did I save her?"

"Mr. Ge is really forgotten by the nobles. Just a few years ago, my daughter was taken away by one person and imprisoned in a water village. It was you and another person named Hei who rescued my daughter... …"

When the middle-aged man said this, Ge Yu's mind suddenly flashed, and he suddenly remembered what was going on.

It really happened many years ago. At that time, it wasn't long before I got down the mountain to chase down the real person Hongming, the master of the Hall of Refining Ghosts.

It didn’t take long to get to know Hei Xiaose at that time. Through Wanluozong, he found the whereabouts of Real Man Na Hongming, and he was hidden in a hidden water village. What is the name of the owner of that water village? .

The real Hongming guy, although he is a long old man, is very lustful.

At that time, I didn’t know where a young and beautiful girl was taken. She was 17 or 18 years old. She was very handsome. When the real Hongming was about to attack the girl, Ge Yu and Hei Xiaose suddenly appeared. Gan got down on the real person Hongming, rescued the girl, and escorted out the water village, all the way to safety.

At the time of the separation, the girl told them that she was called Leng Bingxin and her home was in Jinling City, and she was a traveling college student who was taken abducted by Na Hongming.

Had it not been for Ge Yu and Hei Xiaose's move, the girl would have been poisoned by the real person Hongming.

When the girl was separated, she insisted on Ge Yu's call, saying that she would repay them if she had a chance in the future.

It's not bad, the reward didn't wait, but it caused another trouble for myself.

Ge Yu didn't take this matter to heart, and even the girl erased it from his memory.

Had it not been for this call from the other party, it is estimated that Ge Yu would never think of this person in his life.

Since Ge Yu has done this, of course he has to admit it, so he quickly said: "Oh, I remember, it turned out to be the college student named Leng Bingxin back then. How is she recently? Who are you?"

"She's in very bad condition now, she's still lying in the hospital, she's going to die soon...You are an expert, can you come and have a look? I'm a cold-hearted father." The middle-aged man said excitedly .

"Can you tell me about the specific situation? I'm not a doctor, and maybe I can't help much." Ge Yu said.

"You can definitely help, my daughter said, but I can't explain it on the phone. How about I book you a ticket and pick you up at the airport?" the cold-hearted father said anxiously.

Can't get rid of it, and Ge Yu is indeed nothing important now. After thinking about it for a moment, he agreed.

However, Ge Yu didn't ask Leng Bingxin's father to book a plane ticket. He just said that he should pick him up at the airport. He also said that they were going to two people.

Hearing Ge Yu's acceptance, his cold-hearted father was very excited and said a lot of gratitude. He told him to contact him before boarding the plane. He sent someone to pick him up at the airport, and he agreed. Once the cold-hearted situation improves , There must be thank you.

Meeting is predestined, Taoism pays attention to random fate.

Since it is fate, it is not only good fate or evil fate, but there must be an end.

After hanging up the phone, Ge Yu told Zhong Jinliang about the matter and asked him to accompany him to Jinling. Of course, Zhong Jinliang didn't have much to say, so he responded immediately.

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