Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 868: Put your hands up!

Ge Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief after eliminating Sugeli. This person's strength was very strong. Ge Yu expected that Sugeli must have some powerful tactics that he had not released. Once released, he might be unable to resist. After working hard for a while, Ge Yu didn't give him another chance. If these two tricks didn't kill Sugeli, Ge Yu could only be killed by Sugeli.

Fortunately, this guy was killed by himself.

After that, Ge Yu immediately turned around and walked in the direction of Tila, and saw Tila still lying on the ground, already fainted, Tila’s son stood by her side and kept calling her mother, this At that time, the kid remembered Tila's words, and did not reach out to touch Tila's body.

And Ge Yu took a closer look at Tila, only to find that the snake venom on Tila only spread to the position of her neck, and did not go up any more. Before, Ge Yu saw that her skin was black and blue. The color is very rich, and when I look at it now, I find that the green and black color seems to be much lighter.

This situation shows that the medicine Xue Xiaoqi gave himself to get rid of snake venom played a certain role, but it was not completely effective.

"Uncle...what's wrong with my mother?" the child raised his head, with tears on his face.

"It's okay... Your mother was just poisoned and bitten by a poisonous snake, but I will save him, don't worry." In this way, Ge Yu is just comforting the child, can you save Tiara, Ge Yu has no eyebrows at all.

Now that he is close, Ge Yu could not help but take a deep breath when he looked at the child carefully. This kid really looks a lot like Wu Jiuyin, especially the heroic air between his brows and eyes. It really follows his father. Ah, bring this kid to Wu Jiuyin's side, Wu Jiuyin said it wasn't his son and no one believed him.

When I didn’t know what to do, suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps from not far away, which scared Ge Yu, and quickly raised the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword again, thinking that an enemy was coming, but When I looked over there, I saw that Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose were rushing towards this side.

Accompanied by these people, there are breaths of various colors floating in front of them.

Those old ghosts can find him through the Spirit Gathering Tower, and Zhong Jinliang and others can find themselves.

Involuntarily speaking, as soon as the old ghosts came over, they all went into the Spirit Gathering Tower.

When Li Zejian and the others came, they were all in shock, panting, and there was a lot of blood on their bodies, especially Zhong Jinliang, who seemed to be injured and bleeding on his shoulders.

"Xiao Jiu, let's go quickly. The Thai police have already been alarmed, and they have almost surrounded this place. Let's escape quickly." Li Zejian said.

"Where are those of Song En?" Ge Yu asked.

"We killed most of them. Some ran away. Some saw the police coming, but they all ran away. We followed the old ghost in the spirit gathering tower to find you, so we should withdraw quickly." Hei Xiaose also urged.

"Oh, what's wrong with my sister-in-law, Tila?" Zhong Jinliang clutched her shoulders and looked at Tila who was lying on the ground.

"Don't mention it, the poisonous snake released by Sugeli was bitten. I gave her Xue Xiaoqi's medicine. For a while, there should be no life worry for the time being." Ge Yu said depressed.

"Let's go!" Without a word, Li Zejian directly pulled the ground on his back and ran in the direction of the exit.

As soon as I lifted my back, I saw the flashlight behind me shaking, and the police must have found the underground parking lot.

If it is surrounded by Thai slivers, this matter will be a big deal, and few people dared to stay for a long time, and ran in the direction of the exit.

Several of them were practitioners, and they were very fast. When they were leaving, Ge Yu took Tira's son in his arms and ran towards the exit.

But when everyone walked to the exit, they discovered that there was a group of people in police uniforms blocking their way.

"Don't move, raise your hand!"

All the guns were aimed at Ge Yu and the others. There were as many as 20 or 30 Thai policemen surrounding this exit. Everyone was shocked. They thought that this was over. They were not killed by Song En, but they were about to fall. In the hands of these Thai slivers.

However, Ge Yu was just taken aback, and soon had an idea. He held the lift with one hand, and suddenly reached out with the other hand, grabbed the Li Zejian on the side, and instantly spurred Earth Escape, and I flashed!

At the moment when the Earth Escape Technique was activated, the Thai police only felt that there was a flower in front of them, as if a few people were missing, and now there were only two people around them.

One is black and the other is Zhong Jinliang. When Ge Yu grabbed Li Zejian and fled, Li Zejian was still carrying a lift, and the three people were moved out at once.

And Ge Yu urged the ground escape technique, and immediately dodged to a place 200 meters away, and directly avoided the encirclement of these Thai policemen.

The Thai policemen who were surrounding them suddenly looked awkward. Oh my god, what happened, people?

Standing here just now, people disappeared in an instant.

Some Thai police officers suspected that they were dazzled, and kept rubbing their eyes, looking at Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose again.

As soon as Hei Xiaose saw Ge Yu used the land escape technique to move Li Zejian and the others out, she felt relieved and said with a smile to the Thai police: "Friends, don't get excited, be careful that the gun goes off, we won't run..."

As soon as these words were finished, the Thai policemen were in front of them again, and Ge Yu, who had disappeared just now, appeared on the scene again.

"Give me your hand." Ge Yu shouted.

Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose immediately grabbed Ge Yu's hand separately, and then Ge Yu performed the earth escape technique once again, leading them to disappear out of thin air in full view, leaving behind a group of bewildered Thailand The police were messy in the wind.

Ge Yu was not far away from the place, not far from the gate of Siam Hotel. There was such a big disturbance in this place, and many people died. Naturally, a large number of people stopped and watched. Ge Yu showed up with others. In the crowd, no one noticed them either.

However, it is still not safe to stay here. After a few people met, Li Zejian said first: "Go, leave here first."

At the moment, when everyone was about to leave here, suddenly a van drove up in front of it and stopped beside Ge Yu and the others. After the glass was opened, someone eagerly said, "Get in the car!"

When several people looked at the man, they immediately felt relieved, because this man was Tila's subordinate, the man named Songkhla.

This is Thira's cronies, who can be trusted. At the moment, everyone opened the door and got into the car directly.

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