"Ah... the smell of a teacher..."

Freed hands are turned on their backs, hugging their bodies much more forcefully.

"Did you realize I was real?

"Yes... it's real... it's the smell of a real teacher..."

From the face pressed hard against my chest, I hear a calm voice that struck and unusual.

I don't take it personally that it is the smell that distinguishes me at the end of the day, but I knew this kid would sneak up on my jacket from time to time and smell it, so let's not think deeply about it.

"But... then why... why did you leave me...? As long as I have a teacher... there's more..."

Now a sobbing trembling voice.

"Lily, I'm so sorry. I'll tell you everything then...

A sharp pain runs on his flank the moment he tries to spin an answer to a question thrown at him.

"Let it go, Doctor! So, are you okay!?

"It's all right... as soon as you spit it on, it'll heal..."

How dare you twist your body and avoid fatal injuries, but the wounds still don't seem shallow. I can clearly see the unpleasant feeling of blood twitching and spreading inside my clothes.

"I'm sorry... I..."

"Don't worry about it."

This is the reward of what I did to this girl. I just have to spoil it and accept it.


"More than that, Lily, listen carefully. I'm working with the Demons now."

"Huh...? With the Demons... cooperation...?

The face that was pressed against my chest was released, and now he looks up at me up close.

You didn't even imagine being told that, there's a stunned look on his face.

"Oh, there's a lot going on after I fired that college..."

"What the hell happened? Why are you working with the Demons?

"That's... I'm Alf Diment's son. Because it's Ray Diment."

I will tell you clearly and without misleading the facts I have been hiding from you.

"Alf Dimento... what... because... that's..."

"That's right. That alf diment."

Say that name again against Lily, who shows the bewilderment she expected.

That is the name of the person considered the worst great sinner in human history, even young children, if he is the one who lives in the human area.

"The teacher's father... Alf Diment..."

I can clearly see the blue eyes floating in front of me, where there is another big confusion that is different from the previous one.

"Oh, I've lived hiding it all my life... Since that day, when my parents were killed by those guys..."

Just say it, and I can still clearly remember what happened that night.

About the raider who showed up in front of me and my parents after spending a long time together.

I put my father down and my mother and I kept running away from the chaser in the dark woods.

The orphanage where he escaped from his life, the girl he met there, and the second loss.

And to avenge the people who took everything from me, they built a hell of a workout and faked their origins and became teachers at that college.

I'll tell Lily everything without covering it up.

"... that's what happened before I met you. Since then, I've lived only to find out the truth about my father... and avenge them."

That's what I tell Lily to add at the end of the story, who just listened to me in silence.

"To the brave... vengeance..."

Lily hasn't taken all of its contents yet, or she's dropping that gaze a little while staring into my eyes.

"I'm not asking you to believe everything. It's just why that purpose left you. That's why I'm here now."

"Purpose… Reason…. Is that why you're working with the Demons?

"Oh, yeah. So... stop chasing after me anymore. You must have your way."

"My way......?

"That's right. There's got to be something only you can do, not come after me. Use my teachings to find them. That's my last favor as a teacher."

I tell you as I stare into those blue eyes.

I know all of a sudden that you're being unscrupulous, but you still only need to quit following me any longer.

"But... I can't believe I'm alone..."

"I'm fine. You can do it. You're my proud student."

"I'm proud..."

Lily repeats so that she can bite that word off.

I once considered the option of standing next to this child to help and watch her change the country.

But that path has been completely crushed already.

That's not only because I'd just pull my leg if I were next door, but also because I finally realized that my own emotions would never allow such a raw option.

"Still, if... if you need help, visit Count Ricital Seti. Give me my name and you'll welcome me in."

"What Seti... is he in charge of security around that southern border area?

"That's right. He's a friend of my father's, and he's the one who found me and kept me hidden from the chase. That man will surely help you from now on."

He was the one who treated him indivisible, even as a civilian, and had doubts about the way that country is now, and also about his father's unnatural death.

If you look at the qualities this kid has, you're sure to help him with that.

"Frey, it's me."

Anna's voice sounds in her ear unexpectedly.

'This one successfully left. Is everything okay with you?

"Oh, I'm fine. I'll be right back."

Copy that. Whoever was chasing us should be back that way soon. Pay attention. "

"Okay. I need you to join the Isnas first."

That's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna break up the conversation with Anna.

"... so I have to go back"

I tell you against Lily, who is giving me a strange look when she starts talking to herself in front of me.

The fact that Anna scattered her enemies means it's only a matter of time before the people who were chasing her come back.

If the other soldiers find us talking right now, that would be a huge inconvenience for each other.

"What the teacher said... I haven't received much yet... I know the teacher isn't such a liar... The brave men are like that..."

The gaze that had been dropped turned upwards and looked up at my face.

"I guess..."

The story is that the hero Tan, whose brave men and their companions saved mankind from the hands of the Devil Nation and the Great Sinner Diment, will be imprinted from an early age enough to be called brainwashing anymore.

It's only natural that you can't accept my story so easily if you think about it in this kid's shoes.

"So you can forget about me."


"Yeah, if you don't think I was there from the start, that's fine."

"I can't do that. You can never forget the teacher... you can never..."

Lily said with a trembling voice that squeezed out of the back of her throat, but a voice that clearly showed that a strong will had been put in.


Please, just listen to me, and Lily opened her mouth first before trying to keep going.

"... but I don't like bothering my teacher any more"

And I said that clearly with a look that took my body away from me and cemented some determination.

"So I would like to try to find the way I should go, as the teacher said. But I won't forget about the teacher. I will continue to keep my teacher's teachings... thinking about her."

"That's... no, you're right. If you're going your way, that's fine."

The words also have some heavy emotions.

But when I saw that face with a slight smile, there was no basis for believing that there would be no more trapped in madness like the one before me.

"Yes, no matter who the teacher is or what purpose he has, the teacher has always been my teacher and I have always been a teacher's student"

"Don't run out of teacher profits to get future heroes to say that"

I tell this child for the first time in my words who the qualities he has felt since I first met him.

"Huh, hero!? Wow, not to me...!

"No, that's how talented you are. No exaggeration."

The person in question is humble, but this child definitely has the qualities to be. The power to attract people and make big changes.

"Yes... that... thank you..."

"Well, it's time"

Say it against Lily, who is about to illuminate.

From outside the base, there is a grumpy hustle and bustle about not being able to capture the prey.

It would be a lie to say I don't feel sorry for you, but it's time to really run out of time.

We have to rendezvous with everyone and get the Suns to safety.

"Yes, Doctor... please, be careful..."

"Oh, you too... masterful"

Looking back, I say farewell words just like I did then.

But this time, without exchanging promises of a reunion, he runs straight out on his legs.

Then, without ever looking back, we head to the rendezvous point with the Israelis who left earlier.

I only caught my eye for a moment when I looked back, burning Lily's face behind my brain like I had decided to be something strong...

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