Chapter 65 The yellow ape was sleeping at a meeting and was punched by Ron!!

Let’s be honest.

Most of the people in the Navy headquarters were not very welcoming to Ron.

After all, an inspector general appeared out of nowhere to supervise their work.

Change to any normal person.

I guess I don’t like it.

Who likes a leader to supervise you from behind every day?


Most Navy soldiers, as well as senior Navy personnel, did not welcome the inspector general.

Especially yellow apes.

Yellow apes are the least welcome.

After all, this guy loves to touch fish.

If this inspector general is really as strict as the legend goes.

Then it is very bad for him.


The yellow ape decided to hide from him.

Of course.

At this moment, the yellow ape did not think that the inspector general would target him.

After all, he feels good about himself.

At most, I just occasionally touch the fish yo-yo.

It’s not a big deal, is it?

Shouldn’t you even care about that?

Anyway, the yellow ape thinks it should be safe.

But there is one person who is an exception.

This man welcomed Ron’s arrival.

This person is the red dog.

It has to be said.

Akainu felt that Ron was really too appetizing to him.

Especially this guy, killed Nanabu Haik Lockdar.

And he also educated Karp.

For the fact that Karp always releases water to his grandson.

The red dog has long been unable to see it.


He couldn’t say anything either.

After all, Karp and Sengoku have such a good relationship.

Even if he says bad things about him in front of the Warring States, it won’t be of any use!


He really hopes that someone can teach this person who always releases water to pirates.

I didn’t expect this person to really appear.

There are really people who dare to do this.

Not only dare to do this, but can do it.

This really makes the red dog very cool.


He had long welcomed the inspector general.

It is estimated that no one in the navy except him really welcomes the inspector general.

Even the Warring States.

This guy from the Warring States, don’t look at the usual seriousness, how righteous he is everywhere.

But he and Karp are also the same.

There is no essential difference between these two guys.

It’s just that Karp is more obvious.

What this guy from Sengoku does will not be too obvious.

But it doesn’t mean that this guy is really selfless and upright in his heart.

In the battle of the Top War.

The operation of the Warring States is also very confusing.

Same move.

When he attacked Blackbeard, he almost destroyed Blackbeard.

But when playing Luffy, there was no substantial damage except for knocking Luffy out of air.

And it can also make Luffy in front of him.

So close, you can also save Ace.

This performance alone is not much worse than Karp, who was punched by Luffy.


This time I came to the headquarters of the Navy.

Except for yellow apes.

The Sengoku guy is also Ron’s focus on the subject.

The red dog was the first to come up and shake Ron’s hand, and then the other high-ranking naval officials also came up to say hello.

Only the yellow ape guy.

Tilting his chin, pouting, and putting his hands in his trouser pockets.

There is no representation.

After a simple welcome ceremony.

Ron was completely stationed in the Navy.

“Sengoku, call everyone for a meeting!”

After a brief familiarization with my office.

Ron said directly to the Warring States.

Sengoku never expected that Ron would be put into work as soon as he arrived.

Soon, in the conference room of the headquarters of the Navy.

Almost all the top of the Navy sat there.

Except, of course, the absent Karp and the Pheasant.

Of the two guys, one was suspended by Ron, and the other was sent out by Ron on a mission.

So except for the two of them.

Almost everyone else is here.

After everyone was seated.

Ron slowly walked up to the stage.

Looked at everyone below.

Most of them are fairly normal.

There were only a few students who looked like they were doing small movements in the back of class.

Especially the yellow ape guy is the most obvious.

Ron said straight to the point: “What I am talking about now is very important. ”

“I don’t want anyone to slip through the numbers, and I don’t want anyone to sleep underneath.”

Ron was like a teacher at the moment.

Students are being taught lessons.

And he also knocked on the blackboard.

Then the word Ace was written on it.

See these two words.

Sengoku asked with some doubt: “Inspector General, what does this mean?” ”

Sengoku didn’t know at the moment that Ace had been arrested.

Naturally, others don’t know either.

But they all knew this person.

The red dog said: “The inspector general should be talking about the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, captain!” ”

Ron nodded, then continued, “That’s right, it’s him. ”

“Now this person is in my hands.”

“I asked Smogg to escort this man back to the naval headquarters in advance.”

“Right on his ship now.”

Hear this sentence.

Sengoku was shocked.

He never thought of it.

On the ship parked at the headquarters port, there was the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And this person is also the son of One Piece Roger.

He was detained on the ship for several days.


What makes Sengoku incredible.

For so many days, no one came to inform him.

How is this possible?

This is the port where the Navy is headquartered.

There was such an important person locked up on the Smogg ship, and he didn’t even come to report!

This is the opposite!

And do you put him in the eyes of this marshal of the navy?

Where did Smogg get such boldness?

Ron certainly saw Sengoku’s thoughts.

Just said lightly.

“I told Smogg to keep it a secret.”

“I don’t want to reveal this news in advance.”

“And in the headquarters of the navy, I suspect that there are people from the four emperors.”

Since the navy can plant spies under the Four Emperors.


Why can’t the Four Emperors plant spies under the Navy?

This is highly likely.

So before Ron did not return to the headquarters of the Navy.

He specially instructed Smog not to let Ace’s news leak out.

This is also the reason why Smogg’s warship stopped at the headquarters port for so many days without letting anyone know that Ace was on board.

Although he did not tell himself about this matter, Sengoku was more angry.

After all, he is a marshal of the Navy!

Even this matter was hidden from him.

This inspector general is a bit excessive.

But at the moment.

When he learned that Ace was in the hands of the Navy, he couldn’t help but get excited, and Ron scanned the stage from the stage.

It’s easy to see everyone’s expressions.

Judge by their expressions.

It is clear that the two guys Sengoku and Akainu are very smart and think of the key points at once.

I was very excited.

Ron continued to knock on the blackboard.

Draw everyone’s attention.

Then he said;

“I think you should know the identity of Ace, he is the son of One Piece Roger, the captain of the Whitebeard Second Team, and he can also be regarded as Karp’s adopted grandson.”

“That’s one of the reasons I suspended Karp, and of course, that’s not the point.”

When they heard about the suspension of Karp, many people present chuckled in their hearts.

He looked at Karp’s empty spot.

Before this, who would have thought that even Karp would be suspended?

This inspector general can even do Karp, let alone them.

Thinking of this, most people immediately sat on the board.

It’s a bit of a good student.

“I have a plan next.”

“Use Ace to attract Whitebeard to Malin Fandor, and then hunt them all down.”

Ron continued.

This statement came out.

The audience was in an uproar.

Everyone looked at Ron in disbelief.

They didn’t expect that this inspector general would do something big on his first day in office!

There is a delicate balance between the Four Emperors and the Navy.

If this is the time to upset this balance.

Then there will be turmoil on the sea.

But this time.

Chi Inu said directly: “I agree, we should have done this a long time ago.” ”

“To deal with pirates, you must be ruthless, and the four emperors must be broken one by one, so that you can slowly and completely eliminate the pirates, it is useless to maintain balance, you can only raise the pirates more and fatter, and it will be difficult to eliminate them at that time.”

Ron nodded, “Sakaski said it well. ”

At this time, I suddenly saw that someone in the last row was dozing.

This inspector general is here to arrest the military discipline, and even dares to doze off in his own meeting?

Ron couldn’t help but frown.

“The yellow-clothed one in the back, don’t sleep, get up and repeat what I just said.”

At the beginning of the meeting, the yellow ape sat there a little impatiently.

He was most annoyed with meetings.

He wasted a lot of time every time.

And basically most of the meetings, he sat in the back row and dozed off.

This is true even if the meeting is held by the Warring States.

For him, a person who even touches the high-end game of the top war.

It is impossible not to fish during a meeting.

So this time.

He also habitually sat in the last row.

Then close your eyes.

The fugue began to go too empty.

At this moment, he was suddenly named by Ron.

I couldn’t help but be stunned.

He hadn’t realized the seriousness of the matter.

He opened his eyes, and then said in a daze: “The old man just slept…”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a pitch-black light pass by at great speed.

It seems to be a domineering fist with armed colors.

The yellow ape didn’t see it clearly, and the speed was so fast that even the yellow ape, who had the ability to shine fruit, couldn’t react.

In a flash.

The yellow ape only felt a sharp pain in his chest.

The next moment.

The whole person was uncontrolled and flew out directly upside down.


Smash a big hole in the wall of the naval headquarters.

In the astonished gaze of everyone, the yellow ape turned into a small dot and flew farther and farther.

Finally disappeared from view.

The whole person flew without a trace.

The scene became very quiet in an instant.


Everyone’s jaws were about to drop.

Looking at this scene in disbelief.

I looked at the direction where the yellow ape flew away.

He looked at Ron’s fist that had not yet been retracted.

I couldn’t help but gasp.

At this time.

I only listened to Ron say lightly: “I will have a meeting in the future, and I am not allowed to sleep.” ”

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