Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1045: Stop them

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Yangui walked to Ge Yu's side and said solemnly: "Yu, I heard that the dragon's voice is a little bit wrong. I always feel that the dragon seems to be injured. The voice is weird. very……"

Hearing what Zhao Yangui said, Ge Yu's heart trembled. He thought he was the only one who thought this way, but he didn't expect Zhao Yangui to be the same as he thought.

"In other words, after hearing the voice of Long Yin, the people of Uncle Bei Ming felt something, so they gave up besieging us and went to find the real dragon. They just took the group of wild men to cover it? Hei Xiaose echoed from the side.

"It feels like this, no matter what, let's follow it and see." Ge Yu said.

Having said that, the group took another step, and quickly chased them in the direction of Uncle Beiming Ghost and the group of savages.

As Ge Yu walked, there was one thing in his mind. Based on the judgment of a few of them just now, the dragon's cry was a bit wrong. It might really be like what Zhao Yangui said. If it is not so, it is obviously impossible for people like Uncle Beiming to deal with the real dragon. The power of the real dragon is so terrifying. It's impossible to figure it out, relying on people like them, it is obvious that they are here to find death, but if the real dragon is injured and most of its divine power cannot be used, it is very likely that Beiming Ghost Uncle and others will take advantage of it.

Just now Ge Yu also saw that these people brought by Uncle Beiming Ghost have various methods. Some know how to use talisman, some can arrange formations, and some can use thunder... Although standing alone, it is not that powerful. , But if these people work together, their strength is still very strong.

Thinking of this, Ge Yu's mood became a little heavier. The purpose of their visit this time was to find the dragon who gave birth to the Wannianzhu, and did not want to hurt the real dragon, but these two things are linked to each other, if Bei Ming Uncle Ghost and the others have really killed the real dragon, maybe they can't find the trace of the Dragon's Birth Thousand Years Orb. This is the most troublesome thing.

All of a sudden, many thoughts flashed in Ge Yu's mind, and his pace sped up a lot unknowingly. When the people behind saw Ge Yu running so eagerly, they all followed Ge Yu closely.

A group of people chased them quickly, and after about ten minutes of walking, the cave suddenly became clear again, and it seemed that light was coming out from the front.

While rushing all the way, Ge Yu also found a problem. This cave is not straight. Sometimes there are some openings on both sides of the main cave, not knowing where it leads.

These details were just swept away by Ge Yu, and he didn't take it to heart, but he couldn't completely ignore it. Sometimes, a small detail can also determine the fate of several people.

After walking a further distance, about five minutes or so, the scene seemed to have taken a small bend. The road ahead suddenly became clear again, and several people soon heard a fierce fighting sound from the front.

After hearing this voice, the few people stopped in their footsteps. Zhao Yangui shook his body and walked in front, shaking his hands, holding a dozen flying knives between his fingers, opening the way for everyone in front.

When they walked to the place of fighting, everyone was stunned, because they saw that it was the group of Uncle Beiming Ghost who were fighting the seven or eight savages.

But the gang of savages were not all those of Uncle Beiming Ghost. There were still a dozen people who dealt with those savages, but there were a dozen others standing on a high platform in front, as if they were setting up something. In the magic circle, a few people are stepping over there, and some people are chanting mantras. The Qi field buzzes and makes a loud noise. As soon as a few people appeared here, they were blown backward by the wind driven by the Qi field. He froze for a while.

Seeing this scene, several people were a little confused, not knowing what happened.

When I look at the savages again, a person is taller, at least two heads taller than ordinary people, and the shortest one is more than two meters tall, holding a relatively primitive weapon, either a stone hammer, or It was a stone axe, and some people were holding a thick wooden stick, fighting with the gang of Uncle Beiming Ghost.

The strange thing is that these savages are differently educated, but they are very powerful and fast, and they feel like they have a cultivation base, but even so, they are not the opponents of the group of people brought by Beiming Ghost Uncle. They As soon as I came over, I saw two or three savages fell in a pool of blood. Some savages had not completely died yet, and their bodies were still convulsing on the ground.

In just a moment, Zhao Yangui acted first. They hated the people like Uncle Beiming Ghost. Although the savages are now their enemies, Zhao Yangui was the first to attack the people of Uncle Beiming Ghost. Hand, a dozen flying knives greeted the people of Uncle Beiming Ghost, but there were also people over there who discovered Ge Yu and others, and someone immediately intercepted Zhao Yangui's flying knives.

"Stop them, the array will be set up soon, give us some time." Uncle Bei Ming suddenly shouted.

With this shout, suddenly six or seven masters rushed from there and rushed directly to Ge Yu and the others.

Then there is nothing to say, just do it.

Since Uncle Beiming Ghost and the others want to do, just stop them, it must be right.

Immediately, a few people took out the magic weapon again, and directly hit the people who came up.

However, Ge Yu didn't directly fight with those people. Instead, he immediately spurred the Earth Escape Technique, and went directly to Uncle Beiming Ghost and the others. Although Ge Yu didn't know what they were doing, he must stop them anyway. Yes.

Uncle Bei Ming saw that Ge Yu suddenly appeared among them, and with a sword pierced at a person who was stepping on a footstep, a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face, and the two knives in his hands came out. He slashed towards Ge Yu.

It’s not the first time that Uncle Bei Minggui, Ge Yu have fought him against him. The hands in his hands are connected to his wrists with thin silk threads, and they can be retracted freely. Black flames are still burning on the two knives. It was Nine Nether Fire, he used such a powerful killer move on himself as soon as he came up, it seemed that he was extremely worried that he would destroy their conspiracy.

Ge Yu was still a little afraid of the Jiu Nether Fire on the two knives, and his backhand was a sword, smashing the two double knives away.

Immediately, Ghost Uncle Bei Ming carried his double knives viciously, and killed Ge Yu again: "Damn boy, you have to destroy Lao Tzu twice, this time I must kill you."

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