Lu Yirou stood at the door of the next room, her expression was frozen in her face. She saw that the white family mother and son were entertaining a woman in splendid clothes.

She vaguely heard someone calling Miss Meng Da. It seems that this is what Qiao er said about the future of Bai's little grandmother.

But how can Bai Feiyang be here, and it seems that he knows this lady Meng. What's going on here?!

When Lu Yirou's face turned white, Bai Feiyang frowned. He didn't expect Lu Yirou to run out. So he gave the old lady Bai a color, and then he said to Meng Lanzhu, "I'll be back in a minute."

Old lady Bai blocked the direction of the door with a smile, so as not to let Meng Lanzhu see Lu Yirou with her hair in her hair. She said with a smile, "Feiyang has a little family affairs to deal with. Let's have tea first."

Meng Lanzhu glanced out of her eyes, and her heart was suddenly counted. The woman whose face was pale just now must be Lu Yirou, the only legitimate daughter of the Marquis of Changping. She was entrusted by Princess Jing to teach Bai Feiyang that the most important task was to wake up the silly girl.

At this time, baifeiyang at the door pulled Lu Yirou to the other end of the yard to make sure that Meng Lanzhu could not see her. Then she said, "Yirou, I have something important to do today. Go back to your room first, and I'll explain to you later."

With that, Bai Feiyang reached out and pushed Lu Yirou into the room.

Lu Yirou grabs Bai Feiyang, who turns around and wants to go, and takes a deep breath. "Qiao'er says that woman is the future Bai's little grandmother. Is what she said true?"

Bai Feiyang frowned. He did not affirm or deny. He was not afraid that she would be sad, but he was afraid that Lu Yirou would upset Meng Lanzhu's mood.

Seeing Bai Feiyang's silence, Lu Yirou felt a last glimmer of hope in her heart, "this is not what you mean, right? Feiyang, you said that you would never let me down in my life. You said you would marry me openly and greet me in a sedan chair, right? "

"Marry in the open? Eight carry big sedan? Feiyang, is that true? " Suddenly, Meng Lanzhu's voice came out.

Old lady Bai is anxious to chase after her. She also wants to stop Meng Lanzhu. But Meng Lanzhu is determined to come out. How dare she hold on? So she made a helpless look in her eyes.

Originally, she wanted to coax Lu Yirou. Now when she saw Meng Lanzhu coming, Bai Feiyang suddenly changed her face. He gave Lu Yirou a rude push. "I said that there are distinguished guests today. Don't talk nonsense here."

Lu Yirou's heart is cold. Bai Feiyang says she is talking nonsense? These are clearly her spiritual support up to now. Are they all her nonsense and wishful thinking in his eyes?

She endured the mood of breaking down, her eyes were fixed on Bai Feiyang, and her hoarse voice almost trembled, "what do you mean? Have you forgotten your oath to me? You said that you would marry me

Meng Lanzhu hesitated for a moment when he saw Bai Feiyang. He frowned on purpose and snorted unhappily. He said to Bai Feiyang, "it's because I've lost my eyes. You still have such a gorgeous fiancee in your house. I'll leave first."

With that, Meng Lanzhu turned around and left, and told his men to move away all the gifts that had been piled up in the yard.

Seeing these little servants and servants rolling up their sleeves to carry things, old lady Bai was as miserable as being cut off. She quickly called out, "don't! Miss Lanzhu! You're wrong! What fiancee, my son is still unmarried at all, it is this woman who is confused and imagines it! "

Meng Lanzhu stopped, turned back to scan her eyes, Lu Yirou, eyebrows a pick, "is this really true?"

Lu Yirou endured the pain, gritted her teeth and said, "no! We have made an oath to heaven, he promised me

She said that Lu Yirou held Bai Feiyang and coughed in a hurry. Her face turned red, "Bai Feiyang! You talk

Bai Feiyang did not hesitate to get rid of Lu Yirou and solemnly said to Meng Lanzhu, "miss Lanzhu, don't misunderstand me. There's no such thing at all. I'm white and white. Besides, I can take out Geng tie now."

The white old lady nodded again and again, looked at Lu Yirou with disdain, and said boldly: "that's it! My son's gengtie is all there. If I have an engagement with this woman, how can I not even change my gengtie? "

Meng Lanzhu raised his hand to the group of men and said, "wait a moment first."

Then she went back to Bai Feiyang and pointed to Lu Yirou and said, "who is she? How can you live here? "

Bai Feiyang looked at Meng Lanzhu to take away so many good things. He was also very anxious and said, "she is just one of my concubines. If Miss Lanzhu doesn't like it, I can drive her away at any time."

Lu Yirou coughed violently for several times, and she almost vomited and bled, "concubine?"

She stumbled to Bai Feiyang, her red eyes staring at him, laughing at herself, "Bai Feiyang! I'm a concubine in your eyes?! Oh! I gave up everything for you. I didn't even want home. I came here with you, washed and cooked for you, helped you take care of your mother, and finally came to such an end?! What a fool I am

Bai Feiyang coldly left her, "Lu Yirou! Don't put gold on your face here. You are just swept out by the Lu family and homeless. I took you in and gave you a bite to eat! "Lu Yirou sat down on the cold ground, but the coldest thing was not her body, but her heart, like falling into the ice cellar. She tried her best to angrily say, "Bai Feiyang! You said that I would always be the only one in your heart. You swore that you would marry me. Why cheat me

Bai Feiyang looked at Meng Lanzhu's face changed, he glared at Lu Yirou, and then said with the old lady Bai and qiao'er, "don't you hurry up and shut up this crazy man with fantastic ideas!"

The two men are now full of money and vigor of Meng Lanzhu. Naturally, they don't want to lose their fortune because of Lu Yirou. So they set up Lu Yirou and go to the house.

Lu Yirou's whole body is soft into a ball of mud, and she has no strength to toss about, "Bai Feiyang! People are doing and heaven is watching

Before she finished speaking, old lady Bai threw her to the corner of the wall. Then she put out her hand and slapped her in the face. "Do you think you are still the eldest lady of the Marquis? What kind of prestige? You have offended the senior officials in the Marquis of Changping. I'm afraid you're going to steal your family and destroy your family. You're not as good as a dog of our Bai family! "

Qiao son did not have good spirit to make up a sentence, "is, you are still honest, perhaps flying young master can still see in the past affection, leave you to wait on the side."

See Lu Yirou silent, white old lady spat, with Qiao son out of the room.

Something happened at home Looking at these people's attitude towards themselves, Lu Yirou knew that it must be true. Her face became whiter and whiter, and her tears could not stop flowing down.

Was that quarrel the last time their family got together?

Her chest fluctuated, and her heart seemed to be continuously cut with a knife. She didn't expect that her desperate choice would bring about such an end.

Lu Yirou's whole body is cold, and the tears flowing into her mouth are very salty.

"Wrong, my daughter..."

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