Maou Reijou no Kyouiku Gakari

Episode 34: Immorality and Responsibility

"Lily! You didn't say anything strange, listen to me!

I call on you not to give up as you put your strength into the hand holding the pattern, but eventually you don't even get a reply.

On the contrary, he is stared at with such sharp eyes as he has never seen before, with a look like he sees a vendetta.

Dialogue as it stands is impossible. I guess I'll just have to think about it.

"Ko...... whoa!

Play hard the sword that was suppressed and take a great distance once.

And face a godchild who is trapped in mysterious madness with a sword in his front eye.

I'm not sure what the hell is going on in this kid's head right now.

But at least I'm sure it's not when you're saying that I can't put a sword on a godchild anymore because I have a blatant hostility.

"Doctor... look... I will definitely... get over it..."

Lily squeals a few words again that she doesn't think are blurry and sane.

And oddly enough, he took exactly the same position as me.

After a few moments facing each other in silence, a stream is created in the surrounding magic vegetables, and Lily's body is wrapped up in strong magic.


The air that surrounded us changed, the next moment I made a decision...

Lily kicked the ground hard with her magical legs.

And there was no rush or strategy, but he came slashing himself straight from the front with agility as if he had turned himself into a glimpse of wind.


Playing a diagonally cut down blow from the top left with a loud hanging voice, the sword and sword, the tall sound of metal and metal hitting his ear crushed.

"Lily! Don't! Listen to me!

At the same time, I try to persuade you repeatedly, but you have no reaction at all.

The slaughter, which was also unleashed with a clear intent to kill, is so heavy that it cannot be compared to the time when we once held hands together again and again in college.

It's as if the power of the thoughts herself she holds is being multiplied.

Once he gets stronger again, he doesn't have time to be immersed in sentiment for the growth of his former godson.

Without getting into my hair, I now have the momentum of being hit by the slash of the first blow and a lateral sword from the reverse that uses the rotation of my body.

Put your sword vertically, and now take it.

The noise rang so bad that I wanted to block my ears again that my feet, which should have grabbed the surface firmly, slipped slightly as I was pushed by its fierce momentum.


A further blow, another blow, and a series of attacks with golden hair dancing gracefully with no time to breathe, strike before the strong shock that ran inside your hand as if struck by lightning disappeared.

Up, down, left, right, just keep outpacing the storm of sword flashes that keep my life rolling from every angle.

All I have to do is buy time for the Israelis to leave to a safe place.

But the elves that had been caught, including Sun, were all heavily depleted.

It's going to take a lot of time to get them to a point where they don't have to worry about pursuing.

It's hard work buying this kid so much time against him now, but now we have to do it.

Overtake a series of attacks while clarifying your purpose.

Lily leaps backwards shortly after the last massive blow released.

To fix disturbed breathing once, or next time -.

Signs of surrounding magic spills into Lily's body leaping backwards.

Shortly thereafter, multiple magic was unleashed unchanging from the palms protruding toward us.

That's one of those fighting techniques I once taught you to stop being chased when you're distancing yourself from your enemies.

Fire, ice, thunder. A magical arrow of basic three attributes flies towards me one at a time.

Instantly judge the tactics you assumed in advance, and this one works out the exact same magic instantly without chanting.

And then you set your aim and eject toward the magic itself that is coming toward me, not Lily, the operator.

The six magical arrows collided at the midpoint, leaving only one another's hair and a running stream that rocked their clothes to disappear without a trace.

Lily took a big breath and pierced me again, not showing any movement to prevent it.

"Ha! Yah!!

Strikes like a lightning bolt that hits all the length of your own thoughts.

It is undoubtedly all realized by my taught swordsmanship from one to ten.

Because of that, they have managed to continue to outmaneuver the attack without being heavily damaged, but it must be a situation of persecution.

However, there are inexplicable things that you can't help but think about in this situation that will take care of you if you lose your mind like that.

How could Lily be in a place like this?

That's the question I had when I met this kid here.

When I was in that college, I was always concerned about Lily's future.

Considering that this child could be a symbol to guide that country in the right direction in the future, he was moving to ensure that even if something happened to him, it would not affect this child as much as possible.

As one of them, I had asked my guardian, Uncle Seti, many times to enroll her after graduation, and that guy had accepted that.

Uncle Seti is the only aristocrat in that rotten country who can be trusted.

Now is not the time to do it publicly, but it is impossible for that man who said he was a friend of my father's and found me and helped me to make a difference.

"Go away! Teacher fake!!

Prevent the slaughter that shook at my neck.

But the reality is this.

Lily doesn't go to that guy, she's in this sweeping squad, and now she's confronting me like this after being trapped in madness.

There is another reason why this happened than that Uncle Seti is not the kind of person who makes a different promise.

As he continued to manage to outmaneuver Lily's attacks while being trapped by clutter, the three recruits I defeated the other day appeared on the edge of my sight.

The equipment also bears, as a matter of course, that abominable war axe crest.

Feld Vildanes.

If this unit consists only of the private soldiers of that ugly man, then Tsuji fits all of this inexplicable situation.

That pig is witnessing Lily's talent in the finals of the martial arts tournament.

I wonder if this is what you thought as a result of seeing it......

He said it was dangerous to leave Lily alone in the wild, which could be a symbol of civilians, and hence of treason.

And didn't you use your own power to crush all the stories about the enrollment that were coming to this child and make the decision to crush them under your own control? It's not surprising to think about that much if it's them.

Such speculation came to mind as if a single thread entangled was then broken.

What has sprung up to accompany that analogous answer is further hatred for the people.

And it was a strong regret for my immorality.

Even if all the current speculations fit, there is definitely my presence at the root of the cause that drove me to this point.

The fact that this kid has more feelings for me than just a teacher, however dull I was, I noticed a boulder. You knew you'd come after me, no matter how muddy the road was.

But knowing that, I made the halfway choice, even when I was breaking up.

Maybe that's because somewhere in my mind I wanted to continue to be a good teacher for this kid even after everything.

That was a seriously sweet thought in a person who was going to try to achieve revenge.

If you thought you shouldn't have interacted with your path from now on, you should have just thrown it out more clearly.

That way this kid wouldn't have followed my shadow to a place like this.

Everything is a reward for my own immorality.

But I can't help but regret that I should have done this at that time.

What matters is what we should do now.

Play Lily's slaughter hard and now take a big distance from me.

Would it be time for the Israelis to leave the safe zone?

If I were to leave here, everything would fit in circles, but I've got another big thing to do.

I'm their teacher, and I'm still a teacher to this kid.

Breathe loudly and consolidate your resolve.

If I'm the reason I drove this kid so far, it's my last responsibility as a teacher to get this kid out of that pigsty's hands and out of the madness he's now in captivity.

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