Dusty listened in the clouds.

Didn’t understand what Ron meant by that sentence?

She was also embarrassed to ask Ron, which would seem too stupid.


Came to Stusssi.


“What did the inspector general mean just now?”

Stussy still had that smiling expression.

Glancing at Dusty

Then said:

“You look at the victims.”

“Are they happy?”

Dusty nodded


“Of course I’m happy.”

Stussy smiled and said

“That’s the inspector general’s answer.”

“Justice in this matter is itself late.”

“Is belated justice still justice?”

In a word,

Asked Dusty.

I don’t know how to answer.

“It should be, no, it shouldn’t be.”

Dusty shook her head.

Stussy looked in Ron’s direction

There is no evaluation of Dusty’s answer whether it is right or wrong.

Just smiled


“So, this shows the wisdom of the inspector general.”

“Since justice is already late, it is better to let it come vigorously and come with great pleasure.”

“Therefore, the inspector will execute Klockdar on the spot.”

“You see how happy these victims are, isn’t that enough.”

After listening to Stussy’s explanation.

Dusty suddenly realized.

“So it is.”

“I see.”

Then he said with some concern

“But I’m still a little worried that the inspector general is doing this and ruining the normal trial process.”

“Not in accordance with the regulations.”

“If the world government is to blame.”

“Will it affect the inspector general?”

Stussy heard these words from Dusty

I couldn’t help but snort and laugh.

Then said to Dusty:

“Don’t worry about that!”

“The world government does not dare to blame the inspector general.”

“The so-called rules can’t control Lord Ron.”

As soon as this statement came out,

Dusty glanced back at Ron

An incredulous expression was revealed.


“What is Chief Ron’s identity?”

Stussy put away the smile he had just had

Then said to Dusty very mysteriously:

“When you should know, you’ll know.”

Dusty: “…”

When is the time to know.

Dusty was curious though

But it’s not convenient to ask more at the moment.

At the same time,

World Government Central Chamber.

The five old stars were stunned.

They were really confused this time.

At all costs? None of them thought of it.

Ron asked them for permission from World Radio to broadcast the execution of Klockdar.


Five Old Star (fat) said speechlessly

“Didn’t you say before that a radio station is just a license, and Lord Ron can’t make any trouble?”

The five old stars (swords) were a little unbearable, and responded:

“How did the old man know that he could kill Qiwu Hai in front of the whole world.”

“Forget it, let’s not talk about this.”

“What does Lord Im think about this?”

The five old stars (fat) sighed and said

“Lord Im said that Lord Ron is doing well, let’s not interfere.”

Five Old Star (Gao) took a deep breath and said

“But… After all, we set up the Seven Wuhai, so wouldn’t this be declaring to the world that the Seven Wuhai we established was a joke? ”

The five old stars (fat) snorted coldly and said

“So what do you want to do?”

“Do you still want to go to Lord Ron to theorize this?”

The five old stars (Gao) were immediately stunned and said:

“Forget it, isn’t this boring to yourself, how can the old man have this guts.”

Several others said together:

“Just so you know.”

Right at this moment.


The phone worm in their office rang.

This call.

It was Doflamingo who called.

In Dressrosa, there are naturally video phone bugs that can see this.


When he saw this scene with his own eyes.

I almost lost my glasses.

Publicly sentenced Qiwu Hai.

It’s not just Klockdar.

It doesn’t matter that chicken you killed

The important thing is to guard the monkeys.

This is what is made for monkeys.

The purpose is to deter these other Seven Martial Seas.

Just let them be good thugs for the Navy.

Don’t do things you shouldn’t.

Felt targeted,

Doflamingo was upset.


Doflamingo wanted to ask the five old stars directly

What the hell is going on?

What is the origin of this inspector general?

Because Doprmingo’s identity is more special.

And there are some deals with the world government.


He can directly contact the five old stars.

The one who answered the phone was the fattest five-old star.

Doflamingo did not wait for the other party to speak, and asked directly.

“Me, Dover, what the hell is going on today?”

“That new inspector general openly sentenced Qi Wuhai, aren’t you going to take care of this matter?”

Originally, the five old stars were in a bad mood.


Asked by Doflamingo again.

More anger comes from the heart.

Lord Ron asked them to forget it, after all, the one couldn’t afford to mess with them.

But you Doflamingo is a fart!

Dare to call and scold us?

Who gave you the guts?

Can’t afford to mess with Lord Ron, and can’t afford to mess with you?

Five Old Star (fat) said angrily:

“Get out!”

“What’s wrong with killing a Qiwu Sea? I also need to report back to you. ”

“What are you?”


Five old stars (fat) hung up the phone directly.

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