Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 814: Something is crawling

"It's too polite, but it doesn't matter if you have something to say. Brothers who have drunk together, it would be too much to say so." Zhou Yiyang smiled heartily.

Although Jiuyanghua Li Bai has a great reputation in the arena, they don't have any pretensions. If they have had a drink with them, the friendship will be completely different. After all, they have fought together before.

Especially with Li Banxian and Yue Qiang, they really fought with people together.

Ge Yu smiled and said straightforwardly: "Big Brother Yiyang, that's it. Before, I had a feud with the descendants of Southeast Asia. Last night they came to me to seek revenge and tied Hei Xiaose. He also planted a kind of head drop on him, which seems to be called Scorpion King drop. Now it is getting more serious. I don't know how to solve this head drop technique, so I came to ask if there is any way for Brother Yiyang. "

Zhou Yiyang was silent there for a while, and said, "What is the name of the head-down master you offended?"

"A total of two came. It is estimated that they are all powerful masters who can perform Feitou drop, but we killed one, and another seriously wounded and ran away. The dead head droper was named Pira, and the one who escaped was called Ni. Di, the Scorpion King on Hei Xiaose's body was planted by this head-down master named Nidi." Ge Yu said.

"Pila...Nidi..." Zhou Yiyang muttered a few words himself, and then said: "This name sounds familiar, as if I heard it somewhere."

"By the way, Brother Yiyang, they are the apprentices of Laon, the No. 1 descendant teacher in Southeast Asia." Ge Yu added.

"Oh..." Zhou Yiyang rang a long note, and said suddenly: "No wonder I heard so familiar. It turned out to be Laon's apprentice. The head-down master of Laon is not easy. Li, we almost released all our nine sun flower Li Bai, and then we were able to retreat. Then I checked Laon’s information and found that he still had five great apprentices scattered in Southeast Asia. Here, your kid is okay, you can survive being caught by Raon's apprentice, and you have killed one. You are really awesome."

"It's not me alone. I have two friends who are helping... Brother Yiyang, let's not mention this matter for the time being. My black brother is lowering his hair and feels like he is going to hang up at any time. Can you help? Brother Hei unlocked the Scorpion King descending on him." Ge Yu said anxiously.

Zhou Yiyang was silent for a moment, and then he said: "What's the situation of Brother Hei, can you tell me about the specific symptoms?"

"He is now black and black, with black threads in his eyeballs, his body is very hot, and the breath he exhales has a pungent smell, and he has been in a deep coma." Ge Yu said.

"Xiaoyu, listen to me now. Hold Hei Xiaose up and let him sit down. Then take some boiled water. First give him a few cups of boiled water. Then you can see where there is kerosene or gasoline. , The oil in the lighter is also fine. Anyway, it is something with a strong smell. You light it, let the smoke released after the oil burns, smoke it against the black nose, and see what the reaction is. Call me later." Zhou Yang said in a serious tone.

Ge Yu responded and said yes, and immediately followed his instructions.

After that, Ge Yu hung up the phone, and then told the two of them about Zhou Yiyang's instructions. Zhong Jinliang hurriedly said he was going to buy oil, and Zhang Yihan said to boil water.

After half an hour, everything is ready.

First, the cold water was poured into Hei Xiaose's mouth in several large bowls. After a short while, she heard the sound of "grumbling" in Hei Xiaose's belly, and she quickly swelled up and followed him. Ball-like.

Afterwards, Ge Yu lit the lighter oil that Zhong Jinliang bought, and placed it in a place about half a meter away from the black little nose. The black breath floated upwards, and all of them got into the black little ones. In the nostrils.

After a while, Hei Xiaose began to react. He had been in a coma, and the noise in his stomach became louder. At this time, Hei Xiaose also opened his eyes, and his throat surged, as if he was about to vomit. Look like.

"Liangzi, bring the trash can!" Ge Yu shouted.

Zhong Jinliang hurried over and took a trash can and put it next to the bed. As soon as the trash can was brought over, Hei Xiaose began to vomit. She didn’t know what was vomiting in her mouth. It was dark, like ink. Yes, I vomited half a barrel before stopping.

Ge Yu took out a towel and helped Hei Xiaose wipe his mouth. At this moment, Hei Xiaose was a little more awake. Upon closer inspection of his face, he found that the green and black color had faded a lot, and his body was still extremely weak. .

Spit out the small black color of a large pool of black things, looked around at the people, and said weakly, "My's something crawling in my stomach... Am I going to die..."

"Your uncle, you still know that you are going to die, go out every day, I said that your kid will die in the hands of a woman sooner or later, you just don't listen, now you know it's amazing." Ge Yu saw the black little color I was conscious and happy, but I couldn't help but want to scold him.

"Xiaoyu, you...I've made friends with you for nothing...I'm like this, you still said that I...I'm so uncomfortable..."

As he said, Hei Xiaose retched again, spit out a mass of black things, and lay directly on the bed, panting.

Ge Yu looked at the black vomit in the trash can, and found that among the black vomit, there were some unformed scorpion eggs, and some had formed, but they were all dead. .

Seeing these things spit out, and Hei Xiaose woke up again, Ge Yu was overjoyed and quickly called Zhou Yiyang again.

The call was quickly connected, and Ge Yu couldn't wait to say: "Brother Yiyang, Hei Xiaose woke up, and vomited out a large group of scorpion eggs. Has this drop been untied?"

Zhou Yiyang said, "Is there a red Emperor poisonous scorpion in the vomit? About the size of a thumb..."

"I didn't pay attention to this." Ge Yu said.

"Then go and see..." Zhou Yiyang ordered.

Ge Yu took the phone and turned back again. He found a chopstick and rummaged in the vomit for a while. However, he did not find the red emperor poisonous scorpion that Zhou Yiyang said. He was afraid that something was missing. Ge Yu endured the nausea and searched it again, but still couldn't find it, so he told Zhou Yiyang no.

Zhou Yiyang over there sighed: "Scorpion is most afraid of water and things with strong irritating smell, so I let you drink a lot of water and smell some irritating smell, but The red female scorpion didn't come out, and it wouldn't be a solution to drop her head."

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