Mark of the destiny

Chapter 68: GET LOST

"Ah, Jianyu, she's Miss. Zhao Suyin," Xiu Mei nudged her husband to bring his attention. "Secretary-General from-"

"The ministry of woman and child development." Feng Jianyu gave a curt nod, "Nice interview. WE like it," he looked back at Wang Shi, "Am I right?"

Wang Shi discreetly showed his middle finger in response.

Suyin, "Hello, Mr. Feng,"

Feeling left out, Junjie jumped in front, "Hi, Miss. Zhao Remember me? 92XXXXXXX. Ow."

Wang Shi smacked the back of his head, "No need to repeat your useless phone number. She will not call you anyway."


"Because she has mine,"

Suyin "" 'What does that mean?'

Before Junjie could retort, Xiu Mei asked for everyone's attention, "What are you all doing here? Are we leaving so early?"

Wuxiaworld for visiting.

Feng Junjie in an irritating tone, "No We came outside to stargaze."

Feng Jianyu came to the parking when he received the message when Xiu Mei checked her card to issue a parking ticket. And when the latter informed Wang Shi that Suyin was with her as well, he too tagged along, forcing Junjie to follow his two brothers.

Argh another wife-spoiling husband in the making!

"I came to receive my Wifey. Now let's go in," Xiu Mei giggled at Jianyu's words and whispered.

"Then what about the other two?"

"Both are blockheads. Expect nothing,"

While being dragged by Jianyu, Xiu Mei looked back, "Suyin, are you coming?"

Suyin looked at Wang Shi as he smiled, showing the chiseled lines of his breathtaking face. "Let's celebrate another defeat of your enemy,"

"Yes, Suyin Let's celebr-" Feng Junjie covered Fei Hong's mouth.

"You come with me."


"Senior cousin is there to convince Miss. Zhao. Why are you poking your long nose, Medusa?"

"Dare you call me, Medusa? You monkey!"

Suyin looked as everyone left her and Wang Shi alone in the parking. She couldn't help but feel it was deliberate. Why? What are they trying to do? Did XM and Hong bring her here on purpose?


She's overthinking!

They don't have a reason for that!

"You okay?" Wang Shi's mellow voice caught her attention, who stood so close that she could smell his intoxicating perfume along with something that belongs to him naturally.

She nodded, "Should I say thank you for the help, or curse you for revealing the project that we just talked verbally?"

"Thank you, you already said, please curse for a change." She shivered, stood unmoving, stunned, feeling Wang Shi's cold fingertips brush past her cheeks, tugging a strand behind her ear.

She clasped her hands tight and lifted her gaze to Wang Shi's face. "Why do you trust me so much?"

"Sometimes trust comes naturally." He gestured her to the direction of the entrance, "Everyone must be waiting for us. Let's go."

Before he could move, a tug at his sleeves made him look back at the woman.

"C-can I ask for a hug?" Suyin asked with hope in her eyes. The feeling that had nestled in her soul for years had now reached out with a clawed hand around her neck, leaving her to struggle for breath and choke back the tears.

"A beautiful lady trying to take advantage of a handsome man?" Wang Shi teased and she let go of his sleeves instantly.

"Don't give. I'll ask someone else," she saw two foreigners come out of the pub. "Hey Can I get a hug? I need one,"

Wang Shi ""

"Sure, beautiful lady." One of them came with open arms, "I'm always up for one,"


The next second Suyin was enveloped in a warm hug, and a familiar fragrance filled her entire being. Her hands greedily wrapped around the human pillow. Cozy.

"Relax, dude. I just wanted to give a hug. This chick is all yours."

A cheeky smile came on her lips and from the corner of her eyes she saw the two foreigners leaving. Byebye!

"Don't laugh,"

"I'm not." her shoulders shook as she tried to control.

"Can't believe you could do something like this." Resting her head at his broad chest, she heard his heartbeat. "Who asks a stranger for a hug?"

"I asked you first,"

"I don't remember saying no,"

"I didn't hear a yes either," out of habit she counted his heartbeat. "And you call this a hug? Those foreigners would have done it better.HEY, COME BACK, GIVE ME... AH!"

He hugged her in a bone-crushing hug. "Would you believe if I say I'm not as gullible as you see?"

Suyin "..."

Standing in an inconspicuous place, Feng Jianyu and Xiu Mei were watching them. They left the two fighters in the lounge and came down to check on them. Surprisingly, they were greeted by this heartwarming scene.

Xiu Mei, "What do you think?"

Jianyu pointed at Wang Shi, "This blockhead definitely feels something for her. But his responsibilities towards Honey and past experience is holding him back. What do you think about Miss Zhao?"

Xiu Mei, "I just met her a moment ago, won't comment on her. But the way she looks at brother Wang, she's not immune either. However, her past Do you want me to investigate?"

"No," Jianyu hugged his wife, "If we'll get Miss. Zhao investigated it would be disrespectful to them. I want to be his constant support the way he had been mine."

Xiu Mei didn't say a word; she knows the importance of Wang Shi in her husband's life and hers too. Wang Shi was the first who made Jianyu realize his feelings towards her. Not only he never judged her because of her past, but supported Jianyu when he courted her.

He was the wall on whom Jianyu depended and pulled through all the rough phases of their relationship.

Hiding his own problems and struggles, Wang Shi never left their side and truly played the role of a big brother that he is.

She glanced at the couple still hugging each other, "For him, I wish for a love deeper than ours."

"Hmm. Me too. Someone who sees the real him beyond his wealth and could love both him and Honey,"


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