Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 815: Rushed to Ludong Hongye Valley

"I'm going, what can I do, this King Scorpion is puzzled, isn't Black Brother only a dead end? Or I will give him some more water to try. If it doesn't work, I will put him in a gasoline tank. Soaking." Ge Yu said excitedly.

"No! You didn't get this scorpion mother out for the first time. If you take any action, you will only be able to kill the snake. This should be a kind of unique insect drop. Only the one who dropped the black brother can unlock it. Don't try a second time. Once the scorpion mother in Brother Hei is irritated, it will be tossed hard in Brother Hei's body. When the time comes, Brother Hei's life will really not be saved." Zhou Yiyang warned seriously. .

Ge Yu was a little panicked at the moment, and said depressed: "Since that Nidi has lowered his head to Hei Xiaolu, we are already dead enemies. It is impossible to let him surrender to Brother Hei. ?"

"It is not completely impossible for him to surrender. Unless you hold him and force him to do it, there is no way for him to understand it, right?" Zhou Yiyang reminded.

"Brother Yiyang meant to let me go to Southeast Asia to find him?" Ge Yu said somewhat unexpectedly.

"There is no other way. You should not go there unless you have to. Our Nine Sun Flower Li Bai went there once and almost wiped out the whole army. The cultivators in that place are very evil..." paused. Zhou Yiyang said again: "Well, I suggest you go to Ludong Red Leaf Valley and find Xue Xiaoqi. Their medical skills are derived from Miaojiang witch doctors. Maybe the people of the Xue family can help Black Brother solve this Scorpion King, if you really can't solve it, you can only go to Southeast Asia."

"I don't know if Brother Hei can persist until that time..." Ge Yu said worriedly.

"No one can say for this. According to the current situation, the scorpion mother will continue to lay eggs in Brother Hei's body, relying on swallowing the menstrual blood in Brother Hei's body for a living. Once the menstrual blood supply is insufficient, she will start to swallow the internal organs. At that time, he will definitely die. During this time, let him eat as much fat as possible, and then send it to Hongyegu as soon as possible. There is no other better way." Zhou Yiyang replied.

Ge Yu let out a sigh of relief and said, "Well then, I'll leave for Ludi at dawn to find Little Seven Brother."

"Well, remember to call me if you have anything to do. I still have things to do on Baodao. I can't get out of it. I believe the people of the Xue family will definitely have a way." Zhou Yiyang said again.

The two chatted briefly, and then hung up.

Ge Yu turned his head to tell Zhong Jinliang and Zhang Yihan about the matter, and both of them inevitably became a little worried.

At this moment, after highlighting the big mouthful of black things, Hei Xiaose fell asleep again groggy.

After tossing for a long time, the sky was about to dawn again, Ge Yu said decisively: "I will send him to Hongye Valley."

"Then I will go too, and follow Brother Yu to see the big scene." Zhong Jinliang said.

"He is my little uncle, and I will follow, otherwise I don't worry." Zhang Yihan said.

"Don't go, you are too injured. You will definitely not be able to handle the bumps along the way. You should stay at Jiangcheng University and cultivate well. You can rest assured that we can take good care of Brother Black." Ge Yu arrived.

Zhang Yihan also knows that his body is struggling to move around now, and following them is also a burden. It is estimated that it will take several days to walk normally, so he didn't force it, and said, "Well, I will wait for your news in Jiangcheng."

Right now, Ge Yu made a call with Crow Tan Ye and asked him to send someone over to send them to Lu Dong.

Ye Tan agreed in one gulp, saying that he would send someone to the gate of Gulan Community to pick them up.

More than half an hour later, a Mercedes-Benz RV parked at the gate of Gulan Community. Zhong Jinliang went downstairs with a small black color on his back and put him on the RV.

And Zhang Yihan stayed in the Gulan community to cultivate, waiting for them to come back.

The person sent by Master Tan was a young man, in his twenties and very obedient. When he saw Ge Yu, he called Master Yu and helped Zhong Jinliang put the little black color on the car.

In the car, Ge Yu took out his mobile phone and called Xue Xiaoqi from Hongyegu. The last time they were in eastern Guangdong, they also met each other and drank together. They were friends, and there were Xue Xiaoqi will definitely not ignore the relationship between Li Banxian and Yue Qiang.

Sure enough, after dialing Xue Xiaoqi's phone number, when Ge Yu told Xue Xiaoqi about the situation, Xue Xiaoqi did not hesitate at all, so he just asked Ge Yu to send the people over. He waited in the village. they.

Afraid of the bumps along the way, the black body couldn't stand it, so Ge ​​Yu specially asked Tan Ye to prepare an RV.

Hei Xiaose's situation is very bad. She woke up at noon and said that she was hungry as soon as she opened his eyes. Then Ge Yu asked the driver to stop the car and bought Hei Xiaose in a small restaurant. Lots of braised pork.

Ge Yu remembered Zhou Zhou Yang reminded himself that he should eat fat meat for Hei Xiaose and provide nutrients to the scorpion mother in her belly. If she didn't eat it, the scorpion mother should eat Hei Xiaose's internal organs.

As soon as the braised pork was taken, Hei Xiaose was just gobbled up. Ge Yu also specially ordered the fat. Hei Xiaose was very fragrant, and she swallowed all the fat without much effort.

After eating and drinking, Hei Xiaose became groggy again and continued to sleep.

So, after walking for more than ten hours on the road, when they arrived at Ludong, it was already dark.

Ge Yu came to this place for the first time. According to Hei Xiaose, they drove the car directly to a scenic spot called Hongye Valley.

As soon as the car stopped, Ge Yu called Xue Xiaoqi, and before the phone was connected, he saw Xue Xiaoqi standing not far away waving at him.

Ge Yu hurriedly walked over, grabbed Xue Xiaoqi's hand, and said excitedly: "Little Seven Brother, let's meet again...this time I must trouble you."

"My brother, don't be so polite, Xue's medicine store is still some distance away from here, no traffic, please take people away quickly, don't waste time." Xue Xiaoqi said.

Over there, Zhong Jinliang had already carried Black Xiaose off the car, and directly followed the two of them and walked forward.

Not a few steps away, Xue Xiaoqi turned to look at Ge Yu and said, "Brother Xiaoyu, your injury is not light. I will return to Hongye Valley later and drink some of the perfect match I gave you. Tonic soup, the body can recover faster."

Ge Yu was stunned for a moment, thinking that he was a genius doctor. He shook his hand with Xue Xiaoqi just now, and the other party knew how his injuries were, and now he had a lot more confidence in Xue Xiaoqi's ability to be cured.

I just don't know what the Shiquan Dabutang mentioned by Xue Xiaoqi is. I really want to see it.

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