Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1039: Blood sacrifice

It's too tragic.

Unspeakably tragic.

Those seven girls who were brought by Beiming Ghost Uncle and others all died at the entrance of this old dragon cave.

If they were hacked and killed, it would be fine, this kind of death would not make everyone so shocked and angry, all because these girls' death method was too tragic.

They were all lying face-to-face on the ground. Once they opened their hands and legs in a "big" shape. On their limbs, they used a kind of ghost nails, which directly penetrated the palms and soles of their feet, and they were physically nailed. On the ground, and between their eyebrows, a ghost head nail was also nailed, which pierced their heads and was also nailed to the ground.

This kind of ghost head nails are about 20 centimeters long. At that time, these girls must have been pressed to the ground first. When they were still alive, they nailed the ghost head nails to their hands and feet, and finally put the ghost heads. The nail hit the center of the eyebrows, pierced through the brain, and died.

It’s hard to imagine how much pain these girls should have endured at the time. What’s more terrifying is that watching the pictures of their companions being nailed to the ground and tragically dying, the process of waiting for themselves to be killed is the most tormented. .

These girls, lying on the ground like this, all of them stared at them, with their eyes wide open. From their eyebrows and hands and feet, there was still blood flowing quietly, including their mouths. The blood dripped with blood.

Seven girls, all under the age of twenty, were killed in the most tragic way.

The great years were ended today.

When everyone saw this terrible picture, they all stood there in a daze. For five minutes, no one spoke, only the heavy gasps from everyone reflected each other.

Ge Yu's heart was very painful. He never expected that the people like Uncle Beiming Ghost would be so vicious that they would kill them all here.

If he knew that these girls would be fate like this, even if Ge Yu desperately died, he would have to rescue these poor girls.

However, everything is too late now. These girls are all dead. In addition to the endless grief and anger in Ge Yu's heart, there is also deep self-blame. He blamed himself for not attacking and saving them.

"This group of damned gods is so cruel, I'm going in and kill them all!" Zhong Jinliang drew out the folding fan from his body, and then ran towards the old dragon cave, being held by the black color on the side. : "Ryoko, don't be impulsive, it's not too late to figure out the situation before going in!"

"Fuck me, you understand! What are these clutters doing? Didn't you see?" With such a good temper, Zhong Jinliang suddenly couldn't stand it when he saw such a scene. His eyes were red and his teeth were gritted. At this moment, he just wanted to kill, exactly the same as Zhao Yangui before.

"Liangzi, listen to Brother Hei, don't be impulsive, go in rashly, it's dangerous." Ge Yu looked at Zhong Jinliang and said.

For Ge Yu, Zhong Jinliang was completely convinced. Hearing what Ge Yu said, his anger was slowly suppressed.

Hei Xiaose walked to the corpse of a girl, squatted down, and examined it carefully before she said: "It didn't take long for the person to die, it should be less than half an hour. It is estimated that the Zhao Yangui brothers just came here, and they just left. , You said...Why did you guys like Uncle Beiming Ghost kill these girls at the entrance of this old dragon cave?"

"They are offering sacrifices. Using the blood of these virgin girls, they rushed through the layout at the entrance of the cave. I think this old dragon cave should have been sealed off before. Look, the bodies of these girls are obviously in accordance with Arranged by the law circle."

I don't know when, Zhao Yangui appeared in front of everyone again, he had restored his previous calm, but his face became more gloomy.

"Sacrifice? What the **** is this... Who made the arrangement at the entrance of Laolong Cave?" Hei Xiaose looked at Zhao Yan and returned.

"I have stayed in Wanluo Sect for several years, and I have received a lot of business. I have been exposed to similar things. When the fog around this cave began to fill, the real dragon had already made arrangements. The surroundings were sealed off, and the old dragon cave was the first to be blocked. If you want to break through the dragon, you must use the blood of these seven women to sacrifice, and you must also set up a seven evil formation with blood. The grievances with the seven girls will open the blockade in the old dragon cave before they can enter it." Zhao Yangui introduced.

Hearing Zhao Yangui’s introduction, several people understood why these girls died here. It seems that the group of Uncle Beiming had been prepared for it. It is estimated that it was earlier than they knew the real dragon appeared. Otherwise, they won't have enough time to find these virgin girls.

"These people are really damned. When I saw this scene, I was almost mad. In order to achieve their goals, these people are really unscrupulous." Zhao Yangui said again.

"Let's go, let's kill these scourges first, avenge these girls, and then find the Dragon Birth Wannian Pearl." Hei Xiaose said harshly.

"This old dragon cave is estimated to be more dangerous, and the road behind it is even harder to walk." Zhao Yangui looked at the old dragon cave and said.

At this time, Ge Yu's gaze fell on Chen Yu again. This girl kept crying after seeing the tragic picture in front of her. She hadn't had much contact with the outside world, and this **** scene should have been. It's the first time I saw it, so I have this kind of performance.

Ge Yu and the others have experienced a lot of fighting scenes, so they can still maintain a kind of restraint on the bottom line.

"Sister Chen Yu, you have also seen the dangers here. Don't go in this old dragon cave. Wait for us here. If you don't see us coming out of the old dragon cave tomorrow morning, you can leave here. Keep walking in one direction, maybe you can get out of this place, or you just wait here. After your grandfather finds out that you are no longer there, he will definitely come to look for you near this old dragon cave. Then you can leave with him. "Ge Yu persuaded.

Then Chen Yu recovered from the shock, and a few more tears fell, shook his head firmly, and said, "No, I can't go, I want to be with you, and I want to kill those too. People with cloaks avenge these sisters and sisters."

"Sister Chen Yu, there have been so many things happening before entering the cave, and it is even more unpredictable inside. Why do you have to go in? Let us take revenge. You are a girl and you should not participate. We promise , They must be killed." Hei Xiaose said.

"No, I will be with you, if you don't take me, I will go in by myself." Chen Yu still insisted.

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