Mark of the destiny

Chapter 67: Missing you

"It backfired. Not only we failed to tarnish Zhao Suyin's image but planted a seed of doubt in people's mind that there's a maybe a bigger secret behind her being kicked out of medicine." Hui Chouming's best-friend Ling Xuemo took off the voice changing device and closed the laptop.

Hui Chouming was standing near the window with gloomy clouds shadowing her mood, "Dr. Wang Shi spoiled everything."

"I don't understand how she could be lucky enough to get associated with a powerful man like Dr. Wang Shi. And judging by his tone, it seems he's impressed by her knowledge. What if."

"Nothing will happen. You know it very well why she accepted everything despite being innocent. Because of her nature and past profession, she might not have control over herself seeing people in need, but the reality is she hates this profession."

"The blow she received years back, won't allow her to make a comeback. Right now my only focus is to make her leave the country before she keeps her vicious paws over my things." Chouming turned, "Xeumo, enquire about her aunt Zhao Feiyan. Don't they know their beloved niece is back into the country?"

"Maybe they know everything but are scared to face her." Ling Xeumo guessed, "After all, song family is at the verge of bankruptcy, while Zhao Suyin is a powerful figure."

"A powerful figure with no money is an empty shell that can be crushed easily. Find out about them. And her grandfather as well. It's been a while I've seen that old foggy."

"Are you sure?"

"Every attack weakens if it's against the family."


In Xiu Mei's car,

"Your interview was amazing. I like your clear and straightforward approach," Xiu Mei looked into the front mirror to talk to Suyin.

"Not only that, baby doll!" Fei Hong exclaimed, "Along with Suyin, Dr. Wang Shi was equally mind-blowing. Not only he saved the situation but with just a few words convinced people to think about the other possibility. Speaking of which, Suyin, what's the actual reason that you left the med."

She hissed when Xiu Mei pinched her thigh and gave a side look. Her head snapped at the back seat, "I'm sorry, Suyin. I shouldn't have."

Suyin gave a fake smile, "It's okay."

"Suyin, before you start working with my brother-in-law, let me give you a warning.... he's a workaholic and a perfectionist. It will be challenging," to ease the atmosphere Xiu Mei changed the topic.

"I don't think so. I think I'm more difficult of a person to work with," Suyin's beautiful smile made Xiu Mei wonder of it results from the mention of Wang Shi's name or because she changed the topic, "I've already warned him to be prepared and start taking vitamins,"

"Really?" Xiu Mei added with suppressed amusement, "And he's still ready to work with you? Looks like he had an experience working with you and has no problem with it." Wang Shi doesn't enjoy working with people who gives others a hard time. He even admonishes his brother Feng Jianyu who's a tyrant in office but if he's going ahead with Suyin despite her being difficult, they must have worked together before. That's the only possibility.

Suyin rubbed her nose; how to tell they had been working together for the last four years. "Only on the day of the accident when I helped the victims." She looked outside and frowned, "Um. President XM, I think you missed the turn. I'm staying at Hotel Sta"

"No No No. We are going to the pub," Fei Hong looked over a shoulder, giving a cheeky smile, "And you are coming with us. Let's have a little fun,"


"I've to go to the office tomorrow. If you could drop me here--"

"C'mon, Suyin" she puckered her lips out, "for our new friendship..... a drink is a must."

"Friendship?" A frown marred the space between Suyin's brows. Other than James she never considered anyone worth her friendship, all thanks to her ex-best friend Ling Xeumo who double-crossed her. It even took her a while to accept James as her friend. "Call it one of my quirks; it needs a personal connection for me to befriend someone."

"Oh! I thought we are friends already." Fei Hong pursed her lips, and the next second turned back enthusiastically, "But we can try. Right? Don't kill my chances."

Xiu Mei looked at Suyin's expression through the mirror and could tell she doesn't want to befriend Hong. Getting a named and famed friend like Hong is beneficial, yet here she rejected her outrightly. "Hong, don't-"

"Only if you won't make me sit at your iron horse," before Xiu Mei could save Suyin from the hard situation, she heard her say.

"Yes. No more iron horse, but keep my chances open." Fei Hong pinched her throat.

Xiu Mei parked her car in the open parking of the pub and all three stepped out. "Suyin, if you are still not comfortable, I won't force you. I'll ask the chauffeur to-"

"Here you are, my love." A tall and handsome man enveloped Xiu Mei in his arms, shocking her momentarily. "I miss you,"

"Jianyu, it's been only three hours since we parted. How can you miss me?"

"I started missing you the moment you left,"

"Impossible you are,"

"Yup. Impossibly in love with my chipmunk,"

Xiu Mei hit on his arm, "Don't call me that. At least not in front of everyone,"

While the two lovebirds were force-feeding dog food, Suyin's gaze fell on Wang Shi standing two steps away as their eyes collided.

Wuxiaworld for visiting.

He inquired of her well being with his eyes and Suyin nodded, mouthed, 'Thank you.' saw him wave his hand dismissingly.

The suppressed emotions she felt in the studio surfaced over, the longing she felt for this man was so acute that it hurts her knowing they don't have a future together. Many times she felt that the other half of her is somewhere within him that's pulling her.


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