Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1048: Tiankeng dangerous road

As soon as Ge Yu stepped away, Zhao Yangui's three flying knives hit Ge Yu's body. At the same time, he heard "pupupupu" several muffled noises in his ears, and then accompanied by a miserable howl.

Undecided, Ge Yu turned around and saw that he did not know when someone appeared behind him. This person was a bit familiar. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was the man who had just blocked him with a big sword and used seven swords to return to one. , With three throwing knives stuck in his chest, he staggered and fell to the ground.

The blood on this person’s forehead was covered in scars. Just now, he was able to catch his seven-swords and one move, and he was able to survive. It was already very difficult. He actually fell in the same place with himself. It's a pity that this guy didn't seem to fall on the spider web, but fell on the rest of the place, and was not killed.

When I fell down just now, I was a little confused, and I didn't even notice that the man with the knife was beside me. It was estimated that he was going to attack me just now.

When he thought of this, Zhao Yangui's figure flashed, and he took out two short knives from his back, jumped to the man’s side, took turns with both hands, and stuck a dozen knives in the man’s chest before he cut the The person was killed, and the blood stains on the two short knives were wiped on the person's body before he put it away, walked to Ge Yu's side, and said in a deep voice, "Yu, are you okay? As soon as he showed his head, he saw this person holding a hidden weapon in his hand and wanted to attack you, so he did not have time to say hello to you."

At this time, Zhao Yangui's blood, looking a little savage, Ge Yu said gratefully: "Thank you, brother Yangui, you just scared me, I thought I was going to use a knife."

"Why, if I didn't make the shot in time, I guess Yu Ye would be slapped, and there was no time to think about it." Zhao Yan returned.

"Where did you fall?" Ge Yu asked.

"Just six or seven meters away, I grabbed a few vines at the time and didn't fall to the ground and fell to death. As soon as I landed, I heard some movement on your side, so come and take a look." Zhao Yan returned.

"Have you seen Hei Xiaose and Zhong Jinliang?" Ge Yu asked again.

Zhao Yangui shook his head and said, "No, the situation was a bit chaotic at the time. I thought I was going to fall to death. How could I take care of the others? It would be nice to be able to save my life."

Ge Yu looked around blankly and found that there were densely growing trees all around, and large bushes. There were many small animals walking around in the bushes, and many snakes were crawling around. Unfamiliar, and those little animals don't seem to be afraid of people, and some are tentatively approaching people.

"What the **** is this?" Ge Yu looked at Zhao Yan and returned.

Zhao Yangui also glanced around, shook his head blankly and said: "I don't know, it seems to be a huge sinkhole."

"Don't worry, find Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose first, let's be more careful, the group of Uncle Beiming Ghost has also fallen into this place, don't be surrounded by them." Ge Yu said.

At the moment, the two of them huddled together and fumbled around carefully. When the situation suddenly changed, Ge Yu vaguely remembered that Hei Xiaose and the others were moving closer to him, and then the ground under his feet collapsed. , And then the world turned around for a while, and I fell into this place.

Now Ge Yu's heart is still full of doubts, what the **** was the ghost uncle Beiming doing? His last move of seven swords into one, whether it destroyed their conspiracy... these are unknown.

Now they have landed in this ghost place again, at a loss, what they are going to do next, what to do, they have no plans at all. They originally came here to look for the Dragon Birth Ball, but they just got some clues. Even more at a loss.

The two were groping for a while in the bushes. They didn't know why there were so many snakes in this place. They wandered around. Ge Yu took a look and found that the poisonous snakes were all colorful, obviously all poisonous, and these The venomous snakes were hidden in the bushes, and they were bitten by this thing abruptly, and no one could hold them.

In order to prevent being bitten by these poisonous snakes, Ge Yu had to release the chubby hedgehog girl from the spirit gathering tower and lead them in front. This chubby girl was a 500-year-old big demon. As soon as her body exuded, those The poisonous snakes did not dare to approach, and they retreated one after another, giving Ge Yu and the others a way out.

Along the bushes, several people walked forward for about ten minutes. There was a sound of fighting in front of them, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the two people.

The two of them glanced at each other, quickly speeded up their pace, and walked towards the place where the fight was.

After a short time, when Zhao Yangui pushed aside a bush in front of him, Ge Yu saw the fighting in front of him. In this way, Ge Yu couldn't help but feel happy, but he saw several tall savages in front of him. The two people around are fighting, and the two people surrounded are Zhong Jinliang and Chen Yu who have lost contact with them.

Zhong Jinliang waved the long sword in his hand, and Chen Yu stabbed a silver spear to and fro, fighting those savages very lively.

As soon as he saw this situation, Zhao Yangui didn't say a word, and threw a few flying knives at the savages. The flying knives were pierced on the backs of the three savages. The three savages were not prepared. Suddenly uttered a miserable howl, left the circle of battle, and retreated.

However, these savages were thick-skinned, very resistant to fights, and their bodies were dark, as if they had touched a layer of grease. These three flying knives did not kill them.

When Zhao Yangui started his hand, Ge Yu immediately jumped out and struck a savage around Zhong Jinliang with a sword. The savage felt that there was someone behind him, so he quickly turned around and resisted with a stone hammer. Smashed to pieces by Ge Yu's sword, the savage staggered a few steps and nearly fell to the ground.

Originally, these savages had a little difficulty dealing with Zhong Jinliang and Chen Yu, but when they saw Ge Yu and Zhao Yangui suddenly jump out, they were suddenly shocked.

But seeing a savage screaming strangely suddenly, the injured savages crawled and ran deep into the bushes.

Ge Yu and the others did not chase them, nor did they have any deep hatred with these savages.

"Brother Yu, Brother Zhao..." As soon as Zhong Jinliang saw the two of them, he was overjoyed, and quickly put away the Sword Immortal Sword, and walked towards them.

"Why are you here?" Ge Yu was very happy to see Zhong Jinliang, and asked quickly.

"I don't know. It was very chaotic at the time. I only caught Chen Yu and fell here..." Zhong Jinliang said.

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