Chapter 60 Find the ancient weapon Hades, Chambordi Island oversaw the yellow ape!!

What is this thing that looks like a large record pointer for?

At this moment, Iceberg couldn’t help but have some questions in his heart. Because when he finished answering Ron’s question himself.

Ron was fiddling with this thing.

And the pointer on it still swings back and forth.

Finally pointed in another direction.

Let’s be honest.

When I just saw the pointer pointing in that direction.

In fact, the iceberg’s heart suddenly burst out.

Because he knows.

That direction is where your secret room is.

Other words.

The original drawings of the Hades design are hidden there.

It’s just that no one knows the location.

Therefore, Iceberg is not at all worried about that location being discovered.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about the picture being stolen.

Is it a coincidence?

Why does this pointer point in that direction.

It must be a coincidence!

I can’t always find the location of my original image with this thing, I haven’t heard of this function.

After all, this thing looks tattered.

It seems to have a sense of age.

It is estimated that it is just an ordinary record pointer.

However, at this very moment.

Ron smiled: “Since Mr. Iceberg said from. If I’m not lying, then I’m relieved. ”

“In other words, if I find the design of Hades in a while, it will definitely not be Mr. Iceberg’s.”

“That’s fine, so can I take it?”

Ron said as if half-joking.

Does the iceberg always feel that something is wrong?

But he was confident that no one could find the location of his Hades blueprints.


At this moment, he said confidently: “No problem. ”

“Of course I didn’t lie.”

Ron nodded.

“Well, I happen to know a place, so you can come with me.”


Ron led the group to a secret warehouse.

The location is indeed very secluded.

In fact.

When arriving at the door here.

The iceberg felt a chill down his spine.

Sudden burst of heart.

Because this is where he hid the original design of Hades.

How can it be?

How does this inspector general know?

Could it really be the pointer?

But at the moment, Iceberg still pretends to be calm, because his door is with a mechanism, that is, if it is not opened in the right way.

Then there will be a direct explosion inside.

He put a lot of explosives in it.

Burn everything inside in an instant.

There was simply no time to find the design drawings.

This drawing will be incinerated to ashes.

This is the main reason why Iceberg is so relieved and hides things here.

The way this door opens is very unique.

Only you know.

Iceberg is a design craftsman.

So it’s very easy to make something with this kind of mechanism.

And this door looks unpretentious.

Therefore, it is impossible to guess outside the door that there is a mechanism inside this door.

Other words.

Anyone who wants to break in, will touch this mechanism.

Although somewhat reluctant.

But iceberg also knows.

At this time, it could not be admitted that the design drawings were hidden by him.

Even if it is to let this inspector general activate the mechanism by opening the door, and then burn the design drawings inside.

I must not admit that I hid here.

Iceberg was really sad.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the original drawing of the Pluto design drawing was not retained.

However, what Iceberg did not expect was that the inspector general did not open the door at all.

Instead, I called that CP9.

“Bruno, open the door.”

Ron beckoned back.

In fact, he wasn’t sure if the door had a mechanism or not, Ron was just on the safe side.

It just so happens that Bruno is the ability of the door fruit.

The door can be opened in any position.

And it doesn’t touch any organs.

That’s why Ron called him over.

Bruno walked over and then gently touched his hand against the wall.

Immediately afterward, the wall seemed to become a door.

Directly opened.

Bruno said respectfully: “Inspector, please!” ”

Ron didn’t go first, but said meaningfully: “Go, Mr. Iceberg, aren’t you curious about what’s inside?” Let’s check it out! ”

At this moment, Iceberg’s whole person froze.

He did not expect that the inspector general still had this hand.

These CP9s have clearly become under the inspector general.


The iceberg is hopeless.

Ron directions according to the directions indicated by the feng shui compass.

It was easy to find the Pluto design drawings.

This is an extremely old roll of parchment.

It’s broken.

It looks very old.

But above, the drawing is clearly visible, and this should be the real work.

After all, what the feng shui compass finds cannot be fake.

In order to confirm that there is no backup.

Ron took out the feng shui compass again.

At the same time, meditate in your heart.

At this moment, the feng shui compass is no longer moving.

That shows.

Indeed, there are no other backups.

“Since this thing is not Mr. Iceberg’s, then I will take it.”

The iceberg at the moment is not good to say anything.

After all, he had already said before that he did not know the existence of the original picture.

So you can only eat dumb losses.

And this time.

Ron beckoned again.

Summoned Princess Vivi.

Then let him look at the Hades design drawings.

After all, Princess Vivi had seen Hades.

And Hades is hiding them in Alabastan.

“How, is it the same as the one you hid there?”

Ron looked into Princess Vivi’s eyes and asked.

“I said it all, we don’t have Hades there.”

Ron had determined by observing the look in Princess Vivi’s eyes.

What they are hiding in Alabastan is indeed Hades.

It’s exactly the same as on the drawings.

Ron came to her to make sure of the matter.

After all, Hades is an imperative thing for him.

But Ron didn’t know where it was hiding in Alabastan.

Obviously, Princess Vivi will not say it either.

And Ron’s feng shui compass can find things.

But you have to know the name of the thing and what it looks like at the same time.

Other words.

When you meditate on the name of the object you are looking for, you must have the object in your mind at the same time.

Such words.

to find it exactly.

And Ron has not met Hades in the anime.


It’s not clear what this thing looks like.

So that there is no way to use the compass to find it.

So Ron was going to come to this design drawing first.

If the design drawings are really Hades.


Ron could then imagine what Hades would look like through design drawings.

In this way, you can make a precise search.

And the look in Princess Vivi’s eyes just now has said it all.

What was painted on it was indeed the same thing she had seen.

That being the case, Ron was sure.

What Alabastan is hiding is indeed Hades.

That’s how it works.

Now that he already knows what Hades looks like.


Ron pulled out the compass directly.

Then he meditated on Hades in his heart, and at the same time, the appearance of the ship in the design drawing came to mind.

At this moment, Ron almost had the appearance of Hades Renly in his mind.

Almost missed.

The compass pointer locks the orientation again.

At this moment, Princess Vivi’s face had changed.

She had been carried by Ron along the way, so she already knew the general usefulness of this compass.

See the direction this compass is pointing.

She guessed it too.

Ron was going to use it to hunt for Hades.

Because of the direction of the pointer, it is now exactly Alabastan.

Hades is not something that can be created with drawings.

There are a lot of things in it that there is no way to reproduce them.


Ron didn’t have enough drawings, he now wanted a ready-made Hades.

Ron had already returned from there, and naturally it was impossible to go to Alabastan again.

However, Pluto is also very important.

So you have to find a reliable person to get it back for yourself.

If it comes to the right person.

Ron looked around.

I saw the pheasant standing in the corner.

This guy is really good at downplaying his sense of existence!

So Ron called the pheasant over and said, “It’s up to you to go.” ”

“Bring Hades back.”

The green pheasant was stunned, he didn’t expect Ron to give himself such an important task.

This is Hades, one of the three major weapons of ancient times, but after seeing Ron’s previous perverted strength.

The green pheasant did not dare to have any other ideas.


The pheasant set off for Alabastan overnight with a warship.

A night of singing and dancing.

The people of the capital of seven waters are indeed enthusiastic.

Very warm welcome to Ron and others.

After a night in the capital of seven waters.

Ron was ready to return to Navy headquarters.

Calculate the time.

This guy Yellow Ape should soon take the initiative to apply to go to the Chambord Islands.


Given the guy’s perverse behavior.

Ron decided to oversee the war.

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