Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1049: Female savage and black little color

Ge Yu glanced at Chen Yu who was standing next to her. She was a little panicked and said: "If it wasn't for Big Brother Zhong just now to pull me, he used the sword in his hand to make a hole in the cave wall to slow the impact of the fall. , I'm going to fall to death."

"In the beginning, you shouldn't have come with us. Now it's like this, it doesn't matter whether you can leave here alive." Ge Yu said helplessly.

"It's nothing. I feel very exciting with you. You don't know. I have lived in the Shennongjia hinterland for so many years. Every day I can only see my grandfather and the big yellow dog at home, and rarely see other people. "Chen Yu said with a little excitement.

Yes, this one is also a master who doesn't think it is too much to watch the excitement, so dangerous, it's not a big deal at all.

"It's really depressing. As soon as we came here, we ran into a group of savages. Those guys didn't ask anything. They were going to kill us when they came up. We had to fight with them. Fortunately, Brother Yu, you came in time. If we leave them, otherwise we are really in trouble here." Zhong Jinliang said.

"Have you seen the black little color?" Ge Yu asked.

Chen Yu and Zhong Jinliang looked at each other and shook their heads. Zhong Jinliang said: "No... when he fell just now, Brother Hei was a little far away from us. It should have fallen to other places." "Now we are. We’re all gathered, we’re leaving Brother Hei alone. Let’s look for it together. We will gather everyone together before talking about other things. This place is very dangerous. Once Brother Hei drops the order, he might be killed by Bei Minggui. Uncle's group of people were killed, besides, there are many savages here." Ge Yu said sternly.

Several people nodded, feeling that what Ge Yu said was right, but as the big guys got together, the courage became a bit stronger. There are so many people and powerful, even if there is any danger, they can take care of each other. .

Falling from such a high place, a few people can survive, it is already very good, this also depends on how many people have deep cultivation.

But they can survive, and the group of people who want to come to Beiming Uncle Ghost can almost survive. According to the cultivation base, the cultivation level of the group of Ghost Uncle Beiming is not worse than that of them.

In this unknown place, several people were cautious, walking around, searching for the whereabouts of Hei Xiaose.

This guy didn't know where he fell, whether he was alive or dead, and several people were worried.

However, Hei Xiaose's cultivation base is still very strong, at least much better than Zhong Jinliang, since he can survive, Hei Xiaose is fine.

Ge Yu comforted himself as he searched for Hei Xiaose's whereabouts.

However, a few people walked around two or three miles around. Except for a person next to Uncle Beiming Ghost, no black little figure was found. The person who found Uncle Beiming Ghost was dead. It's ok, the place where it fell is not so good, the head knocked on a stone, it fell to pieces, and the eyeballs flew out.

Zhao Yangui turned around the corpse and said, "There are many signs of people walking next to this corpse. It seems that many of the people of Uncle Beiming and Ghost survived. They once found this corpse and found that the person was completely dead. Just left."

"Then... Brother Hei won't fall into the hands of the group of Uncle Beiming Ghosts, right? Then, if that's the case, Brother Hei probably won't save his life." Zhong Jinliang said with some worry.

"It shouldn’t be possible. For a hostile relationship like ours, we must be born and die as soon as we meet. If the group of people like Uncle Beiming found Heiye, Heiye would have been killed long ago, but we I searched around and didn't see the dead body of Lord Hei. I think Lord Hei may have hid in other places, or he may be looking for us." Zhao Yangui analyzed.

"I hope, let's look for it again, and walk farther, maybe it's Black Brother acting alone." Although Ge Yu said this, but he was very worried about the brother's safety.

Subsequently, several people continued to expand the scope of the search and walked further away.

As several people got farther and farther, they found a problem. They were not completely at the bottom of the pit. There was a long **** going down, and the area of ​​the pit was so large that it was impossible to see at a glance. By the side, there are dense low trees all around, and the sound of running water can be heard.

A few people walked aimlessly in this cave, not knowing where to go... But after the big guy searched for almost half an hour, he still couldn't find the black and small traces, and the hearts of the few people began to become heavy.

As he walked, Chen Yu seemed to have discovered something. He pointed to a distant object and said, "Look, there seems to be a house over there."

The distance was a little far away, and now it was dark again. With great difficulty, everyone saw the prescription position that Chen Yu pointed to, and took a closer look. It seemed that there was a house.

The house was built very crudely, and the roof was covered with straws and branches.

Since there is a house, it proves that there are people living here.

Seeing this, Chen Yu said: "Those houses aren't the places where the wild men live? This place is as high as the Laolong Cave above, at least a few hundred meters, how did they get there?"

No one knows this, but Ge Yu said, "Let's go, let's go over and see what's going on over there."

As they said, the group was cautious, letting the Hedgehog Fat Girl continue to move forward, clearing the way for everyone.

After walking for about ten minutes, they came to a steep **** not far from the house, squatted down, and continued to look in that direction.

At this time, they could clearly see the appearance of those houses, with branches and hay on the roofs, and the walls below surrounded by wooden piles. These simple houses were connected into a large area, at least dozens of such houses. Thatched house.

Before they could see clearly what was happening, suddenly a group of people came down from another hillside and made a loud noise. They were talking loudly while walking towards the house.

The movement made by these people immediately attracted the attention of several people, and they looked over there.

It didn’t matter at this point. Everyone found that among the group of people, there was a little black color, but at this time the black little color was **** by the five flowers, and there was blood on his head. He was escorted and walked towards the house. .

And the group of people who escorted Hei Xiaose turned out to be a group of savages, but these savages are not male, but female savages, wearing animal skins, are tall, and the shortest savages are about 1.8 meters. Some female savages have grown to more than two meters.

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