Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1044: Savages

Ge Yu went crazy. When he couldn't break through, he had to choose the strategy of breaking down one by one. After a short test, he began to attack the thunder runner Jin Peng. As soon as Ge Yu's power burst out, it was no small matter. He didn't have the strength to fight back, and after a short while, he slashed that Jin Peng with blood all over his body, and he was invincible.

Over there, a man who was fighting with a few old ghosts saw Jin Peng doing this, he suddenly yelled, hit a few talisman, forced the old ghosts back, and rushed towards Ge Yu. Wanting to rescue the thunder-runner Jin Peng, however, his speed was still a step slower, and Ge Yu directly separated a soul, temporarily resisting the person who used the talisman, and the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword in his hand was right again. The Jin Peng attacked for a while, and Ge Yu had already cut out several blood holes in Jin Peng's body. The blood flow continued. Under Ge Yu's strong suppression, he was immediately unable to support him. Ge Yu was first stabbed in the lower abdomen with a sword. Raising his hand was another sword, and it landed on his neck. Jin Peng's neck spurted a stream of blood. Jin Peng clutched his neck that was spurting blood, stepped back and sat down. On the ground.

Until the last moment, he couldn't believe why he was defeated by a young man in his early twenties. He had been in the rivers and lakes for decades, and he was already very powerful as a thunder hand, but he was still defeated. The other's hands.

However, a large amount of blood gushed from his neck, and the power quickly dissipated. In the end, Ben Lei's hand fell, and the sound was gone, and he died on the spot.

"Big Brother Jin!" The guy who was good at using talisman took out a dagger from his body, pushed back Ge Yu's distracting soul, and slashed towards Ge Yu, shouting angrily: "You killed Brother Jin , I want you to give him his life!"

"It happened to be here. I will kill you anyway. The seven girls at the entrance of the cave are all dead in your hands. I want you to resist them!" The Maoshan Seven-Star Sword in Ge Yu's hand shook and held it. The dagger of the human being dinged and dangling for a few more rounds, and the killing here was dim.

Ge Yu was also really angry. When he thought of the unstoppable look of the girls who were nailed to death at the entrance of the cave, Ge Yu became very angry. In fact, not only Ge Yu, but Zhong Jinliang and the others were also under fire. They all want to fight desperately with these people.

However, with the fierce fighting here, another group of men and horses sneaked up to this place. They were the natives of this old dragon cave, a group of savage men with big builds and fierce faces.

These savages sneaked out from the depths of the cave. One of the savages, holding a sharp axe made of stone in his hand, didn't even look at it, and slammed into the crowd.

The stone axe was huge and fell on the back of the person who had fought Zhong Jinliang, half of the stone axe sank into the back of that person, and it flew up, lying on the ground, no sound.

Zhong Jinliang jumped back two steps in fright. When he looked up, he saw a group of tall savages suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave, holding large and small stones in his hands, and hit them.

The two parties were fighting and fighting each other, and no one expected that these savages would suddenly appear here, and the stones fell like rain.

These sudden savages suddenly disrupted the positions of both sides. Almost at the same time, the men and horses on both sides stopped fighting, and each raised the magic weapon in their hands to resist the stones thrown by the savages.

The strength of these savages is enormous. The stones thrown are like cannonballs, and they are full of strength. When they are used to block them, everyone can feel the majestic power transmitted from the stone, even Ge Yu, use Maoshan When the Seven Star Sword fends off these stones, it also feels a bit difficult.

I really can't figure out why these savages have so much strength, they are simply a bunch of freaks.

The stones hit over there loosened a bit, and suddenly a man yelled: "His grandmother, the savages killed Guo Laosan, kill the savages first!"

Guo Laosan must be the one who fought Zhong Jinliang just now. The two were fighting fiercely just now, and there was a mess around them. No one was prepared for these savages to suddenly appear.

Immediately, a man shook his hand and fired several hidden weapons, and headed towards the savages. Some of them fell on the shoulders of a savage. The savage screamed, seemingly panicked. He screamed again, and greeted the six or seven savages around him rushing toward the depths of the cave.

When the savage escaped, a sound similar to a cow roar suddenly came from the depths of the cave, and the whole cave shook slightly after the earthquake.

The sound of the dragon chant sounded again, deafening, and everyone was in the old dragon cave this time, and they heard it more real. This dragon chant made everyone's blood boil.

I don’t know who Guo Lao San is. After being killed by those wild men, Uncle Bei Ming Gui and others immediately gave up fighting with Ge Yu and the others, chasing the wild men and left Ge. Yu and the others stood here with a dumb expression.

However, letting Beiming Ghost Uncle give up fighting with Ge Yu and the others, it is probably not all because those wild men killed Guo Lao San, it is probably because of the sound of the dragon chant just now.

The voice sounded like a groan, with a hint of pain.

Of course, this was just Ge Yu's understanding. He had never heard the roar of a dragon before. Perhaps the dragon was originally called like this.

There were two corpses lying on the ground, one was Jin Peng, the lei beating hand, and the other was Guo Laosan, who was killed by a wild man.

After a brief stupefaction, Ge Yu looked around and asked, "Are you not injured?"

Several people checked each one and shook their heads, saying no.

Ge Yu took back the two souls, then patted the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, and took the old ghosts and the big monsters back into the Spirit Gathering Pagoda.

And in this moment of effort, the people of Uncle Beiming Ghost had chased the savages far, and some footsteps could still be heard faintly.

"What shall we do now?" Hei Xiaose asked.

"Go ahead, you're all here, you can't go back anyway." Ge Yu said, his eyes fell on Chen Yu. Chen Yu's performance just now was very eye-catching, and all of them underestimated it. Chen Yu's strength, this charming little beauty, is very good at dancing with spears.

"Don't worry about me, I can protect myself." Chen Yu said firmly.

"Well, let's go ahead and see what's going on..." Ge Yu said again.

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