Maou Reijou no Kyouiku Gakari

Episode 33: Future Outlook

Almost at the same time that he recognized the person as his former goddaughter, the emotions in his eyes went from cold trying to blame the suspicious person to big upsets, and darker colors of confusion.

"Huh...? What... so..."

Lily shrugged so briefly as she shook her voice.

I can see the blue eyes in those eyes trembling with agitation, yet holding onto me.


There were no more words out there than calling that name.

That was not only because I didn't know what to say to my goddaughter, who I haven't seen in a long time in this situation, but also because my position and hers are now clearly separated.

"Doctor... right...? What are you doing here?

Lily asked me that in a tone that would make sure I was the real me.

"... do you know him?

"... right. Isna, I'll take care of this, so you're gonna take everybody and leave first."

"Answer my question!!

Instructions about to leave for Isna are cancelled by screaming so much that they are likely to echo throughout the vast large forest area.

"The people next door are demons, aren't they...? Why are you with the Demons...?

The natural questions that would come to mind even if I were in her shoes are spinning out of her mouth one after another.

And then he packs a distance to us with his ghostly footsteps with a raging, unpleasant vain look on his face.

The sense of intimidation enough to remember the chills emanating from its body creates silence as if everything around it had been frozen.

"Okay...... Lily, calm down first"

"I am calm. I've been... I've been calm... It's the teacher that's weird. 'Cause... it's weird how a teacher points a sword at me..."

"Huh! That's... sorry... Look, you're right. So please, just calm down and listen to me."

Put down your sword and stick your hand forward to stop that movement.

"Hey, this guy... he's in a weird mental state... I'm not the right person to talk to."

"I'm fine. Now I'll convince you... that way..."

All of a sudden, the old faculty in charge just shows up in front of me and is confused.

If you only knew I wasn't willing to be hostile to her...

"No... we don't have time for that! I don't think you can!

You thought you didn't have time to do anything crazy, and Isna, who walked out beside me with momentum, stuck her hand out towards Lily.

"Wait, Isna! Stop it!"

"Hey, don't interrupt me for a second! I don't know what kind of acquaintance you know, but if you're doing something long right now..."

"It's not! You use magic on this girl..."

Magic doesn't work on this kid. On the contrary, even the spiritual magic of the dreamer could easily be fought back as our thing if it had that recognition.

The moment I tried to explain that...

"Don't make out with a girl other than me!!

Lily kicked the ground hard.

"What!? Yikes!"

And then he jumped with his sword up the stairs toward Isna, not me.

Again he sets up his sword and breaks between them and enters, accepting the sword waved down towards Isna.

"Come on, Lily! Stop it! I'm not fighting with you!

Heavy blow from thin arms to unimaginable.

The sound of the sword that took it and the bones of his arms clattering through his body echoes in his ears.

"Then why protect the Demons?!?

"So... I'll explain that now, so calm down!

But that being said, how can I explain it?

To avenge those people, I'm now the teacher of the Daughters of the Demon King. Should I tell this kid everything about it...

No answers are naturally provided for unexpected events that I hadn't even thought about.

"I don't need an explanation! Retreat, please! Otherwise... you can't kill that!

"Come on, I'll kill you... If you don't know who you are, but you can do it, do it!

"Even if you didn't tell me! The woman who beats up my teacher!

"Yours!? Sleep and say what you say! This man is my (...) Absolute! It's not weird!

"What the...? You're the one who's out of your mind!

"Hey, what the fuck! Motivational!?"

"Isna! I'll take care of this place, you take Sun and leave quickly!

Intervene between the two of them, who started a strange tongue battle.

Not if you're arguing about that now.

It would be even more troublesome if someone came over after hearing the noise.

"So, but..."

"Just hurry up! Taking Sun home to a safe place is the most important thing right now!

Now he nodded back in silence when he told Isna in a strong tone that his hips were pulling against Lily's pressure.

"... Sun, I'm coming. Everybody else!

And as he had instructed, he began to depart from the scene with those who had helped him with the four elves.

"I won't let you go!

"Stop it! Lily!

Stand in front of Lily, who is about to jump toward the Isnas again, to control the movement.

Lily's compatibility with Isna is too bad in many ways. You can't confront these two directly.

So here's the only way to buy time for me to pull out on my own.

"Stay out of the way! Retreat there!

"I'm not going back! I'm telling you to listen to me! We're gonna lose points!

"Kill it first, then!

Hearing the words, Isnah with Sun's body cared for us arguing only for a moment, but she quickly looked back and left in the original direction.

That's fine. Now I have no more worries. And then...

Face Lily in front of you again.

Each other's swords still cross in the form of a cross, and their hands remain strong.

"Lily...... just listen to me. I can't believe I'm fighting with you."

"Doctor... I've only been thinking about my promise to Doctor...?

Lily slowly started spinning her words with a vain look like my words hadn't reached those ears at all.

"If you keep your teacher's teachings, you'll see him again... So now I'm much better... hire a teacher... to make you some tea... So I decided to crawl up a little bit from here... So... I finally got to see you... why..."


That's the promise I made when I broke up with this girl. And promises that normally seem to me to be just light-hearted no matter who hears them.

However, it became clear from the narrative that this child had truly only supported his joke-like promises ever since he broke up with me.

The power to push the sword in becomes even stronger.

And Lily starts talking again in a relaxed tone the opposite of its power.

"So... when that promise came true, you told me to be with you...?

"Oh......, eh? Hmm? Yes, together...?

What did this kid say now?

"Spring is lush green...... autumn is a beautiful lakeside in a forest surrounded by red leaves...... Build a little white house on that side and live there for two..."

... What the hell is this all about?

"At that time, my teacher told me that I could be my husband and support my family, but I'm perfectly fine with my teacher coming out to work, right?

"Oh, hey... Lily, what the hell are you talking about..."

I don't remember saying that... Absolutely not. Impossible.

Puzzled me elsewhere. Lily spins more words with her vain eyes in her eyes that are nowhere to be seen.

"The household is fine with me alone, but I figured the guy would want to go out to work, and besides, I think the teacher who does the teacher is the coolest...... Oh, but when you work together, you have trouble having children... At that time... Oh no, I can't believe I'm a kid... I, I got a little ahead of myself... Order matters... order... because we haven't even spoken yet... So, but it's important to talk about the future, right? Does the teacher want a boy or a girl? If you were a boy, you'd be a cool kid who looked like a teacher, and if you were a girl, you'd be a cute kid who looked like a teacher. The names take one letter at a time from the two names...... what a good thing, right? Oh, you talked about how many people you want, didn't you? I want both boys and girls, but I figured I might miss them one at a time, so I guess then they'll be two at a time...? But when you have four, you have to work hard at night... right? Well... I haven't had that experience yet... but I think I can work hard as a teacher... Actually... I'm a little interested... and... I'm really interested in doing anything that makes my teacher happy... so what am I talking about... YES, forget about that now! Um... uh... yeah! Actually, I can cook, right? I wanted my teacher to eat me, and I was practicing in the back, actually. I also know what the teacher likes, so please tell me anything you want to eat. When you decide to dedicate that day, you and I will go shopping for ingredients together to a nearby city... oh, of course, hold hands, right? Let's make this up to the two of us. You may not have noticed what a teacher is, but it's actually so cool, right? So if this guy doesn't even show my teacher to the people around him that way, I'm worried that the teacher won't be able to keep an eye on the other women... So, but you're not suspicious that your teacher's gonna cheat on you, are you? Because I know best that the teacher cares about me. And that's not just why I have kids... so I admire couples who are much closer to each other even when they're older, right? So I'd like a friendly relationship where we can hold hands and walk together all the time. I always wanted to be in that relationship with my teacher, after all. Whether a child is born... grandfather, grandmother... into a grave... reborn... all the time... all the time..."

I felt something lined up like words far beyond my understanding from Lily's mouth staring at something floating in the void, not me.

"... I see"

In the extremely puzzled brain, the only decision I could make for now was to hammer.

"So... a real teacher is here... of my promises... there's no way I can get in the way of fulfilling my dreams..."

The power to be pushed into the sword becomes stronger.

With that, the raging light began to shine again on Lily's blue eyes, which were vain.

"You are a fake... not my teacher...! Yes... Fake made by the Demons...! A deception that interrupts my dreams!!

Lily's voice, mixed with love and hatred that I had never heard before, echoed in a stronghold where no one was but us.

This kid right now is clearly off track.

Even in this situation where everything is puzzling, that's all I found out.

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