Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1047: Giant spider

Ge Yu didn’t know what had happened right now. After smashing the Dragon-seeking Cauldron to pieces, he created such a collapsed scene. When Ge Yu’s body fell down at a rapid speed, his mind There was a blank, thinking that this time I was definitely dead, or I killed myself. This was sad enough.

What's more frightening is that Ge Yu's body has been falling down. It has been more than ten seconds, and he hasn't even fallen to the ground. At that moment, Ge Yu wanted to twist his body in mid-air and change his shape. It’s too ugly to die even if you want to die.

Just thinking of this, Ge Yu's back seemed to touch something, it was very light, and then his body fell down abruptly, and was bounced again, but only bounced more than two meters high, tightly. Then he was pulled back.

What's the situation?

Ge Yuping lay there, froze for more than ten seconds, still a little empty in his mind, not dead?

Where is this?

Immediately, Ge Yu turned his head and took a look, only to realize that he was caught by a large web. This web was white. How could it feel like a spider web? I have never seen a spider web of this size. what.

Ge Yu tried to wave his hand, and found that his hand was also entangled. What entangled his hand was a sticky mass, which was very elastic. This pulling brought a long string of things. Brushed white, that hand was pulled back by the sticky thing.

Now that his body is stuck on this big net, he can't move at all.

The heart was beating wildly, all around it was pitch black, there was no going up to the sky, no going down to the ground, and there was no one around, and they didn't know where Zhong Jinliang and Zhao Yangui had gone.

Even the Uncle Beiming Ghost and others who fell with them were gone.

Falling from such a high place, at least two to three hundred meters away, this is a hole under the cave.

It was only when Ge Yu was very surprised. When Ge Yu raised his head and looked up, he found that there was a starry sky, very far away from him.

Where is this?

When Ge Yu was in a state of uncertainty, suddenly Ge Yu heard the sound of Xi Xi Suo Suo, and suddenly frightened himself. When he looked at the source of the sound, Ge Yu was even more frightened. He sighed, because Ge Yu saw a huge black spider, a black spider the size of a millpan, and was quickly approaching him. The legs under his body were as sharp as a sickle.

However, the sound of this sorrowful sound did not come from one place, it was also heard from other places.

Ge Yu raised his head hard, and when he took a look, he found that several huge black spiders were crawling towards him not far away.

Just now I felt that I had taken my life back, and now I fell into the circle of these giant spiders, and Ge Yu felt that he was sad enough.

The giant spiders quickly approached him, and Ge Yu could feel the breath of death enveloping him.

Must find a way to get out.

But now my hands and feet are bound, entangled by this sticky thread, and can't move at all. This thing can catch and tell the fallen self. It can be seen how tough and elastic is this. It’s not like trying to break free. Such an easy thing.

Those giant spiders were already very close to him. Ge Yu was panicked and touched his waist. He found that the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword was still there. When he fell, he did not lose the main sword. She hung it around her waist again, feeling too flustered at the time, but she still subconsciously put away her magic weapon.

Just because this sword is too important, if the magic weapon inherited by Maoshan is lost, he can become a sinner of Maoshan.

Now that the main sword is still there, it's easy to say. At the moment, Ge Yu struggled to pinch a few magic tricks, urged the curse in his mouth, and the small swords separated everywhere, under the call of the main sword, all flew from everywhere. Coming over, when the giant spiders were about to feast on themselves, the seven small swords pierced through the chests of the closest spiders and passed through their bodies.

In addition, Ge Yu also used a small sword to cut off some white silk sticking to his arm and freed one of his own hands.

Just now, those seven small swords and small swords solved two or three giant spiders, and there were several giant spiders nearby.

At the moment, Ge Yu took out a few more real fire symbols from his body, and struck them towards the giant spiders. There were several bangs. The giant spiders were wrapped in flames, and they made a piercing cry.

However, Ge Yu used the real fire talisman to pit himself once again.

This true fire amulet ignited the giant spiders, and also ignited the huge spider web under the body.

The fire spread quickly, melting the net instantly, Ge Yu suddenly felt that his body was empty, and then quickly fell down.

"Ah..." Ge Yu yelled, thinking that it was awful. He didn't fall to death just now. This time he was definitely going to die.

It's just that the word "ah" was only halfway out of time. Ge Yu's body fell down seven or eight meters, and his **** hit a tree, and then fell from the tree again, his **** became strong. It fell on the ground.

It hurts and I'm exhausted from falling, but luckily my life is still there.

After reacting on the ground for four or five seconds, Ge Yu touched his butt, slowly got up from the ground, and looked around to see where it was.

There are dense trees and low bushes all around, and the stars in the sky can be seen overhead.

What kind of ghost place is this? I was still in the cave last moment, but now I fell into this ghost place.

I wanted to open my mouth and shout to see if the other companions were still there. Ge Yu was about to open his mouth, and soon closed his mouth again, mainly because he didn’t know the environment. It would be troublesome if he recruited the enemy again. Also falling with him were Uncle Beiming Ghost and others.

When he was about to walk around, suddenly, the grass behind him trembled, and a person got out of the grass. Ge Yu squinted his eyes and immediately felt happy, because the person who came out of the grass, It turned out to be Zhao Yangui.

However, when Zhao Yangui saw Ge Yu, he didn't seem to be very happy. Instead, he looked solemn. Then, Zhao Yangui suddenly took out three flying knives from his body and hit Ge Yu.

The three flying knives fought in Ge Yu's direction one after another. Ge Yu was a little confused, wondering why Zhao Yangui would do it to himself?

Subconsciously, Ge Yu dodged aside.

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