Chapter 64 The domineering appearance of the big guy, everyone in the naval headquarters is at risk!!

When Moonlight Moriah finally confirmed that it was Ron on the ship.

Without hesitation and decisiveness, he directly awakened all the zombie armies and prevented the navy from boarding the ship.

It has to be said.

The horror squirrel ship is really too big.

It’s like an island.

There are a lot of zombies buried here.

They are all controlled by Moria.

After receiving Moriah’s order.

All came out of the soil.

Then spread throughout the island.

And began to move on a large scale in the direction of the ~ navy led by CP9.

A piece of darkness.

This scene is really terrifying.

CP9 Luki said: “Very good, Kaku leads people to kill the zombies, Bruno and Kalifa go and catch the rest of the cadres.” ”

“I’ll go get Moonlight Moriah.”

“It has to be fast.”

“Don’t exceed the time that the inspector gave us.”

The voice just fell.

Everyone dispersed at once.

The 500 Navy soldiers who remained in place, plus CP9 Kaku, used the Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist to start a frantic attack on the zombies.

It has to be said.

If you change to the previous Navy soldiers.

They may not be opponents of zombies at all.

But since practicing the Flowing Water Crushing Rock Fist.

They at the moment.

It is not a problem for one person to fight a bunch of zombies.

Combat effectiveness soared.

Although these zombie soldiers say that their combat effectiveness is very high, they are really vulnerable in front of these naval soldiers who can flow water and crush rock fists.

Almost a face.

Just knocked down in pieces.

“Haha! I never imagined that one day I would be so powerful. ”

“Thank you Master Inspector for giving us the Flowing Water Broken Rock Fist!”

“That’s right, we couldn’t have become so strong without the inspectors.”

These naval soldiers fought harder and harder.

It didn’t take long.

These zombies are basically killed.

And Bruno and Carifa acted very quickly.

The two of them take advantage of the fruit’s ability.

As well as the flowing water crushing rock fist that he had just learned, all the cadres were arrested in a few minutes.

Luki also easily killed Majin Oz, I have to say.

With the strength he now learns to Flowing Water Crushing Rock Fist, if he were to fight Luffy again.

Luki would definitely rub against Luffy.

Moonlight Moriah was stunned.

He never thought that his zombie army and so many cadres would all be killed in an instant.

When did the Navy become so strong?

The strength of these CP9s seems to have become much stronger!

Especially with that strange punch.

Both attack power and speed, as well as reaction ability, have been greatly improved.

“What the hell are you going to do?”

Moonlight Moriah looked at Luki and said.

Luki stood on the flagpole with his hands in his pockets.

Condescendingly said.

“The inspector wants to see you, and we are only responsible for carrying out the order to bring you over.”

The voice just fell.

Don’t wait for the other person to reply.

Launch an attack directly.

It has to be said.

Lu Qi at the moment is really too strong.

After a few rounds, he cleared Moria without injury.

The Flowing Water Crushing Rock Fist not only made his attacks stronger, but also made his speed faster and his reflexes faster.

After releasing all the shadows.

The group took Moriah back to Ron’s ship.

At this moment, Moonlight Moria, whose face was covered in blood.

He looked at Ron incredulously.

“You, it’s really you.”

“You’re the one who killed Klockdar.”


Ron certainly didn’t have time to take care of him.

With a wave of his hand, he said: “Set sail, return to the naval headquarters.” ”

Moonlight Moria made a final struggle and said, “It’s impossible, your recording pointer magnetic field has been disturbed, it’s impossible to get out of here.” ”

“It’s all foggy, you can’t see the direction at all, you just go around here in circles until you die.”

“See no, these boats around them have entered the Devil’s Triangle, and then they get lost and can’t get out, and they end up starving to death here.”

“How about we make a deal?”

“As long as you release me, I can take you out.”

As a result, no one paid attention to him at all.

Everyone followed the direction pointed by Ron’s feng shui compass, and drove out of the Devil’s Triangle in a straight line.

Moonlight Moriah was stunned.

“How is that possible? How do you know the path? ”

At the same time, he was discouraged.

It seems that he has lost his last chip, and this is the end.

That is to say, he is about to meet Lao Sha.

“The host solved the moonlight Moriah, released all shadows, and allowed many innocent people to see the light again”

“Sweep away the cancer of a navy.”

“Enhance the justice of the navy and get a bronze treasure chest”

The familiar sound of the system reappeared in Ron’s mind.

“Choose to turn on”

“Yes” “No”

Because the bronze chest cannot be crafted, Ron directly chose to open it without hesitation.


With an order, the bronze treasure chest slowly opened.

Colorful light erupted inside.

It’s like the special effects of Chinese little master’s food.

Ron even sounded in his head, that familiar rhythm.

Ron was a little puzzled.

I can’t guess what it is.

A moment later, Ron had an extra bag in his hand.

“Storage bag: A bag that can hold things casually, but never fills enough.”

Ron tried it with satisfaction, basically any size can fit in.

That’s it.

Solved the problem that Ron couldn’t carry fitness equipment with him.


There are also two 5,000-pound barbells on board for training.

It’s huge.


Ron accidentally crushed it with an armed color domineering.

So he doesn’t have any fitness equipment to use today.


The training props he usually uses are very heavy and huge.

Warships are also not convenient to carry.

With this bag, it is much more convenient.

In the future, you can put the training equipment you need to use inside.

Then take it out and use it separately when training.

This will not take up space.

I have to say that this ability is still very practical.

In the pirate world, there are actually very few people with storage capabilities.

With a swamp fruit guy, he can stuff things into his body, and I have to say that it is really convenient to carry food and weapons.

He also played a big role in the Battle of Ghost Island.

It is with his ability to store things.

The castle fruit also has this convenience.


Devil fruits with this special effect are not common in the pirate world, so Ron’s bag is still very convenient.

Even warships can be carried with them.

After having a feng shui compass to show the way.

The direction of the fleet was never deviated again.

A day later, it arrived at the headquarters of the Navy without a hitch.

And at this time.

The sailors who have already tasted the sweetness.

It’s been the second day of learning the Flowing Water Crushing Rock Fist.

It is equivalent to actually cultivating for three years.

The entire army has long been renewed.

It looks very tough again.

Many naval soldiers have cultivated muscles.

The back muscles are fierce.

It’s like a grimace.

The original naval soldiers were relatively weak.

It looks a little vulnerable, but at the moment.

They’ve built a muscle.

The clothes are about to burst.

These strong men stood neatly on the deck.

Ron’s warship slowly sailed into the harbor of the naval headquarters of Malin Fandor.

The Warring States had already led the top of the navy in advance, and the naval forces were waiting here.

This was Ron’s first visit to headquarters.

Warring States and others are more curious about this inspector general who has done so many great things before he arrives.

What kind of person is it?

What exactly is the skill?

Until this moment.

When they saw these naval soldiers coming down from the warship.

I was stunned on the spot.

The Sengoku don’t know them anymore.

Who are these strong men?

Although they were wearing the clothes of naval soldiers, they obviously did not fit.

It’s like a muscular man wearing a women’s vest.

It’s so contradictory.

Are these guys Navy?

Not just Sengoku.

Staff Officer Crane, Red Dog, Yellow Ape, and others all had incredulous expressions.

It has to be said.

This scene is really very powerful.


These muscular men stand in two rows.

Responsible for opening the circuit.

Followed by.

Ron walked slowly down from the warship.

He was followed by all the members of CP9.

CP9 dressed in black.

It looks solemn.

Like Ron’s bodyguard.

It has to be said.

Ron’s appearance really shocked the entire navy.

There is a feeling that the big guy came down to inspect.

But think about it.

This is indeed the big guy coming down to inspect.

The yellow ape looked at Ron while touching his chin, and couldn’t help but think: This guy is the one who defeated Karp?

It doesn’t look like it!

Could it be that Karp guy also released water on him?

Ron’s arrival.

Let the entire navy become nervous.

It was mainly Ron who removed Karp from his position as lieutenant general and beat him up.

This news is already known to all navies.


They were still a little scared when they saw Bitter Ron.

They are afraid that this new inspector general will burn three fires on his head.

Except, of course, the yellow ape.

At present, the yellow ape still feels relatively good about himself.

Go to and from work on time, work hard, you shouldn’t be able to control your head!

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