Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1041: Death is coming

The concealed weapon that was shot out suddenly caught everyone off guard. Fortunately, Zhao Yangui responded in time. In the first time, he shot dozens of flying knives, blocking the hidden weapon at the front, and bought time for Ge Yu and the others. , So that Ge Yu had time to condense the qi barrier and keep it in front of everyone.

After that, the enemy's hidden weapons became more and more dense, like squally rain showers, Ge Yu condensed several gas barriers in succession, and then resisted all the hidden weapons. ,

Afterwards, Zhao Yan returned to his body and flashed to the side of Ge Yu.

At this moment, everyone knew that the people who could play these hidden weapons must be the group of Uncle Beiming Ghost.

Ge Yu couldn't help but wonder, have they been discovered?

This way, he was cautious, as if he didn't show any footwork.

After this intensive concealed weapon was shot, there was a meal. From the dark place in front, a group of people suddenly flashed out, headed by the old enemy of Ge Yu-Uncle Bei Ming.

There were more than a dozen people on the other side, and they were aggressive, but Ge Yu and Chen Yu were no more than five people. There were few enemies and the situation was not optimistic.

When the hidden weapon came, Ge Yu was ready for a fierce battle, but when Ge Yu's gaze swept towards those people like Uncle Beiming Ghost, he couldn't help but feel a little more puzzled. It was very clear that Uncle Bei Ming had brought more than 20 people, but there were only a dozen in front of him. What about the rest?

Suspiciously, that Uncle Beiming Ghost took a step forward. The cloak he had just worn on his head had already been taken off, and it was behind him. He looked at Ge Yu with a stern look. After taking a look at the other people, his eyes were still fixed on Ge Yu's body. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a cruel smile: "Ge Yu, we meet again."

"Yeah, I met again. I didn't expect to meet you here again. Is this the so-called Yuanjia Luzhai?" Ge Yu was not afraid, looking at Uncle Bei Ming.

"I didn't expect to meet you here. You really have a way to heaven. You don't want to go. You have to drive your son to die. This is no way. Last time, you hurt the old man seriously. Keep it in my heart, I was thinking about the day I will settle the account with you, you will find it yourself, maybe this is God's will." Bei Ming Ghost Uncle said with a smile.

"It's just a defeat, the last time I was able to vomit blood from you, this time is the same, what more waves can you dig out." Ge Yu smiled.

"I'll be convinced by your boy's hard-mouthed attitude. When I stepped on my feet for a while, I hope you will be as hard-hearted as you are now, and you don't ask for mercy." Uncle Bei Ming's eyes narrowed, and his murderous aura was alive.

"I hope you are the same. When you were beaten last time, you were like a dog, kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy. I remember that very clearly." Ge Yu said unhurriedly.

At this time, Uncle Beiming Ghost was really exploded by Ge Yu. His hands shook, and two short knives rolled out of the sleeves and held them tightly. At the same time, Ge Yu suddenly felt behind them. There was also a rush of footsteps. When I looked back, a group of people had already rushed over from the entrance of the cave. There were also more than a dozen, each holding a magic weapon in their hands, and flanking them back and forth, blocking the entrance of the cave. in.

Just now, Ge Yu felt that the number of Uncle Beiming Ghosts was wrong. It turned out to be divided into two groups. One group of people was lying in ambush inside the cave entrance, and the other group was hiding outside the cave. It seems that they had exposed their target long ago. Uncle Ming Gui is more vigilant and scheming than he thought, with a simple purpose, which is to kill all of them.

Surrounded now, Zhao Yangui and Hei Xiaose couldn't help but panic.

Ge Yu was relatively calm, and said with some doubts: "Uncle Beiming Ghost, I am very curious. We have been very careful along this road. How do you know that we have been following you?"

"Hahaha..." Uncle Beiming ghost laughed and said: "Death is coming, so that you can be a ghost, it's actually very simple, from you lying on the hillside in the small woods peeking at us At that time, I already found you, and sent two people to investigate. The person who came back reported that it was a big yellow dog. However, I didn’t think so, because I just felt murderous, it was murderous on humans. It’s just a dog, it’s impossible to give off this kind of aura, so along the way, I secretly made arrangements and waited here for the rabbits. I didn’t expect you to actually get into our ambush."

"Yes, I am worthy of being a master of evil repair for many years. I really admire him because he is really scheming." Ge Yu said.

"Boy, is it a little late for you to flatter now? To be honest...I really didn't expect to meet you here. Why are you here in the old dragon cave of the Shenlongjia?" Uncle Beiming said again. .

"What do you do here, let's do what you do, is this still necessary?" Ge Yu naturally didn't want to reveal his purpose of coming here.

"Haha...boy, a **** like a dragon, you dare to covet it just because of you guys who don't know the height of the sky? It's just a idiot dream. Anyway, if you meet it today, you can solve it first!" , That Uncle Beiming Ghost raised his hand, and the twenty-odd people in black raised the magical instruments in their hands. A **** battle is inevitable.

"Uncle Beiming Ghost, you dog thief! Killing so many innocent girls, I will avenge them today!" Zhong Jinliang forbeared for a long time, and was the first to make a move. With a wave of the folding fan in his hand, it suddenly turned into Slashing the fairy sword, Xianluan stepped, and under a sway, he reached the side of Uncle Beiming Ghost and pierced his heart.

Uncle Beiming Ghost was taken aback. He didn't expect Ge Yu to have such a master beside him. The sword fairy in his hand was so awe-inspiring that it was not an ordinary magic weapon.

However, Uncle Beiming Ghost is also a powerful character. After a moment, the two swords flicked, blocking Zhong Jinliang's sword, staggering Zhong Jinliang's body, and taking two steps back.

The strength of this Uncle Beiming Ghost should not be underestimated. Master Ge Yu's consciousness came to him at the beginning, and he was able to get it done. It was a difficult character.

"It's just the lives of a few girls. If you can get something from the real dragon, let alone these lives, you will kill a hundred people, and the old man will not hesitate!"

"Kill!" A man next to Uncle Bei Ming yelled and rushed towards Ge Yu and the others.

Immediately, Ge Yu shot the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, and the breath of various colors flew out instantly...

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