Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1036: Unpredictable

Hearing Ge Yu finally agreed, Chen Yu almost jumped up with excitement, grabbed Ge Yu's arm and said, "Brother Yu, you are so kind, thank you."

"Master Yu, I'm afraid it's wrong to take a woman." Zhao Yangui looked at Ge Yu with a solemn expression.

Ge Yu knew what Zhao Yangui meant, and not to mention the unpredictable danger of going to Laolonggou this time. The few of them were not protected by themselves. They had no bottom in their hearts. Then suddenly a girl appeared to follow them, which was tantamount to An extra oil bottle has increased their difficulty. Furthermore, this time going to Laolonggou seems to have changed again. A group of guys with cloaks suddenly appeared here, and they were also heading in the direction of Laolonggou, obviously also rushing to the real dragon. , Things began to become complicated and complicated. Maybe they hadn't seen the real dragon before they started fighting.

Chen Yu was young, twenty-eight years old, ignorant and ignorant. A few of them didn't understand this girl. Everything was an unknown change. Just like a time bomb around him, it was impossible to guard against. Furthermore, Seeing that her cultivation is not very strong, if something really happens, I am afraid that everyone will not be able to take care of her.

Ge Yu looked at Zhao Yangui, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Don't let her follow, do you have a better way?"

Zhao Yangui, who asked this question, was also speechless, unable to fight, and unable to drive away. This was really depressing.

Seeing the expressions of helplessness on several people, the girl Chen Yu grinned and relieved everyone: "Please put your heart in your stomach, I will not trouble you, I can take care of it. I, and Laolonggou, I've been to this place before. Although I haven't been to that place, I know where the location of Laolonggou is, and I can show you the way."

"Sister Chen Yu...really dangerous." Zhong Jinliang reminded again.

"I'm not afraid. Anyway, it's the decision. I'll follow you and go quickly. It will get dark after a while." Chen Yu urged.

At the moment, everyone had no choice but to agree, walked carefully to the front, and returned to the place just now.

When they walked to that place, they could still see the people with cloaks, escorting seven young girls towards Laolonggou, but they were already a hundred meters away from where they were hiding. Up.

At this time, Ge Yu took a deep breath and said to everyone: "I found an old acquaintance just now, and there was a big holiday with me. I didn't expect that he would also appear here."

"Who is it, is it one of those people with cloaks?" Hei Xiaose asked.

"You may not know him. That person is called Uncle Beiming Ghost. He is a very powerful evil cultivator. When I was helping to deal with the haunting of a square of Ling Junhao, this Uncle Beiming Ghost was arranged around the square. The magic circle, and there is still a silver armor corpse buried in the underground parking lot. If I hadn't used the Maoshan God Fighting Technique and invited the powerful consciousness of my master, perhaps I would have died in the north. In the hands of Uncle Minggui, this person has a very high level of cultivation. It is estimated that he is about the same rank as the Zhiyan Zhenren of Longhushan Great Xingtang. Among the people with cloaks he carries, there are many masters. I really don’t know Beibei. How could Uncle Minggui appear in this place?" Ge Yu said with some worry.

"It's still necessary to think about it. It must be for the real dragon. It's ill-intentioned. Come on. Let's follow and see what they want to do. It can help us find the way. If the situation is not good, we can still Flee in advance." Hei Xiaose said.

"I know something about the person you are talking about." Zhao Yangui said suddenly.

"Do you know him?" Ge Yu was a little surprised.

"I don’t know him, I’ve just heard that this person can be regarded as an evil cultivator in China. He often uses living people to refine corpses and cultivate various powerful ghosts. These powerful characters are recorded in special files by Wan Luozong. I I have seen things about this person before." Zhao Yan returned.

"There is a real dragon appearing in Shennongjia. In addition to you Wanluozong and us, it is the old man Chen Tiancheng who knows. Where did the ghost uncle Beiming know this?" Hei Xiaose intentionally or unintentionally Chen Yu said with a glance.

Chen Yuqiao's face sank and said, "You don't suspect that my grandfather leaked secrets, do you? I tell you, this is impossible. My grandfather would never do this kind of thing. The whole Shennongjia is so big, and the real dragon is here. The many visions that came out were not only seen by my grandfather and I, there must be others who would notice..."

This is not bad. Shennongjia is a few thousand kilometers away, and it is impossible to be surrounded by their grandfather and grandson. Perhaps there are other practitioners here who noticed this matter and spread it, but the hearts of the people are unpredictable. No one can tell about this.

It's just that, things started to become more complicated. Maybe they were facing not only the real dragon, but also the enemies of Uncle Bei Ming.

However, Ge Yu was not afraid. The few people around him were not weak. Zhong Jinliang’s injuries had been fully recovered, and the thousand-year demon element of the snake girl that Ge Yu had swallowed was almost completely digested in his body. It was the strongest. In its prime, Ge Yu wouldn't fall into a disadvantage if he had hardened steel with Uncle Bei Ming.

It's just not certain, what is the cultivation level of those people with Uncle Bei Ming Ghost.

These can only depend on the situation, and they may not be able to fight.

After a while, when the people had gone far, about a kilometer or so away from them, they left their hiding place and chased the people like Uncle Beiming Ghost all the way.

With Zhao Yangui here, they don’t have to worry about losing people with them. Zhao Yangui is very good at tracking enemies, so a large group of people will inevitably leave a lot of traces wherever they go. It is not difficult to find, just the distance between the two sides. Keep it well and don't let the other party find someone following them here.

Zhao Yangui and Ge Yu walked in front, Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose were in charge of looking at Chen Yu. I don’t know when, the big yellow dog ran back and followed Chen Yu, wagging its tail. Along the way, Chen Yu Yu didn't seem to be worried about the Lao Longgou, and he had been talking and laughing with Zhong Jinliang.

And Ge Yu, who was walking in the front, asked Zhao Yan in a low voice: "Going back to the big brother, it is said that the old man Chen Tiancheng sees through the red dust and lives in the mountains and forests. He should not take money and other things into his eyes. Why should I sell you Wanluozong? What about this news?"

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