Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1042: Onatsu Ryujaku

In group battles or being surrounded, Ge Yu has never been afraid of it. That said, because Ge Yu has never been fighting alone. The old ghosts and big monsters in the Spirit Gathering Tower are Ge Yu's powerful support.

Seeing the opponent's aggressiveness, more than two dozen masters rushed forward, and Ge Yu could only release all the old ghosts and big monsters in the spirit gathering tower, so that he could resist the opponent's offensive.

Just now when Ge Yu was standing there and talking to Uncle Beiming Ghost, he had already analyzed the battle situation. The people next to Uncle Beiming Ghost were not a general generation. Some people had their cultivation skills with Uncle Beiming Ghost. Almost, there are people who are even stronger than Uncle Beiming Ghost.

Since it's here to find a real dragon, if it's a group of weak chickens, it's impossible, it's equivalent to coming to die.

Uncle Beiming Ghost does not know where a group of experts from the rivers and lakes have gathered. After receiving the news of the real dragon’s emergence, these people are eager to try and want to come to share a piece of the pie. There is no way, the **** in the legend of the real dragon. Objects are too attractive to these people. Whether it is any thing or any part of a real dragon, it is a good material for cultivation. Even if a scale is taken from it, it is invulnerable. Existence, can be made into armor, without fear of any magic weapon.

If you can pick up a bargain, slaughter the real dragon, and obtain the inner core demon element of the real dragon, you can go straight to the realm of immortals, and you can live for hundreds of years in the world. This temptation is too great. The big ones make these people jealous, enough to forget the huge risks that accompany them.

As soon as the big monsters and old ghosts were released from the Spirit Gathering Tower, they each had a group of three to five, surrounding the minions of the Uncle Beiming Ghost, and fighting hard.

Zhong Jinliang started the fight first, but he was swept away by the uncle Beiming Ghost. When Zhong Jinliang was about to pounce forward again, another person jumped out from Uncle Beiming Ghost and held him back. After Zhong Jinliang's offensive, then the Ghost Uncle Bei Ming wielded a pair of short knives and shook his body, went straight to Ge Yu and rushed over.

When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous. Both sides wanted to kill each other in the hands of Ge Yu.

Ge Yu was about to take a shot and had a fight with the uncle Beiming ghost, Zhao Yangui suddenly stopped him, and at extremely fast speed, he shot a few hidden weapons at the uncle Beiming ghost, which was the flying knife he was carrying. .

From beginning to end, Ge Yu didn’t know where Zhao Yangui would fly to and hide, anyway, between his hands, a flying knife would shoot out from his hand, fast as a meteor, and as fast as thunder. Uncle didn't dare to look down upon Zhao Yangui, and quickly went back to pick up the double knives in his hand, and blocked Zhao Yangui's flying knives one by one.

Among them, a flying knife that hit him was picked up by Uncle Bei Ming towards Ge Yu, and Ge Yu took it and held the flying knife in his palm.

When he lifted it up, Ge Yu couldn't help but admire in his heart. The knife is very delicately made. The handle is golden. There is a blood trough for bloodletting on it, and there are subtle barbs. Once such a flying knife penetrates into a person's body Among them, it is difficult to take it out, even the belt meat can be pulled off.

When Ge Yu was on Maoshan, he had some understanding of various hidden weapons and magical weapons. After just a glance, Ge Yu recognized it. The name of this flying knife should be called Daxia Dragon Sparrow, which is a very old one. The hidden weapon has been passed on for at least a thousand years, and I didn't realize that Zhao Yangui was using such a magical flying knife hidden weapon. It is estimated that the inheritance is also very powerful.

But seeing that Zhao Yangui fired several hidden weapons against Uncle Beiming Ghost in a row, forcing the Uncle Beiming Ghost to retreat continuously, these masters, under Zhao Yangui's hidden weapon of flying knives, were also a little frantic.

However, Zhao Yangui’s throw of flying knives is just an appetizer, and there are even more powerful methods. After constantly hitting the flying knives at the North Ming ghost, Zhao Yangui is also constantly approaching the North Ming ghost, taking advantage of his rush. , Zhao Yangui quickly took out two short knives from the back waist. The knives were very small and shimmering. They held them in their hands with murderous aura. In an instant, Zhao Yangui rushed to the front of Uncle Beiming Ghost, and his hands were like guns. Uncle Beiming Ghost greeted the past, and the speed was so fast that it was surprising.

Zhao Yangui is a master with small knives, and the Ghost Uncle Bei Ming also uses a short knife, and he still holds double knives in his hand, almost the same method as Zhao Yangui.

Both of them use double knives, and they are short knives. When fighting together, they look very exciting and beautiful. Four short knives, walking up and down, clanging non-stop, and accompanied by a flash of fire. It's the same as opening a blacksmith shop.

Zhao Yangui is of that explosive type, with hidden weapons to open the way, double swords to see away, a strong attack, although the cultivation base is not as good as the North Ming ghost uncle, but the sword technique is first-class and can also stabilize the situation.

There is one thing everyone knows about in the rivers and lakes, the big sect Wanluozong on the rivers and lakes, there are two great sacrifices, that is, the masters of the town court invited by Wanluozong to help Wanluozong deal with some complicated things. .

One of them used a big knife with a big door. The northwest super expert Wang Aotian used a superb knife. It takes human life to do it. This is a master at the level of Jiuyanghua Li Bai, and he has a very good relationship with Jiuyanghua Li Bai. .

The other person is Zhao Yan, who is good at using small knives and flying knives.

Dadao Aotian, Xiaodao returns.

This is something everyone in the world knows, and can use two different magical tools to the ultimate master.

Seeing Zhao Yangui's hands with Beiming Ghost Uncle today, Ge Yu knew the weight of these eight characters. Xiaodao's return is definitely not a vain name, this is true.

Originally, this Uncle Beiming Ghost was going to die with Ge Yu, but was stopped by Zhao Yangui. In fact, when things got to this point, everyone was filled with fire. The main reason was that a few people saw it. The corpses of the seven girls at the entrance of the Laolongdong cave were so cruel that they hated Uncle Beiming Ghost and others to the extreme. Everyone wanted to kill Uncle Beiming Ghost to vent their anger, otherwise Zhong Jinliang would not be the first. Hands on.

Over there, Zhao Yangui stopped Beiming Ghost Uncle, and then another man approached Ge Yu empty-handed. He punched Ge Yu with a lingering wind, and the muscles on Ge Yu's face trembled. , Ge Yu flashed away and avoided, the man did not follow, but said with a smile: "Boy, today, your grandfather, I will come to take your life."

"Good means, who are you?" Ge Yu asked.

"Your grandfather, I am Jinpeng, a famous thunder runner in the rivers and lakes! Let me show you my methods today!" As he said, the man waved his fists again and struck Ge Yu.

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