Maou No Utsuwa
The slave liberation movement is bold.
Many troops paid out and completely lost their thickness in the northern part of the Empire. There rings a bell announcing strife.
The beginning began inside the mansion of a subordinate nobleman of one northern Berber family.
"Don't move! If you imitate badly, this woman's neck will fly!
A man is screaming as he holds a woman in night clothes from behind. The sword in his possession was placed on the woman's neck.
"Ki, you! Get your wife off me!
Standing before it is a knight with a sword. And many behind it lay their swords, surrounding the man.
"If you want me to let you go, listen to this demand!
"You think you can do this for free!?
"Can you do it for free! I'll take whoever gets it!
"That's not what I meant!
"So what do you mean!?
"Huh, don't be ridiculous!
"... I'm gonna kill you?
Suddenly the man stops yelling and makes threats with an awesome voice. The hostage-taking side cannot be defied when they say this.
"... okay. What's the demand?
"Bring all the slaves in this mansion. I know the number of people. If you're deluded, you'll see."
"Wow, okay. Is that all?"
"Bring the slaves' testimony. And bring all the golden-eyed things in this house."
"... ok"
"All right. All you have to do is kick everyone out of the room. Only slaves and you can come in."
The said knight could not return the answer immediately. That makes it harder to kill a robber. Even if you can help your wife, if she takes away the hardware, she's still waiting for a tough disposition.
"You want a woman killed?
"... ok. Everybody out of the room."
No matter how much you think, you can't turn it against you in the end. I gave the orders to the knights who were behind me, and the knight left the room with me.
"Is this what this is?
"... it's too nori. You don't have to go that far."
"I wanted to do it once and see it. Well, ma'am."
"Yes, sir"
"Let go of my hand, so that I'm being adulterous. For yourself, for the others in this mansion."
"If you try to escape, I'll kill you all"
"Oh, I see."
"Well, sit in that chair there. I'll tie you up gently, just let me know if it hurts."
"... Yes"
A woman sitting in a chair as she was told. On the woman's shoulder, hanging the gown that was falling on the floor, the man takes the rope out of his nose.
"I'll do it."
Another momentary big man calls out.
"Ah, then, please. Not too loose, not too painful."
The man ropes to the woman in the chair, as he is told, making sure of her tightness.
When it was over, the man brought another chair and placed it right near the woman.
"Master Kamui, go ahead"
"Because you don't have to be so concerned"
"Well, sweeten to your words,"
That's what I said. Kamui sits in the chair the man brought. Kamui also cared about the man he cared about.
"Oh, you..."
The woman called out to Kamui, knowing that she would not do anything abusive, and calmed down a little.
"It's a passing robbery."
"I didn't..."
Kamui shows how depressed she is by the woman's reaction.
"Master Kamui, what we're actually doing is robbing."
"Is that true, too? That doesn't sound like a joke."
"What is the purpose?
A woman asked me if I felt a little loose in the atmosphere of Kamui.
"Didn't you hear the demands?
"Slaves and Money"
"Yes, that's what I'm here for"
After all, it just seems like a normal robbery and a woman.
"You're not even going to play the story. Don't talk excessively. Be adult. You can sleep if you want."
"You're not feeling well..."
"Because it's a robbery."
A man follows a depressing Kamui.
"Right. It's more boring than I thought.... Oh, here we are."
An earlier knight came in through the door at the same time Kamui said. Slaves linked to many chains follow.
"What about the testimony and the money?
"The testimony is here. That's all the money's got to start with."
Saying so, the knight lifts a bunch of paper and a leather bag to make it look kamui.
"I keep it in several places"
"That's a disciplined matter. Bye, that'll be later. Get your testimony."
In the words of Kamui, a man, a demonic man, advances before a knight. When he received it in silence, the demonic man handed Kamui a bunch of testimonies.
"Let your wife go."
"You're not letting me go now, are you? If we do that, the knights outside the room will collapse."
Without a shy eye, repentance is seeping into the face of the knight.
"Well, let's start checking. I'll call you by name, so whoever's called you can respond and move to the left."
And when Kamui turns his attention to the testimony, he calls the name of the slave written there. Untranslated, the slave called moved to the left as directed by Kamui.
"... is this really all of it?
Moving his gaze from the testimony to the knight, Kamui issues an inquiry.
"So that's everything."
"Right. Pretty good. Your husband makes good money, doesn't he?
Ma'am doesn't seem to know what Kamui's sudden questioning means.
"I wish I didn't know. Then he who was not called by name. Not long ago. Oh, the guy behind it. It's you, the guy who's hiding now."
"Hey, what is it?
"Leave the room. You're not a slave, are you?
"No, I am"
"Does the slave remain that beautiful? You're a knight because of your body. Have you ever thought about attacking an alarmed place?
"Get out. Unless you want your wife killed."
And where the knight turned into a slave left the room, Kamui started talking again.
"Well, you guys have two options. I'll tell you now, choose freely."
The slaves go out of their way. The bluff comes from the slaves whose names were called. I was hoping it would be liberated.
But Kamui is trying to make those who didn't call his name choose something.
"One, forget the grudges enslaved and obey me. The other thing is, you're gonna stay free."
Even louder, squeaky voices. That was also heard from outside the room. Everyone is determined to choose their freedom. He doesn't know what it means to let him choose.
"Come on, choose"
But unlike many of those questions, many of the slaves who came forward knelt on the spot.
"You won't need to ask that question. Master Kamui Kreutz, recognized by the Devil Sword Kamui and ruler of the Devil Nation. Our loyalty has nowhere else to turn. I will obey you."
"Become!?" "Ma, demon king!?" "Stupid!
And the men of the mansion that heard the word, and the other slaves, are not in a desperate place. Knowing the Demon King was in front of him, he began to raise the cry of fear.
"Be quiet! If you make a scene, I'll kill you!
Kamui's anger drops there. Everyone who was noisy about the hegemony that had struck him at the same time as his anger was stiff at once and unable to move.
"Quiet. It's not over yet. Those who follow me, one by one."
"Some men."
Kamui is a little surprised to see the demon clan that came forward. Because I thought women were the only ones being enslaved.
"As long as you're ashamed to be imprisoned with a powerful body."
"No, that's not it. Well, okay. Stick your arms forward."
I wondered what they were making me do as a slave, but Kamui stopped listening to it.
Kamui's sword passes between his protruding arms. Chains as thick as the arms that were connected to the slaves were severed in one swing.
"Fine is later. Can't I have my own legs? Sykes, help him."
"Yes, then, over here"
Now lie in bed. The demon clan, called Sykes, the iron shackle that binds both its legs, with a great axe, also breaks this with another blow.
"Well, good arm."
"Unfortunately, it's not just the arms. Thanks also to the axe. That's why it's so special."
A tool to restrain the Demons. It is a special object, made of expensive misthrilled steel, and is guided by magic. Unlike a subordinate collar, it is not such as to make you submit. It's a magic guide that makes restraints sturdy and blocks magic.
Kamui makes good money for his wife because this restraint itself is quite expensive.
"It's a lot easier just to say your hands and feet are wide open"
"I'm sorry, but there's next. Out of my way."
"Oh, sorry."
Kamui cuts the chain of arms and Sykes frees his legs. In an instant, the demonic slaves regained their freedom of hands and feet.
"Now, those who have chosen freedom,"
"Oh, wait!
From among those called names, one slave speaks up.
"Me too, I'm a demon! Let me go, too!
"They called you names, didn't they?
"Yes, but I'm a demon."
"Why did you become a slave?
"I killed a people tribe. So he was captured and enslaved."
"I became a slave because I sinned. That's obvious."
"If you kill people, it's a sin. Or at war or something? Or is it revenge?
"Take responsibility for your words. If I were a demon."
I will not tolerate lies. This is what happens when you say this demonically.
"... to take the money."
"Then it's sin. I can't help being enslaved. The testimony is valid, and beyond being valid, it must be protected. That's what demons are all about."
"Yes, I'm sorry"
"So I'll buy you off as a slave. Still following me?
"Also, of course!
"Treat me as a slave. Punish also. It's pretty heavy because it's a killer."
"Still...... Please take me."
"Okay. Uh......, that's expensive!? An unexpected expense. Bye, ma'am."
While a little surprised at its height, making sure of the amount written in the testimony, Kamui took the gold coin out of his pocket and placed it on the lap of a woman tied to a chair.
"Confirm the amount"
"What, yeah? What am I supposed to do?
"This is the testimony. Look at the amount it says. The number of gold coins you put on your lap is the same, right?
"Yes, sir"
"So now will you give him up?
"Yes, sir"
"Contract established. Now he's my slave. I won't let you complain about taking me."
"Promises are contracts, too."
"Well, come here"
He looks delighted, and his demon clan comes forward. His wife called out to Kamui where he had shackled off like the rest of the demons.
"Why, give me the money? Didn't you come here to take your slave?
"Take it? That's not true. Were you aware of the existence of illegal slaves?
"... Yep"
"Out of the blue, your wife is a villain, too. As good as it is now, they are inherently free beyond being illegal. You have the right to be free, you will not deprive them of their freedom. Didn't I?"
"... no"
"On the other hand, it's natural, but legal slavery is different. It's not freedom, it's the property of this house. It is only natural that you should pay for it because you will give it away. That's all."
"That's it. Let's get things moving."
After finishing his conversation with his wife, Kamui turned again to the slaves.
"Oh, that."
So another slave speaks out.
"Can't you take me too?
"... people, right? Or, Quarter?
"Either my father or my mother are demons. Or my grandfather and grandmother."
"That's Kwater?
"I try to be as accurate as I can"
People originally have demonic blood in them. It was strange to call it half, and I changed the way I called it. In many people, the percentage of demonic blood is not actually correct because it is a dozen places.
"... no. Can't you be human? I will certainly please you…, I think I can help you"
"I'm not saying people can't, but you can't."
"Why!? I was captured and enslaved! I'm also an illegal slave!
"Really? If so, you are free. But you're not saying you want to be free to follow me, you're asking for a new husband, are you?
"Is that what's wrong?
"You saw me give you a lot of money, and you came up with it, didn't you? What you want is not freedom, but money, a good life."
"... not good. Is it bad if you want to live a good life? Yeah, that's not all. You're a better young man. If you're gonna hold the same, you're better off."
A woman who changes her tone and throws up a reopened dialogue. I was not surprised by that, and Kamui continued to talk in an unchanged manner.
"You can have the money. You're not a slave, but you were put to work, so you're entitled to the reward."
"Money? You pay me?
"No way. It was this house that offered me labor. I want you to pay from this house."
That's what I'm supposed to do.
"I've already received the money"
When he glanced at Sykes behind him, Sykes turned the leather bag he had upside down and smashed the contents over the bed.
What came out was a shining gold coin, a silver coin. That made a small mountain on the bed.
The sound of my throat comes from the woman who saw it.
"With that said, what's the rest?
Kamui turns his gaze to the knight.
"... I've got it"
"Well, that's on the bed, too. Bring it alone."
"I can't hold it alone"
"Then you can go back and forth as much as you want. Eyes and nose. It won't take long."
"... ok"
"You thought you'd get caught up in those hands? If so, you guys are idiots. Everybody notices."
When the knight received the leather bag from the other knight, he came to the front of the bed and spread it out. The mountain of gold and silver coins gets a little higher.
"I still have a leather bag, though?
"What's in it..."
"It's a stone or something. Good, then."
"Bring that too"
"... what?
"If it was real, you'd lose it, right? Bring it quickly. Your wife is still over here. You forgot that?
"Wow, okay."
And once returned, the contents of the leather bag brought by the knight will make the mountain of gold coins and silver coins even higher.
"Oh, give me that?
"Not all of them. It's just what I worked for."
"How is that?"
"I'm going to calculate that now. Shall I start with you? What about work?"
"You know that. Night opponent."
"Yes. How many years have you been here as a slave?
"About five years."
"Tell the truth."
"... about two years"
"More Fine"
"A year and eight months!
"Yes. Okay. How many times a month did you deal with them?
"So how many times a month did you work? Because the number of times is about the number of days"
"Why should I tell you that?!?
"To calculate the reward. Based on the whore's per capita amount, I will pay for the number of times."
"What, are you dissatisfied? Pretty expensive, isn't it?
"That's not the problem!
"But a similar job is that, right?
"That's true, though. I'm forced. Whores don't open themselves."
"... what's the problem with that?
Kamui's atmosphere changes at once to the woman's words.
"Oh, that's..."
"What's wrong with doing that yourself? Is forcing great and embarrassing yourself?
"Oh, I didn't say that."
"So, what?
"You don't have to be so angry..."
"For the sake of my people, I know people who continue to be whores themselves. I can't allow words to insult them."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
"... Yes. Then how many times?
"Ha, about eight times"
"Is that the first time? And now?"
"... twice"
"So, on average, five times a month.... That's not much. I'm with you when you barely work. I don't have a choice. Do I even include allowances for the day I was in custody?"
"Please, I will..."
When he writes something down on the paper he took out of somewhere, Kamui takes a few gold coins from the bed. A delightful colour appeared on the woman's face. Because if you're a common man, it's an amount you can play with and live in for a few years.
Kamui does not immediately go to the woman, but stands in front of her wife.
"Sign here."
"Certificate of paying wages. And please write down your acknowledgement signature."
"... Yes"
Receive the pen offered by Kamui and the wife will write her signature at the designated location.
"Even if I sign"
"Husband's property is shared property with his wife. Valid."
"I've never heard that before."
"Even if you've never heard of it, that's what the real promise of the world is all about. If the world acknowledges, the contract is valid"
"... true promise"
"It's something that people have forgotten."
Kamui turned to the woman and handed her gold and signed paper as she proceeded with her steps.
"Now, money and freedom are yours. I'll take you out of custody, so when you're done, leave this mansion."
You're not gonna get away with this.
"If you leave the mansion, you'll be picked up. Show that person the paper and he'll take you to a safe place. Be my guest later."
"... ok"
"Remove the restraint. It's troublesome, so the others are with us."
"Wow, okay. Bring the keys."
It feels like the knight told by Kamui said reluctantly, giving instructions to the knight who was behind him.
"Well, let's go on. Next person."
The next person to come forward is a tight-bodied man.
"What's your job?
It's called manual labor.
"How many years have you been enslaved?
"Three years and ten months"
"Is your job every day?
"You're a slave."
"Then... Manual labor is…"
Listen to the man, Kamui enters the calculation. I've spoken to that Kamui from a man.
"I want to hear one thing"
"Hmm? What is it?
"Is it true you said that even people can't?
"Yes, this one is perfectly fine"
"Then take me with you."
"You won't be able to pay your wages here. And you will live with the Demons."
"We've lived together ever since"
"Is that true, too? Let me ask you why."
"I want a reason to live"
"Are you sure for a reason, not food?
"Oh, it's a reason to live"
"Okay, back there. Sykes, take him off."
Only this allowed Kamui to accompany him. Also distracted was the woman who was waiting to be unchained.
"Hey, hey. I can't. Why would he take him?
"You craved the food to live, and he craved a reason to live. That's the difference."
I don't know what that means.
"Anyone who can live for the purpose of living is good. But there are people in the world who can't live without a purpose to live. I thought he was like that."
Women can no longer say anything to Kamui's words. Sometimes it was difficult, but even if I didn't know exactly what it meant, I felt something stabbing me in the chest.
"Okay, next person"
Afterwards, pale Kamui spoke to the remaining illegal slaves and gave them paper and gold.
There was no one else who wished to accompany Kamui, but there was no way to care about it.
"Now, leave the mansion, too."
Where the last one left the room, the knight, who was still silent and watching how things were going, called out.
"Let your wife go."
"There's no reason to let go. I know that. Why would you say that?
"It must be over by now"
"We need hostages until we get away. Well, can you stand up?
"The rope is already cut."
"... when"
The wife rises out of her chair, surprised by the rope she was unraveling before she knew it.
"If you don't want to get hurt, keep it adult. Arms behind your back."
"... Yes"
Turn your arms behind you as they say. Kamui grabs the arm from behind.
"This is for repairs and annoyance. I did give it to you."
As the word ended, the sound of the glass breaking echoed into the room.
"I got away with it! Go after him! The courtyard!
When his wife looked back, there was no one behind him, just shattered, shattered windowsills scattered across the floor.
In a hurry, stop by the window and look down.
But there, there was already no shadow, just the darkness of the night spread.
"Ma'am! Are you all right!
A knight rushing over.
"... hey, can you tell me?
"What are you doing?
"What is the Demon King......, what is the Demon King?
"Your wife?
"There was faith in the words he spoke. Is that the word of an evil, outrageous demon king who terrorizes people?
"Ma'am, not much like that."
"Tell me! What is an empire that turns its demon king against its enemies!? Do we have justice?
"Please refrain from making such statements!
"Sin spans not only the wife, but the entire house!
Imperial criticism. That is not acceptable even for aristocrats. Moreover, a subordinate aristocrat cannot complain about it even if he is charged with excessive sins.
"... I can't believe I'm not free to say what I think. That's all I'm inferior to him."
"Master Sophia Honfried was not wrong"
"Dear Sophia Honfleet, are you?
"It's his mother. It was my admiration to be called the return of the Virgin of Light"
Few such aristocratic women. Combining beauty and strength, Kamui's mother was a longing for many women of her generation.
"Was it..."
"I admired you, but when it comes to what I'm doing..."
"Let's clean up. I can't sleep with this."
This is the beginning bell. After this date, many of the subordinate aristocrats of the Northern House will be involved in similar incidents.
Demon King Strike - Slightly exaggerated, this rumor will shake the northern part of the Empire.
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