Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1040: Concealed Weapon

I thought that after seeing the bodies of these girls, Chen Yu would be scrupulous. He was able to obey her own persuasion and leave here. She never thought that this girl was also an enthusiastic person. Seeing the pictures of these girls tragically dying, not only was she not scared back. The idea of ​​revenge for them also emerged, which Ge Yu did not expect.

The children of the rivers and lakes, perhaps there is a kind of chivalrous tenderness from the bones, Ge Yu saw that she could not persuade her, so he stopped persuading her, waved at them, and then took a step towards the old dragon cave. Go in the direction.

As for the corpses of the girls on the ground, there is no time to constrain at this moment. If they can leave here alive and obtain the Dragon's Birth Ball, they must be buried well, and then help them to supervise and comfort them. These poor souls.

But then again, they followed Beiming Ghost Uncle and the group all the way, and it was not without gain. If it weren't for North Ming Ghost Uncle to use the lives of seven girls to sacrifice and break through the blockade of this old dragon cave, they There may be nothing to do when they come here. Now that Uncle Beiming Ghost and the others are exploring the way ahead, they can just open a **** road for them, and they can take advantage of the fishermen.

If everything can be saved, Ge Yu actually doesn’t want to be like this. Even if he can’t find the Dragon Birth Ball, Ge Yu doesn’t want to sacrifice the lives of so many girls. Yang Fan’s face is just destroyed, and these women The child really lost his life, and Yang Fan was nothing compared to them.

To blame, I can only blame the people of Uncle Beiming for being too vicious. Ge Yu had already made up his mind before stepping into the old dragon cave. No matter what, this time we must get rid of the evils of Uncle Beiming and stay. With them, I don't know how many innocent lives will be tragically killed in the hands of these evil people.

Since ancient times, righteous and evil are not at the same time, like this kind of crooked door and evil way, it is also the target of the world's righteous way to punish it. Since they met this time, they can't let them escape again.

A group of five people, full of grief and anger, walked in the direction of the old dragon cave. As soon as they reached the entrance of the cave, they could feel a cold wind blowing from the entrance of the cave, accompanied by whitish white. Mist.

The sky was originally gloomy, and there was still a pattering rain outside. Now it was evening again, and the cave was dark and covered by the hazy white mist. Everything was not clear enough. Ge Yu instantly opened his eyes. The amber eyes flashed, passing through the faint haze, and able to see longer.

Ge Yu took the lead, and several people followed closely, holding the magic weapon tightly in their hands, always guarding against possible dangers at any time.

Five people walked slowly toward the depths of the cave. Only the slight footsteps of a few people could be heard in the quiet cave, as well as the sound of breathing between each other.

This cave is very large and wide, with stalactites standing upright above the head, and drops of water are constantly dripping from the stalactites.

Several people groped for a distance of about two to three hundred meters. Chen Yu seemed to have discovered something. He pointed to a corner of the cave and said, "Look, what is that?"

Ge Yu looked in the direction that Chen Yu was pointing, but saw that it was a pile of worn clothes and some bone racks that had been taken apart, which immediately attracted the attention of several people.

At the moment, Zhao Yangui was in charge of the alert. Ge Yu and Zhong Jinliang came to the side of the bone racks, squatted down and examined them carefully, and found that these bone racks were all taken apart, and the thigh bones, skulls and ribs were scattered all over the floor. Both.

Beside those bone shelves, there are some clothes, obviously modern attire, and there are a few bags in them. Ge Yu opened it and found that there were mobile phones and cameras in that bag, but most of them were damaged and out of power. There was something to eat. In addition, Ge Yu found a few ID and student IDs from those bags. These people are very young, and they are probably the owners of the bones on the ground.

Recalling that when he met Chen Tiancheng before, Chen Tiancheng said that he would meet some travel companions and students who came to explore, and would be curious to explore the old dragon cave. I think these people should be hunted by the wild people around the old dragon cave.

But now, these bones are scattered everywhere, Ge Yu immediately thought of the reason, those savages in Laolongdong probably ate these people, otherwise the bones would not be so scattered.

After a brief inspection, Hei Xiaose took a breath and said, "Nima, there are savages in this place. These children who don't know the heights of the sky and earth should have fallen into the hands of savages and were eaten."

"Be careful, everyone. There are a group of ruthless people like Uncle Beiming Ghost in this place, as well as traces of savages. This place is lively. Let's not go too fast. There should be savages living in this old dragon cave. There will inevitably be a fierce battle to the savage." Zhao Yangui reminded him.

Ge Yu got up, nodded, and said, "Let's go."

While they were talking, a group of people continued to walk slowly towards the front. The cave was strange to say, it was wide, large, and very high. A few people walked for more than ten minutes, and the surrounding scenery did not seem to have changed much. They were all in that way, that was, in several places in the cave, several piles of bones were found. These bones were human, as well as the remains of wild beasts, scattered everywhere.

In this way, after another ten minutes of walking forward, the front suddenly became narrower.

When he got here, Zhao Yangui's brows suddenly frowned slightly, and he waved at everyone, beckoning everyone to stay for a while, and he went to explore the way ahead.

However, Zhao Yangui just finished making this gesture. Suddenly, from the depths of the cave, there were a few hidden weapon sounds. When everyone heard the movement, they were all startled and dodged everywhere, Ge Yu A gas barrier was also condensed, blocking the front of everyone.

Zhao Yangui reacted faster. When the hidden weapons came, he quickly took out the flying knives from his body and threw them toward the hidden weapons.

After "ding ding dang dang" a few crisp sounds, the first few hidden weapons were blocked by the flying knives shot by Zhao Yangui. In mid-air, the hidden weapons collided and sparks appeared.

When everyone saw Zhao Yangui’s such methods, they couldn’t help but be amazed. In such a short time, Zhao Yangui was able to determine the direction of those hidden weapons, and used hidden weapons against the enemy’s hidden weapons. The method of hitting the hidden weapons is also for people Dazzled, less than a few seconds, Zhao Yangui shot at least twenty or thirty throwing knives.

However, there were also some hidden weapons that fought towards Ge Yu and the others.

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