Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1035: I want to see the real dragon

There was no need to greet Ge Yu, the rest of the people also found the two guys with cloaks rushing towards them, quickly.

The reaction of the few of them was not slow. They immediately hunched their waists and moved quickly. When a few people left the place for about ten meters, Ge Yu grabbed the black arm and directly urged to escape. The technique instantly moved to a place a hundred meters away.

And Zhong Jinliang also took Zhao Yan home, urged Xianluanbu's tricks, rushed over quickly, and gathered with Ge Yu.

Within a few seconds, a few people had moved silently to a safe place, at least a hundred meters away from the place where they had just stayed.

Unexpectedly, a few of them had just hidden their bodies. Suddenly, the two cloaked guys went straight through the forest and continued to chase them in this direction.

Could it be that when he urged the evasion technique just now, he stirred up the Qichang, and the other party discovered something, so he chased him.

Ge Yu's heart sank and put his hand on the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword at his waist, thinking that if he couldn't get rid of it, he would just do it with them.

Uncle, who is afraid of whom?

Everyone saw Ge Yu's expression with a solemn expression, and they all understood what Ge Yu thought, and they waited in full battle, waiting for the two cloaked guys to come to this side. After thinking about it, they would get into trouble and solve them first. Let's talk about these two troubles.

Holding his breath, watching the two guys with cloaks get closer and closer to them, seventy meters...50 meters...30 meters...

Suddenly, what a few people did not expect was that there was a dog barking from where they didn’t know. A big yellow dog flashed past where they were hiding, headed towards the deep forest, and swayed. The body is gone.

The two cloaked guys with big swords were taken aback for a moment, and glanced in the direction where the big yellow dog was running.

"Wang Laosan, don't look for it. It's a special dog for a long time. I thought we were being targeted by someone." A man with a cloak said irritably.

"The boss is still too cautious. If there can be anyone in the barren mountains and old forests of Shennongjia, we don't need to go to that place anymore. All this way is all these beasts." The man also complained.

"No, I think that big yellow dog doesn't seem to be a wild dog, it looks like a domesticated dog..." the man said again.

"Follow it, it's just a dog anyway. Maybe some native dogs in the villages around Shennongjia got lost. It's not surprising that they ran to this place. Let's go quickly and don't delay our journey." The man in the cloak waved his hand, and then the two of them left the place and turned back along the same path.

Just now, the two people were less than 30 meters away from them. As long as you walk a little further, you can find them. The three of them are also nervous.

But now that they were gone, several people could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm going...Isn't that big yellow dog owned by Mr. Chen Tiancheng? Why did it get here..." Hei Xiaose was puzzled.

As he was talking, there were footsteps behind him. Zhao Yangui took out a flying knife from his body. When he was about to do it, suddenly a voice came over: "Don't do it... it's me..."

When several people looked back, they were surprised that Chen Tiancheng's granddaughter Chen Yu actually followed.

The girl smiled slightly at several people, and the cat ran over with her waist, squatting down beside them with a scent of fragrance.

"You... why did your girl follow?" Hei Xiaose asked incredible.

"Why can't I come...this Shennongjia is not yours...I will come if I want to..." Chen Yu smiled mischievously.

"Sister Chen Yu, it's dangerous here. You should leave quickly. You must have ran out with your grandfather on your back? If your grandfather can't find you in a while, you will definitely be anxious." Zhong Jinliang said anxiously.

"You people really have no conscience. If I hadn't used rhubarb to lead those two people away, you have been exposed now. I was kind to help you, but you actually wanted to drive me away..." Chen Yu pretended to be angry Said.

"Sister Chen Yu, it’s really dangerous here. The guys with cloaks you saw just now are killing people. Everyone has a high level of cultivation, and we are going to Laolonggou this time. That place is even more dangerous. Unpredictable, it's not a joke, you go back quickly, in case you have a mistake, we can't explain to your grandpa." Ge Yu also whispered.

"I know what you are doing. Isn't it just looking for that real dragon? I have never seen a real dragon. I want to see with you for a long time." Chen Yu bit her red lips, a little coquettishly. Looking at the crowd, the expression of prayer on his face immediately made them lose their temper.

"Danger, go quickly!" Zhao Yangui, a cold-faced guy, but regardless of these things, he just started to rush.

Then Chen Yu suddenly had a temper, pursed his red lips, and lowered his face, saying: "I don't care, I will follow you, I want to see the real dragon, you can take me there, I I just yelled, draw those people with cloaks over, I see how you guys go..."

This is considered to be an army of all the people, and he is a little helpless. Zhao Yangui's face is solemn, his face sinks immediately, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Little girl, if you don't behave, I will knock you out and throw you in this valley. , I'm not kidding."

"Dare you, you are a big man bullying me and a little girl. If you want to do it, let's try it. I'm not afraid of you." Chen Yu took out a short gun from behind and shook it in front of everyone. Get up.

Hei Xiaose was shocked when he saw how noisy this girl was. Those people hadn't gone far yet, and if they started moving their hands here, they would definitely be attracted.

At that moment, Hei Xia Se grabbed the short gun in her hand and said pitifully, "Oh my aunt, can you stop for a while? When I first saw you, I thought you girl was pretty reliable. Why is that? If it can be noisy, maybe all of us will be reimbursed."

"You take me to Laolonggou, I'll be obedient, I promise to listen to you everything, okay?" Chen Yu pursed his mouth again and scorned.

Zhong Jinliang and Zhao Yangui both looked at Ge Yu at this time, and asked him to pay attention. This girl must be unsure, and she is dependent on them.

Ge Yu took a deep breath and said, "Well, you can follow along if you want, but if you encounter danger in a while, you must leave!"

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