Maou No Utsuwa
Imperial Strike Back
Amphang, the largest city in the north with the Lordship Hall of the Northern Uncle.
Having said that, its buildings, with the exception of the castle of the Imperial Capital, are the largest large castle in the Empire.
That's all I could have left of the castle, because it was the land of the beginning, the capital of the country from which the original ancestors arose the empire.
In case anything happens to the Imperial Capital, Amphang will be the center of the Empire. Anyone who serves the Empire knows that.
Behind that castle. Sitting at the desk in the lord's office is Hans Northschloss Asmus, a former lord and former northern uncle.
He was a former Asmus Northern uncle who hid, but he was not allowed to hide in the true sense.
The lords of the leading aristocracy are always in the royal capital. Although it is common for the actual territorial government to be carried out by Chiko with the assistance of his subordinates, the Chiko of the Northern Uncle family is still too young to do so. In the name of the hindsight of Chiko, the former Asmus northern uncle needed to continue to look at the affairs of the territory.
Well, now, many of my men are on an expedition.
The Northern Uncle was in good shape when he said the former Asmus Northern Uncle was partitioning everything.
Uncle Asmus North before he took each and every report and ruling stacked on his desk and checked it. It's usual for that face to bite.
The reports that arrive from the Imperial Capital are all that irritate the former Asmus northern uncle. I don't know how many times I've broken and dumped a report on the spot because of its stupidity.
And, again, one report is irritating the former Asmus northern uncle.
"Stupid things."
I don't think I can talk to myself like that, I leak out of that mouth.
The report was to announce the invasion of the Kingdom by the Knights of the Empire. Given the time from the Imperial Capital to Amphang, the Imperial Knights were already at the beginning of their march.
There is no stopping that from the former Asmus North Uncle. In both a temporal and an authoritative sense.
There is no power in the empire today to attack the kingdom. The former Asmus Northern uncle knows that. What the Empire needs to do now is to consolidate the inside anyway. I am angry at the fact that those involved in national politics do not understand what anyone can tell.
"Why did this happen...?
One of the few in the former Asmus Northern Uncle and the Imperial Capital that has similar thoughts would be this. Though there will be great differences in the intensity of thoughts.
times of the predecessors. The system of the Empire was arguably the cornerstone. Even if there was a dispute between organizations and nobles, if it was about the whole empire, the excellent people of each organization were working together to move things forward maneuverably.
It's so different from the Empire today. And that was only, like, eight years ago.
There is only one thing that comes to mind in the head of the former Asmus northern uncle.
It is the death of the late emperor.
If the Emperor were still alive, the Empire would not have done this. And over the past decade, we should have been able to find, nurture and gain experience in supporting the next empire. If we are well prepared and then succeed the next generation, the Empire will be able to embark on continental domination in the next generation.
Instead of attacking the kingdom with accomplishing tasks like this one, with a complete system in place.
"Should I still go back"
The only way to rebuild the present empire is for our own generation to return to national politics. Before that, Uncle Asmus North is beginning to think.
After the collapse of the predecessor, it wasn't just the North-South uncle who retired. Many of his loyally thick subordinates retired, deeply engaged with his predecessors, including many brilliant civilians headed by the Chancellor and warring generals. These things, which are bound to happen during the fall of the Emperor, are a custom dating from the days when the Empire was founded.
It would be nice if the emperor died at that age. However, in the case of early life, the minister who is still working will leave the national government and be taken over by the immature. The situation is the best of this.
We must somehow break the millennial, bad habits shaped by the actions of the four heroes after the fall of their ancestors. An anxiety about the future of the Empire is causing the former Asmas Northern Uncle to solicit those thoughts.
The former Asmus Northern uncle decided to take action, saying that nothing could be solved just by thinking about it.
Prepare the blank paper and take the pen.
First of all, the ex-South Uncle. So he drops his pen on the paper, and his hand stops. The ink spread on the paper.
"... who is it?
The silver-haired man with black clothes stood at the end where the former northern uncle raised his face. It's Kamui.
"What's so great about it?
"One thing I felt the signs of. The second thing is to raise your voice and not make a scene."
"That's not to be praised. The former is because you deliberately gave the sign. The latter is not a more desperate life."
"What about that? He seemed untrained for not sparing his life."
"... you haven't heard the answer to the first question."
"Kamui Kreutz"
"Demon King."
There is no surprise in the former northern uncle. The colour of my hair made me wonder.
"That's what they called it. I stopped affirming it. My name is Kamui Kreutz. That's what I'm saying."
"Right. Kreutz stays named."
"It's my father's last name, so it's only natural."
"It was given to me by the emperor."
"What I received belonged to my father."
"... so is that. So, what can I do for you?
"Didn't it arrive?
"Inadequate communication of information or lack of manpower"
"So what do you want to know?"
"No, this one's moving a little, so I was wondering if that report was coming"
"... he's not here."
The reaction of the former northern uncle doesn't look like something I'm in love with. With that in mind, Kamui realized that he had failed.
"Looks like it came too soon. I'm coming back out."
"What is it?
"What are you not in a position to ask? I won't admit it. Tell me what you need to do right now."
"... is that true too? When I thought about it, I didn't mean to say I was in trouble too soon."
"Are you really Kreutz's son?
"Do you know my father?
"Naturally. How many times do you think Nong's out on the battlefield?
"Really? My father is my father."
"Not alike."
"Because he's my adopted father."
"... it was"
"Are you bogged down because of your age?
"... never speak of it again"
Kamui recognized the former northern uncle as the type he apparently didn't like.
"What can I do for you?
"I thought I'd use the authority of the Northern House to have an order issued to the North."
"An order? That's why Non has to listen to your orders."
"I told you because I told you to talk to me about something?
"... talk"
The same was true of the former northern uncle who felt bad about it. It's nothing special because most people who oppose Kamui feel that way.
"For once, the draft has been considered. Now, if you add the Northern Uncle to the caller, it's done."
"... Give it to me"
"I'll put it here, take a look"
Kamui leaves the spot, placing the paper on a table that was nearby.
"It's a hassle. Bring it."
"Because he doesn't seem very alert. I try to stay away from people who don't know what to do."
"It's cowardly."
"I'm too busy to get hurt."
"Are you hurt... I have no choice."
If there was a gap, I would have killed the former northern uncle. When I said I was injured, I decided to follow Kamui's words with great confidence that I would not take my life.
The same is true of the ex-North uncle, who has not fully identified his strength.
Sit in the chair at the table and take the paper that Kamui placed in his hand.
"You want me to free illegal slaves? And reward me. No one follows this."
"I might be out there. Because you know what happens if you don't obey."
Anger fills my former northern uncle's body.
"I didn't do what I imagined. The injured are out, but I didn't get my hands on them from here. The hardware, as a reward for unlawful slavery you freed, has been reduced a bit, but that's natural, isn't it?
"So you're gonna be threatening me?
"I'm asking you. Because it's just hard to get around it all. Like I said, we're busy."
"Just kidding."
"So? Can you send that out?
"... would be good"
"If you're here too, it would help if you let me go"
"Are you sure you're not there?
"I don't have that kind of taste in Non."
"... but how's your son?
The back teeth of the former northern uncle rang. I know how bad my son can be. But I'm angry that Kamui pointed that out to me.
"It's bad for you if you're too angry."
"You must be pissing me off."
"... I don't mean to, but that's what they often say"
"I guess so.... I know everything about the castle. There are no illegal slaves here."
"Okay. Now I'd like that document, please. Just move it, sign it, so right away, right?
"... with your name in it?
"Is there a problem?
"It depends!? They think he's connected to the Demon King!
"Not the Demon King, Kamui Kreutz. Don't forget."
"... I'll erase your name. So what are you gonna do by collecting demons?
"I'm not collecting it, I'm liberating it. It's up to them to get together."
"Will we get together?
"As a result. Because there are few places where the Demons can stay safe."
"So what are you trying to do?
"There's no way you can tell the Empire the details, is there?
"... is the Empire the target? Don't punish me. If we gather, we will eventually be at war. The results are the same as last time."
"Assuming it's a war, it won't be the same. I won't bother to lose this time."
The former northern uncle gave Kamui's words a surprising look. There was a grin on Kamui's face when he saw it.
"I don't even know you. I see the emperor was trustworthy."
"... no way, there was a deal?
"I can't answer that. Because it will betray the Empire's forefathers."
"... right"
Kamui's words are the same as he admits there was a deal. It's only natural that Kamui deliberately used words that make sense.
"Well, I'm done with the business. Now if you'll excuse me."
I hear a voice on Kamui's back trying to get out pretentious.
"You, how did you get here?
"I can't say that either. That's what only a true emperor of Schutz Alten can know."
"... what about the first emperor?
The former northern ambassador felt meaning and asked Kamui about the fact that he had purposefully followed the truth.
"Probably knew?
"What about the present emperor, Your Majesty?
"I don't. That's not the Emperor of Schutz Alten."
"Rude! Your Majesty the Emperor of the Empire!
"I just said. He said he was not the Emperor of Schutz Alten. More importantly, no true emperor will ever appear in Schutz Alten."
"If you want an emperor, change the name of the country. Then whatever we do to name the Emperor, it's not what we know."
"What are you saying?
"There are no more ancient guardians. That's what I'm saying."
"What's that? What's that supposed to mean?
Even the former northern uncle can't understand what Kamui is saying. The relationship between the Empire and the Demon Nation is a secret that only generations of emperors know.
"Oh, I have one more thing to say"
"It's about staying hidden. Go back to the stage and you'll feel sad."
"There is no answer. Well, okay. It's personal freedom to choose your path."
Keep the door open in the room and Kamui goes out.
By the time the former northern uncle had followed him, Kamui's figure had already disappeared.
◇ ◇ ◇
The demon king appeared in the north. The information had been promptly reported to the Imperial Capital.
Any insignificant information about the Demons was communicated throughout the Empire to do so.
Heavy ministers of the Empire gathered in the wake of that newspaper, but without discussing anything, the venue for the meeting was quiet.
Chancellor Zion's deputy is angry, and Princess Claudia cannot open her mouth with embarrassment.
"Let it pass, report it from yourself."
It was Falco Knoll, general of the Imperial Knights, who finally opened his mouth.
"Go ahead."
Besides, Prime Minister Zion's deputy replied softly.
"Reports are coming that the subordinate nobles of the Northern Uncle are making a scene when they learn that the Demon King has appeared in the North."
"I guess so."
"the beginning and the end of those who say they will return to their territories."
"No, I'm already back"
"Instead of subordinate nobility, the northern uncle himself has been reported to have drawn soldiers."
"Are you such an idiot? So what happens to the Eastern front?
"That's what I want to hear. What are you going to do with the Imperial Knights?
General Knoll does not have the answer to Prime Minister Zion's deputy. I can't help it either. All the Knights were paying for their seats, and they were suddenly pulled out of their seats at the conference.
"What did the Knights Leader say? I'm in the East. You know the information, don't you?
"It should be."
"So what?
"... we haven't heard from anything yet"
"Aren't you desperate to give yourself the kung fu? I beg your pardon."
General Knoll has been unable to say anything to the intense dislike of Chancellor Zion's deputy.
"... we need to do something"
"Her Royal Highness Princess Claudia, then come up with a plan"
"Chancellor Zion has nothing?
"I'm not a prime minister, I'm a prime minister's deputy."
"... what's the prime minister's proxy?
"I would like to begin by explaining to you the story of Her Royal Highness Princess Claudia. That's the priority, so I think it's quicker."
"... more east of the Western House of Uncle"
"That should already be working. Western uncle is no fool."
"... so you can't?
"You may be fine"
"Maybe not. 'Cause there's no guarantee that the Demons won't show up west next."
Chancellor Zion's proxy attitude is, in other words, eight wins. Where it is directed at the Crown Princess Claudia, the royal family, there appears an irresistible frustration on behalf of Chancellor Zion.
"Can you go on?
"… None, sir"
"Um, Chancellor Zion's deputy..."
"There's no way I can talk to you. There is a limit to the number of troops that can move. If we gather east, the others will fade. It's clear in this case that the Devil's aim is where it's diminished."
"So you're watching the Demon King take it upon himself to do nothing?
"There is one."
"What, what?
"I apologize to the Demon King for being sorry. Please forgive me."
"Oh, no."
"Her Royal Highness Princess Claudia, would you please go to the Demon King's? I was a classmate, so please forgive me on that edge."
"I can't do that!
Princess Claudia responds seriously to the words of Naughty Chancellor Zion's deputy. The atmosphere in the meeting room darkens over time.
It was the voice that suddenly broke in that changed the atmosphere.
"It's not bad, but isn't there something else?
"... Chancellor Kalk!
Representing Chancellor Zion, who sat sloppily in spite of much anger and a meeting place. But as soon as I heard his voice, I quickly rose to an upright immobilized position.
"I'm not the Chancellor. I'm the former Chancellor."
"Yes. Excuse me!
It is also natural that the proxy for Chancellor Zion will do so. The opponent is victor calc, the prime minister when he was first emperor. For Chancellor Zion's deputy, he's the boss who was at much higher altitudes.
"Don't be so hard. I'm unemployed right now, and you're the culmination of a civilian."
"Please sit down. I can't talk about it."
Confirming that Prime Minister Zion's deputy had lowered his hips, former Prime Minister Kalk sat down in the last seat. If former Prime Minister Kalk sits down, that's where he seems to be in the upper seat. That's all the difference in character appears on the table.
"So Master Calc. What can I do for you today?
"Yes, I will begin with a message from Her Majesty the Empress"
"Your Majesty…. Ok. Please."
"The Empire is in a state of emergency. temporarily authorise Victor Calc to participate in the national government on this occasion"
"Is that true!?
The return of the prime minister during the reign of the emperor. In the current situation of being stuck, it seems like a savior to Theon.
"The official documents will follow. Now I think I need to get into the response quickly, and I came here before that."
"Yes, sir."
"Several others of mine will temporarily return to the scene. We'll talk about that in the future."
"Well, you don't have to match the perception of the status quo, do you?
"Theon, don't you answer all the time. I'm asking everyone."
"... sorry"
"You don't. Well, the kingdom and Kamui Kreutz should deal with it. I'll talk about this. It's a southern response. As a response to the invading forces in the southern part of the kingdom, I would like to begin by sending Lord Fleethelm Klingbaer, a former southern ambassador, as the Supreme Commander."
"Oh, my God? Uncle Yuan is back."
"There are others, but that's the chase. The Southern Bergamot army naturally puts the Southern Frontier Army under its command."
"We're still on the way. Number is mutual, quality is upper. That is enough allowances for the invading forces in the south of the kingdom. Well, Her Royal Highness Lady Hildegand is in the south, isn't she?
"Do you have a location?
"We receive regular reports"
"Now, tell him this."
"What is it?
"Her Royal Highness Lady Hildegand wants you to move quickly to the East and lead the Oriental Uncle Family Army and the Eastern Border Lords Army. And some of the Knights of the Empire in the Eastern Central Command."
"You can't do that!
Empress Claudia raises her voice beyond the words of former Chancellor Kalk.
"Who leads the Knights of the Empire?"
"Oh, I will also send a new general to lead. I'm not officially a general, but, like me, I have temporarily granted authority to Her Majesty the Empress."
"What's that?
"Former General Christophe Beck. After placing the Knights under the command of former General Beck, former General Beck enters under the command of Her Royal Highness Lady Hildegand. Nothing wrong with that."
The fact that Hildegand takes command, not formality, is in itself unhappy with Empress Claudia, but when former Chancellor Kalk says there is no problem, he can't complain.
"There is another former general to be dispatched. Former General Edu Bandels will be asked to assist the Knights as advisor."
Even Empress Claudia knows the name of former General Banderus. A warring general and an immature knight captain. It is clear which knight will follow on the battlefield. Oscar was robbed of his power on the battlefield.
"Now, the main unit of the Imperial Knights assembling in the center, stop invading the kingdom, northward from the eastern edge of the border territory. I'll have the rear of the kingdom's main army attached."
"You don't have to step into the kingdom's territory. That should serve the same purpose."
"Will the problem be in time? Give orders to all parts of the country as soon as possible on this matter. Give priority to everything and deliver the transmission as soon as possible, minute by second."
"Ha. Get me a quick horse right away! Written later! Let me go by verbal transmission!
Following the life of Prime Minister Zion's deputy, one of the civil servants ran out of the room.
"... are the Knights good?
"Ah, ha! Send word to the Knights Commander and the Eastern Central Defense Forces!
And now General Knoll's life-taking deputy ran away.
"Well, now we wait."
"But what about the Demon King?
"The response to Kamui Kreutz will be handled by the former Lord Berhans Northschloss Asmas"
"Are the top commanders of the Northern Bergamot army taking turns, too?
"There will be no fighting in the North."
"What, but the demon king?
"The purpose of Kamui Kreutz is the liberation of illegal slaves. It's not war. Just a little, the information was running around flashy. It must have meant something positive."
"To pull back the northern uncle..."
"You know very well. However, if I could, I would have liked you to have noticed before moving the Northern Uncle Family Army. Do you know it costs money to move the army?
Former Chancellor Kalk is a former boss acting as Chancellor Zion. Is disgust in the conference seats a civilian-civilian tradition?
"There is another response to Kamui Kreutz. I offer the liberation of illegal slaves to the noble families throughout the Empire. I'm not uncomfortable with the demon king, but I can't help it now."
"Liberation of illegal slaves. Will you listen to me?
Prime Minister Zion's deputy expressed doubts. There is anxiety as to whether the Empire now has the power to obey the nobles.
"I ask you to listen. If it is exchanged, Kamui Kreutz loses the name of creating a commotion. Especially in the West. Let us not upset the Westerners and their subordinate nobles."
"Yes. Will that cure the Demon King?
"I don't know. I can't read his movements so far. You have too little information. There's just one hypothesis."
"What's that?
"Not yet. Information leaks are just confusing. Oh, don't call Kamui Kreutz a demon king in the future. We will make that imperial policy."
"... you don't treat me like a demon king, do you?
"That's right. Later, I'll think of a response depending on his movements. If we respond to the kingdom in time, the results will also change. Also, the movement will change. I can't help thinking about it now."
"Now one last thing"
"Yes. What is it?
"This failure is due to the instability of the empire's system. You know that, don't you?
"I'll get rid of the cause of it"
"In other words?"
"In the near future, you will receive a petition from Uncle Square regarding the selection of the Crown Prince"
"The inability to leave the status quo behind is a common understanding of the Uncle Shi family."
"The supreme declaration should also bear the name of the person recommended by the Uncle Quaternary to the Crown Prince. With that in mind, we ask the Empire to draw conclusions."
"Are you sure you want to consider yourself at Uncle Square's?
"Yes, it has to be, there is no point in recommending it"
"The East Western House..."
"I can't tell you what's inside. However, Lord Deefleet, the second son of the Western Uncle, seems to have gone missing."
"" "Become!?
The whole meeting room is stunned. Know the fact that Deefreet has gone missing and who the Crown Prince has decided as a result.
"Oh, surprise, no, of, right?
"What? Oh, I'm surprised. I was too surprised to understand."
I can't be Prince Therese in the mood to rejoice in the Crown Prince's decision. Wanting the status of Emperor over the former began with the desire to make Empress Sophilia struggle, and now it cannot only be given to Empress Claudia.
Prince Therese was concerned about the attitude of the Princess Claudia. I haven't settled yet. Such a hunch doesn't go away.
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