“Quick! I want to get all the information about this inspector general in ten minutes. ”

“Today’s front page headline, give me all this content.”

Director of the World Economic Newspaper,


Immediately captured the news hot spots.

At the moment,

Pointing to the bald man on the screen, he said.

Nanabukai was publicly executed

Sensation the whole world.

Because no one thought about it,

Behind it is the Nanabu Sea supported by the world government.

There will even be such a day.

When they know standing on the execution table,

The one who executed Qiwu Hai.

It was when the Navy had a new inspector general.

aroused people’s infinite curiosity.

Discussion about the identity of the person.

It has become the hottest topic of the moment.

It also became a period of time later

People will talk about it with relish after tea and dinner.


Articles to be published in newspapers in the coming days.

The headlines on the front page were full of speculation about the inspector general.

And how the future of the Navy changes.

For a moment.

This is a position that did not exist before.

Become a household name in an instant.

And yet,

Some rejoice, others worry.


These ordinary people are happy.

But at the moment.

The current Seven Martial Seas are a little worried.

They can feel it.

The intention of this inspector general.

Klockdar killed them.


Doflamingo never expected,

The five old stars actually scolded him

Then and hung up.

He originally wanted the five old stars to give him an explanation.


Who would have thought that this would happen.

Doflamingo smashed the chair with an angry punch!


“These old guys, what’s wrong today?”

“They actually spilled all their anger on me.”

At this moment, Doflamingo’s expression was very gloomy.

Full of murderous aura.

Because his situation is actually similar to that of Klockdal.

He is also through some means

Took the position of King of Dressrosa.

Although the surface of the song and dance here is flat.

But secretly,

The suffering of the people here is no better than that of Alabastan.

This inspector general can do anything to Klockdar.



When he learned everything here

Will also do it to yourself.

This is the reason why Doflamingo asked the five old stars to give him an explanation.



He also got a message from the side.

That is.

The five old stars did not intend to care about the actions of this inspector general.

That is,

They acquiesced!!!

Isn’t he also at risk?

Doflamingo, who was familiar with the world government, was very puzzled.

Doing so would do more harm to the world government than to do any good.

Those five ghostly old guys.

How could such a thing be allowed to happen?

If they really have this boldness.

The truth of the Alabastan incident would not have been buried in the first place.

And will not take credit for the Navy.

“Isn’t it that the five old stars don’t care, but they can’t manage it?”

Doflamingo’s mind spins extremely fast.


An idea came up.

“But how can there be people who the five of them can’t control?”

An abandoned kingdom.

Hawkeye sits in a dilapidated castle with a glass of red wine.

At this point,

I couldn’t help but frown.

“Can Qi Wuhai only be a thug of the Navy, he really dares to say anything!”

For Ron, this message was conveyed to the world.

Hawkeye was dissatisfied.

He was a Qiwu Sea, but not to be a thug for the Navy.

He is a pure figure.

After all, when pirates will always face the pursuit of the navy.

Although Hawkeye is not afraid of the Navy.

But that doesn’t mean he likes to live a life of being hunted down every day.

Hawkeye loves purity.


Don’t love tossing.

That’s why, Hawkeye, chose to live in an abandoned kingdom.

There are no other creatures on the island except gorillas.

It’s really a good place to hide.

If this inspector general also has to supervise what he does.

Destroy his purity.


Hawkeye is not happy.

Amazon lily.

Lady Boyahan Cook,

Also frowning at the moment.

Slender fingers,

Constantly banging on the chair.

She didn’t think of it.

This so-called inspector general turned out to be true?

What to do about this?

Although the expression is calm,

But the body in the cheongsam,

But there was a slight trembling.

At the moment,

What she thought to her heart,

If the identity of Qi Wuhai is no longer an iron rice bowl, then how can he protect the Amazon lilies behind him.

The reason why this place is a paradise.

Not disturbed by outsiders,

Part of the reason is that it’s in a windless zone.

And another part of the reason is her identity of Qi Wuhai.


This act of public execution by the inspector general

Let the Qiwu Sea lose its deterrent.

After today’s scene.

In the hearts of all pirates.

Nanabukai is no longer the pirate who is supported by the world government and has legal plundering qualifications.

It’s just a naval thug.

The Navy disposed of it if it wanted.


Once he himself makes this inspector general dissatisfied,

It is likely that he will lose the identity of Qi Wuhai

At that point, the Amazon lily will not be a place protected by the world government.

It’s not a place you can’t go.

The name of the daughter’s country alone may make pirates flock to it.

If it really comes to that day, I dare not think about the consequences.

I have to say,

The effect Ron wanted was achieved.

Through this matter,

Knocked the other Nanabukai,

Later their behavior.

It is bound to converge a lot.

Not so long ago.

They are still full of disdain for the inspector general.

And now.

This has to be taken seriously by them.


After the cheers, the people have gradually dispersed.

Gradually, calm returned.

The king said that he would set up a banquet and feast Ron and the others.

Here, the Navy received an unprecedented warm welcome.

Every soldier felt it at the moment.

This feeling of being welcomed inspires them.

It also strengthened their belief in becoming a just navy.

This real feeling.

than accepting a feeling of emptiness that does not belong to his own merit,

Much better.

And at the same time.

The familiar sound of the system.

It reappeared in Ron’s mind.

“100% achievement completion.”

“Punishing the Navy for concealing the truth has been achieved”

“Get a silver chest”

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