Maou Reijou no Kyouiku Gakari

Episode 35: Graduation

"You're stronger again than you were back then. As a former faculty member, you'll be out of profits."

I say, re-gripping the pattern of the sword, looking straight at Lily.

I just exchanged a few swords, and I knew perfectly well that even after I was gone, this kid would continue to drill every day without fail.

But at its root is undoubtedly pursuing me, but the madness of the late.

We need to free him for this child and for ourselves.

"No fake... no fleeing demons... if you take them all down, I'm sure the teacher will compliment you... well done... stroke your head like before..."

As always, Lily has not received any of my words, and I still have madness on its face, trapped in paranoia, whining words like rumors.

"Ok...... Lily, hit me with your temper. I'll take it all!

Tell them as they spread their arms to the left and right.

If you can't convey the word, you just have to let that body know first. That I'm not a fake or anything, that I'm your teacher, Frey Garnett.

"Don't let the fake fool me!!

With the scream, he advances like possessed again.

"Hey, hey, hey!

A blow slashing down vertically from leaping forward.

Take it with your sword and take the linear momentum backwards as you keep your body flowing sideways.

"Your aim is too monotonous! Be more creative!

reprimand him as he did in the days of his former training.

"So shut up! Don't talk in that voice!

This time a flash of horizontal giraffe as he rotated his body from a collapsed position after being attacked by the momentum.

"Stepping in is sweet!

Big deviation from orbit by jumping hard from the bottom up that slash released from inadequate stepping.

"What's up! That was better earlier!

Keep fighting like you do an archery, and remind that body of the days of your former training.

Within doing so, Lily's thickening muscles gradually began to dull.

I can clearly see that the battle against me, which is supposed to be a fake on this occasion right now, has a strong upset over the fact that it coincides perfectly with the days of my former training.

"You look like a teacher!! Don't do anything like a teacher!

"The connection between the moves is cluttered! Don't make unnecessary gaps! If I were your enemy, they'd have killed you many times already!

It outweighs all serial attacks at close range, pushing it back into the gap of the cut back of the move and breaking its posture.


"What's up!? Are we done here!?

Ask as she looks down at Lily, who rebuilds her hands in a low position on the ground.

"Not yet, that's about it!!

Yeah, I know best that you're not the kind of kid to give up on this.

No matter how many times you are revealed, you rise up with a strong will in your eyes and turn to me again.

The current sight coincides perfectly with the days of training in memory.

And every time you get up, you lose weight like you wrapped madness from that fat muscle, and a sharp, comforting rhythm like before begins to emerge.

"That's right! Come on, let's get it all out! Your prowess shouldn't be like that!?

"Yes!... I, why... this ooh!!

When you see him respond to me in a conditional reflex, even though he's in a life-threatening battle, he's about to overflow with laughter.

Then as I lay more sword trident, the risk of being disproportionate to its neat face diminishes.

Correspondingly, the upset began to gradually disappear from the fat muscles as well, turning sharp and light-hearted.

"Why! Why... did you leave me!?

After several more rounds of meetings, the real question to me was finally spun out of its mouth.

'Cause I didn't think I needed to involve you in my personal affair.'

"Personal feelings, getting involved, what is it!?

From that tone of questioning me, I can lose the color of madness at some point, and now I can only feel the sadness of being left alone.

"If you want to know that... at the end of the day, hit your whole body spirits!

"Full body spirit......, yes!

Lily, who took the distance, takes the position of pointing her sword straight at us.

From the structure that entered the hall and the flow of the surrounding magic vegetables, it became clear that it was more concentrated than ever before.

Seeing it, he decides that this will be his last blow, and punishes the sword he was holding to the sheath.

And after a silence that emits nothing to each other lasts for a few seconds...

"I'm going!!

Lily kicked the ground, along with Rin's hanging voice.

The tip of the sword held in its hand is coming at a fierce rate, straight to my abdomen.

The last time she picked it, it was a spike that just bumped the length of its thoughts without any ideas.

But whether it has grown further through this battle, or whether the power of thoughts is being multiplied, its speed exceeds any sword moves in memory.

Right after I thought about it...

Strong impact on the front of the body. And a sharp pain runs on my flank.

Take the blow with all your thoughts firmly from one body to the next with all your strength in your legs.

"Doctor... how was...? I've been keeping my teacher's word ever since he was gone... forever..."

A clear voice, as if the possession had fallen, can be heard from the chest.

"Oh, I know enough. Well done, pass. And... Happy graduation."

I say it with a feeling of the blow unleashed with the whole body and the weight of that little body deposited.

Then he reaches for his head, which is pressed hard against his chest, and slowly strokes that golden hair decorated with the white flower hair I gave him.

The sword spilled from its hand and the tall sound of it hitting the ground echoed several times instead of a reply.

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