Chapter 61: Open the Gold Chest! Strengthen the army plan, forge the top of the heroic division!!

The news of Karp’s defeat instantly spread to the top of the world government and the top level of the naval headquarters.

The five old stars couldn’t describe their current mood at the moment.

Karp this guy is a very tricky hob meat.

It is also a hot mountain science.

You can’t control it, and you can’t get a penalty.

It was a real headache.

When Ron was about to suspend Karp before, the five old men were still a little worried.

For fear of Karp’s violent runaway.

At that time, the scene will be difficult to clean up.

That’s what they really thought at the time.

So they didn’t think about this ending now.

Not so long ago.

They are still worried about whether the suspended Karp will do something excessive, and if he really does something excessive, who will be responsible for stopping Karp?

But at the moment, what they never expected was.

Ron, this guy, did it with it.

Not only suspended Karp.

And beat him up.

The five old stars never expected that this Lord Ron’s strength was so strong.

Strong is a bit exaggerated.

According to the news transmitted back by the personnel at the scene.

Lord Ron only used one punch.

Just directly beat Karp to the big understanding.

The one who can take out Karp with one punch.

How could it exist?

When I first heard the news.

The five old stars said that they didn’t believe anything.

Because they know all too well the strength of Karp.

But the results are here.

And that’s just the way it is.

This made the five old stars can’t help but gasp.

Have to believe.

I just hate myself for not being there.

Didn’t see with his own eyes how Ron did it.

And at the moment, at the headquarters of the Navy.

The top officials of the Navy who heard this news were even more shocked.

Sengoku gasped.

The heart is churning.

The news was incredible for him.

He is arguably the one who knows Karp best.

It is said that at that time, Karp even used the life creation return.

This is obviously already his strongest blow.

How could it be that he hadn’t killed the inspector general, but was killed by the other party.

Sengoku can’t figure it out.

What exactly is the battle on the spot like?

I really want to see it!

And the one who could not accept this news the most was Admiral Yellow Ape.

At the moment, he was leaning against the door frame.

Crooked chin pouting.

He said while cutting his nails.

“Huh? Is it really such an exaggeration? ”

“Mr. Karp was defeated and removed.”

“It’s really three fires for a new official!”

“I don’t know how many handfuls were burned this time.”

“Is it finished?”

“Just don’t burn it on the old man’s head.”

In fact, whether this thing is true or not.

The yellow apes didn’t care very much.

After all, no matter how he said, he was also a natural Devil Fruit ability.

And the drama intelligence said.

This Ron is not armed and domineering…

Other words.

No matter how strong he is?

There is no way to attack yourself.

In the face of people who will not be armed and domineering, nature is a god, a symbol of invincibility.

So even if he really beat Karp.

But there is no way to attack yourself.

The port of the capital of seven waters.

Because a warship was taken away by the pheasant.

Other words.

Ron now has five warships left.

As well as 3000 naval soldiers.

This is also a lot of scale.

Early the next morning.

Ron said goodbye to the inhabitants of the Capital of Seven Waters, and then took five warships and 3,000 naval soldiers.

Let’s go.

Back to the headquarters of the Navy.

Cool outside in the morning sea style.

Unlike when they came, Karp and the pheasant are no longer among them.

But these 3,000 Navy soldiers are well integrated.

Although some of them were once Karp’s subordinates.

The other part was Smogg’s men.

But at the moment, under Ron’s hands, he is happy.

And early this morning.

They began to organize training spontaneously.

Follow Ron’s rhythm.

Start training.

Because Ron trains every morning in the training room on the top floor.

The walls around the training room are made of glass.

So you can see it all below.

Every time Ron did a training move.

The surrounding Navy soldiers are training in a similar way.

Although it is said that there is no weight.

But slowly increase the intensity with a little training.

It also benefits them a lot these days.

It’s just that they don’t have a system, relying on ordinary exercise, in fact, the progress is not very fast.

But even so.

They also enjoy doing basic exercises.

At least these exercises will make their bodies stronger.

In fact, Ron had thought about this question as well.

How can these naval soldiers become stronger?

Let’s be honest.

The overall quality of the current naval soldiers is much worse than that of the pirates.

One-on-one heads-up words.

Ordinary naval soldiers cannot beat pirates.


Ron was eager to find a way to make those Navy soldiers stronger.

So wait until the time of the war on top.

The redhead licked his face when he came over to ask the Navy to give him face.

You can take down the red-haired pirate group by the way.

Give them a fat beating.

It’s just that we haven’t found this method yet.

Finished a morning of training.

Stussy wiped Ron off his sweat.

Dusty dressed Ron.

After a morning of training.

Ron’s physique became stronger again.

And at this very time.

Suddenly, the long-lost sound of the system sounded again.

Another familiar icy mechanical sound.

“The host let Karp restrain from the cliff, strengthened Karp’s belief in justice, and was no longer bound by family affection.”

“It makes the Navy more just and greatly enhances the combat effectiveness of the Navy.”

“The punishment of the Kapu water release incident is completed, and a silver treasure chest is obtained.”

As expected.

Ron couldn’t help but smile.

It’s all in his plan.

Sure enough, a silver treasure chest was also given this time.

Before Ron went to the capital of the seven waters, he already had a hunch that solving the matter of Karp would allow him to obtain a silver treasure chest.

The result was not unexpected.

Plus the two silver chests obtained earlier.

At the moment, there are three of them.

Other words.

It can be used to craft a gold chest.

While Ron was looking at the item, he clicked on his attribute by the way.

“Name: Ron”

“Physique: One-punch super-physique (35.1%)”

“Ability: Advanced Medical Ninjutsu, Top Overlord Color Domineering”

“Props: Feng Shui Compass”

“Item: Silver Chest (3)”

“Influence: 3251 (number of navies changed by Ron, a qualified soldier plus a little influence)”

“Resolving the Incident: Salvaging the Naval Reputation of the Alabastan Incident; Deterring the Seven Wuhai; reorganization of the Smogg troops; the execution of the Spandam father and son; Accept CP9; Untying the pheasant’s heart knot; Punish Karp for releasing water. ”

“Three full of Host Silver Chest detected.”

“Do you do synthesis?”

“After crafting, you will get one gold chest, and three silver chests will disappear.”

“Yes” “No”

Ron’s purpose is to craft gold chests.

So of course chose “yes” without hesitation

Next lesson.

Ron felt the three silver chests in his mind instantly fuse together.

Subsequently, the silver glow disappeared.

A flash of gold.

A huge gold treasure chest appeared in front of him.

Gold chests are five or six times larger than silver.

It looks like it can fit good things.

Ron’s punch superhuman constitution was drawn from here before.

“Whether to open the Gold Chest”

“Yes” “No”

When the gold chest came out, the sound of the system sounded again.


Ron certainly didn’t hesitate.

Directly selected Agree.

The next moment.

The golden glow suddenly became a little brighter.

Then the treasure chest slowly opens.

Immediately after that, a divine light emanated from inside.

Indescribable, ineffable, in short, giving a feeling of sacredness, yet the light dissipated.

But something diametrically opposed to the divine appeared.

It was a box full of books.

Look at the shabby look.

It’s very similar to the movie “Kung Fu”, fooling little Stephen Chow into buying the book box of the old man who came to the palm of God.

Can’t say it’s like.

It’s exactly the same.

Ron opened the box.

I was instantly surprised by the rows of books inside.

“Flowing Water Crushed Rock Fist”

“Jiu-Jitsu Bagua 64 Palms”

The “Complete Collection of Self-Interpretation Tutorials” is innumerable.

But these skills can’t be seen by themselves.

With a punch superhuman constitution, these are really unpopular.

Ron was a little stunned.

You won’t be able to pull out these useless things without a gold chest.

“System, what is this for?”

“The host allows Navy soldiers to learn the skills inside”

“In learning, the flow of time slows down by 1,000 times, and in reality, the time of the past day is equivalent to 1,000 days of learning.”

“Everyone’s learning progress will be superimposed on the host, which can not only increase the one-punch superhuman physique, but also master their skills.”

“For every additional person studying, a punch of superhuman fitness increases by 0.001%”

When I introduced it here.

Ron couldn’t help but gasp.


He understood the meaning of the system.

This not only strengthens his naval soldiers.

You can also let your Navy soldiers train instead of yourself.

Ron is now training hard for a day, and his physique has only increased by about 0.2%.

And he has more than 3,000 people under his staff.

If everyone practiced.

Then in an instant it can be increased by 3000 times 0.001%.

That’s a full 3 percent.

Top the training volume for several days at once.

How many people are there in the entire Navy?

If you let them all learn, won’t you be able to increase your physique to 100% at once?

And these skills are not high.

Presumably it should be mastered quickly.

It’s like the Flowing Water Crushing Rock Fist in One Punch Man.

Ordinary people can also practice.

This move is also very powerful.

If only the Navy soldiers mastered it.

Then it’s time for the top war.

Isn’t it rubbing against the white-bearded pirate group?

If the redhead dares to come and ask for face, then press and rub together.

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