Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 869: Things are messed up

After getting in Songkhla's car, everyone's hearts were relieved.

Ge Yu took a deep breath, and everyone was limp on the seat. Before dealing with that Sugeri, he was a little exhausted even when he expanded his moves. Just now, he urged several times to escape, and his spiritual energy was huge. , The sweat on her body soaked her clothes, and she didn't want to move while sitting there.

Songka, who was driving, looked back at Tila, who had passed out, and saw that his face was black and could not help asking, "What's wrong with Tila?"

"Poisoned, bitten by Sugri's cockscomb snake." Ge Yu replied feebly.

Songkhla, who was driving, slammed the brakes and shook his body and almost flew out of the car.

"Sugeli's hot coal cockscomb snake is highly poisonous, not to mention biting it, it will die if it touches that stuff, so Sister Tila will not survive?" Songka said with a sad expression.

"Drive your car well, I'll show him, now is to take us to a safe place temporarily." Hei Xiaose said.

Although Songka was anxious, she couldn't help much, so she could only continue driving.

Hei Xia Se hurriedly got to Tila's side, held one of Tila's hands, and carefully felt the injury of Tila with the Qing Yuan Jue. After a while, she said, "Fortunately, I think Tila should not die. The venom has not spread to the heart, it has been contained. Although it looks serious now, it can still be saved."

After a pause, Hei Xiaose raised her head to look at Ge Yu, and said, "What did you feed her?"

Ge Yu nodded noncommitantly, and said, "I gave Tira some antidote for snake venom given by Little Seven Brother. The situation was urgent at the time. I didn't know if I could detoxify. I ate most of it for her. is useful."

"Fortunately, your kid gave her medicine. Otherwise, people would have died of poisoning. When we find a place to stay, I will use Qing Yuan Jue to see if I can force the snake venom out of her." Hei Xiaose Tao.

Zhong Jinliang was also injured at this moment, Li Zejian tore a piece of cloth from his body, temporarily helped him stop the bleeding, and bandaged the wound.

Songkhla drove the car and drove fast on the streets of Pattaya. At first it was an avenue, and then turned to a small road. Between rounds and turns, the car stopped under a building, and then Songkhla greeted Everyone got off the car.

Li Zejian put Tila on his back again. Ge Yu hugged Tila’s son and entered this building behind Songkhla. He took the elevator to the fifth floor and stopped at the door of a house. Songkhla was very rhythmic. I knocked on the door a few times, three long and one short. After a while, someone asked in it: "Who are you looking for?"

"I am Songkhla, the eldest sister is back." Songkhla said.

Immediately after the door opened, everyone saw that it was the familiar Buwen, and hurriedly greeted everyone to enter the house.

Buvin stayed at the door for a while, and saw no one coming, and then closed the door.

As soon as everyone entered the room, they put the lift on the sofa inside the room.

The child in Ge Yu's arms has always been behaved, just keep asking Ge Yu what's wrong with his mother.

Ge Yu comforted the boy that it was okay, and his mother would get better soon.

At this time, when I went to look at Tira again, I found that the blue and black color on her body was a bit more obvious, and it was obvious that the toxin had begun to spread.

Although the medicine Xue Xiaoqi gave can contain the snake venom, it can't completely prescribe the right medicine. If you don't think of a solution as soon as possible, there is a real possibility of life worrying about lifting.

At the moment, Hei Xiaose directly sat cross-legged on the sofa, and Ge Yu also helped lift Tila's body up and let Tila sit with Hei Xiaose face to face.

Hei Xiaose wanted to use Wudang Mountain's unique Qing Yuan Jue to help Tila to force the snake venom out of her body.

But seeing Hei Xiaose quickly pinched a few magic tricks, a golden glow suddenly floated on the tips of her fingers, and then moved towards the center of the lifted eyebrows, and then grabbed the lifted hand and turned the strength of Qing Yuan Jue towards Pouring into the body of lifting.

At the beginning, Hei Xiaose's body was haunted by a cloud of clear and misty air, and as Qing Yuan Jue's power continued to strengthen, the clear and misty air suddenly spread to Tila's body.

Everyone was standing in the living room, staring at Hei Xiaose and Tira for a moment, feeling nervous, and didn't know whether Hei Xiaose could help Tira to remove the snake venom.

After about ten minutes or so, sweat was drenched on the black forehead, and the body began to shake slightly, and suddenly a white breath came out of the lifted head.

At this time, everyone discovered that the black color on Tila's body began to fade little by little. After Tila's hands turned into a normal color, there was no more white on the top of her head. The smoke evaporates.

Suddenly, Lifting snorted, and she shook her body. Hei Xiaose quickly released the lifting hand, and when she lifted a mouth, a mouthful of white smoked black blood came out, and then she fell straight. On the sofa.

Songka hurriedly stepped forward and cleaned up the black blood spit out by Tira, and couldn't wait to ask: "What's going on with Sister Tira... is it all right?"

As he fell on the sofa, Hei Xiaose directly slumped down, and when he went to see Hei Xiaose, he found that all his clothes were soaked, as if he had ran a ten-kilometer cross-country in one breath.

" should be, I'm so tired, let me sleep for a while." Hei Xiaose directly closed her eyes and fell asleep reclining on the sofa.

Ge Yu saw Tila's face recovered as before, although it was a little pale, but the pulse had returned to steady.

At the moment, he picked up the lift and put it in the bedroom, and let him rest temporarily. As for the black color, just let him sleep on the sofa.

When all the dust settled, everyone followed and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, a group of black and red evil spirits suddenly floated in from the window, quickly condensed into a human form, and floated in front of everyone.

"Auntie Feng!" Ge Yu said, looking at it.

"Master... I messed up your business and failed to kill that person..." Aunt Feng said apologetically.

When Ge Yu looked at Aunt Feng carefully, he found that Aunt Feng's expression looked very painful, and the whole body was not as strong as before, so he knew that he was injured.

"What's the matter?" Ge Yu asked.

"That person has the body of a Buddhist monk's relic. I can't get close at all, and he even sprinkled me with the ashes of a high monk. I chased me all the way. It was too far away from the spiritual gathering pagoda and I couldn't continue anymore. Chasing forward... You know, I can't be too far from the Spirit Gathering Tower." Aunt Feng said helplessly.

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