In the yard, Bai Feiyang grabbed Meng Lanzhu, "miss Lanzhu, don't be angry. This woman is a madman. I just took her in because of her pity. I didn't expect her to be so greedy. I'll drive her away today."

Meng Lanzhu quietly stepped back and took back her hand. Seeing Bai Feiyang's performance, she felt that the man was disgusting. However, her task had not been completed. She wanted to make the daughter of the Lu family have a long memory.

"So it is. Feiyang, I misunderstood you. Just now I almost thought you were a person who always abandoned everything."

Bai Feiyang relaxed, "how can I? I only have miss Lanzhu in my heart."

Meng Lanzhu smile, "in this case, it is not necessary to drive her away, let her serve."

Bai Feiyang was stunned, "ah? Leave her? This It's not very good. What if she's insane and hurt miss Lanzhu

Now he wants to get Lu Yirou away. The woman in the province has an accident and breaks his way.

Meng Lanzhu turned to the room where the white family entertained her, and said, "she can't hurt me. She has been following you for so long. It's proper to leave her to wait on her."

Seeing Meng Lanzhu's attitude clear, Bai Feiyang has no choice but to agree. Now he follows Meng Lanzhu in everything. He is afraid that the aunt will leave if she is not satisfied.

At lunch time, Meng Lanzhu glanced at the room where Lu Yirou was staying, and said: "call the girl who has just been there. There should be a serving rule for serving. How can a servant hide in the house for leisure?"

After all, Lu Yirou is now a stumbling block threatening their bright future. Who knows if something will happen if they move out now.

The white old lady laughed and advised: "Lan Zhu, that woman is confused. Where can I serve others? I'd better teach her later. Don't spoil your interest."

Although Meng Lanzhu had a smile on her face, she was very tough. She let her hand go to take people. Then she and old lady Bai said with a smile, "don't worry, I'm the best teacher. I can help you teach her well."

Bai Feiyang was shaken by her smile, nodded repeatedly, "good."

After a while, Lu Yirou was brought along. She was so dazed that she could hardly stand still. Seeing the mother and son of the Bai family and Meng Lanzhu sitting at the table, she immediately clenched her fist.

Although she is gentle and submissive on the surface, she is also stubborn in the bone. She used to lower her body to work for the Bai family because she has feelings for Bai Feiyang, but now she only has hatred in her heart.

Meng Lanzhu said to Lu Yirou, "what are you going to do standing there and not serve? Didn't you see the tea on the table? "

"Bai Feiyang echoed:" after you have to listen to miss Lanzhu, let you pour tea quickly. "

Lu Yirou shook off and took her wife. She reached out and said to Bai Feiyang, "Bai Feiyang! I finally see you! You wait

Considering Meng Lanzhu's presence, Bai Feiyang did not dare to do it easily, for fear of destroying his gentle image, so he only stopped Lu Yirou's wrist. "Lu Yirou, don't make trouble, I have done my utmost to you!"

Meng Lanzhu looked at the woman, and she immediately grabbed Lu Yirou. Meng Lanzhu chuckled and said to Bai Feiyang, "Feiyang, you are too gentle for her. You can't train a good servant."

Under the instruction of Meng Lanzhu, Bai Feiyang got up and clasped Lu Yirou's wrist and said in a cold voice, "did you not hear miss Lanzhu's words? Pour tea

Originally thought that Bai Feiyang just for power and wealth will be such a choice, but she did not expect this man to be so shameless and despicable!

Even if she is now down, but she has also a sincere all handed over to him, he actually for other women to abuse her!

Lu Yirou's stubbornness in her bones forced her to turn her head, gritted her teeth and called out, "Bai Feiyang! You dream

Meng Lanzhu covered her chest and frowned: "Feiyang, how could her temper be so big that she almost scared me."

Bai Feiyang raised his hand was a slap in the face. Lu Yirou's swollen half face suddenly raised five deeper finger marks.

"Lu Yirou! That's enough for you! If you don't want to be a bereaved dog, you should be at ease. LAN Zhu agrees to stay and wait on you. It's a favor to you. Don't be dissatisfied! "

The hot pain makes Lu Yirou's eyes twinkle. She forced herself to turn her head and look at Bai Feiyang. Her face was full of indignation after being humiliated.

When did she suffer such grievances from childhood to adulthood!

Thinking of the downfall of the Marquis of Changping and her own fate, Lu Yirou clenched her teeth, and she would drag Bai Feiyang down even if she died! He won't step on her!

With her other hand, she took out a copper hairpin from between her hair and thrust it towards the white flying.

However, Bai Feiyang easily realized her intention and grabbed her neck with his palm, "bitch! You want to kill? Are you crazy? "

Then Bai Feiyang took out the copper hairpin that she was holding in her hand and threw her to the ground.

Seeing that she didn't even have the chance to die with Bai Feiyang, Lu Yirou seemed to have been drained of her strength. She collapsed on the ground and closed her eyes in humiliation.At this time, Gu Qingci had said to her one by one.

"If you hire a wife, you run for a concubine. Even Miss Qian Jin can't escape this truth."

"Once you gamble wrong, you will have nothing. Sweet talk is just passing away. You don't even have a letter of engagement. What makes people look up to you?"

"If he really loves you, he will certainly cherish your reputation, and will not make you look like everyone despises you at any time."


This life is her wrong choice of this road, now to pay the price, she recognized, but she hurt so many people who really for her, as well as her most heartbreaking parents.

At this time, Bai Feiyang can't bear to go on. He will be a powerful man in the future. Why should he leave Lu Yirou to remind him of his once depressed life?

Looking at Lu Yirou's ugly face, Bai Feiyang turned her head and said to Meng Lanzhu, "Lanzhu, this bitch doesn't know how to repent. It's a small matter to hurt me. What if I hurt you in the future? I'm going to go and sell her. There will be more people to serve. "

The white old lady agreed and nodded. She had already looked at Lu Yirou and said, "that's right. This woman can't serve people. It's sold out. It's not enough to stay and make people upset."

Lu Yirou's heart has already died, but now she still can't believe to open her eyes. She didn't expect that the shameless degree of Bai's mother and son was beyond her imagination!

They want to sell her?!

"Dare you?" After roaring, Lu Yirou coughed and almost breathed. Her last strength was exhausted.

Bai Feiyang personally tied up Lu Yirou's hands with a rope, "I'm going to find a tooth now! Qiao'er, you go to call for Wang's wife

What did he dare not? He had already got the latest news. The Marquis of Changping was about to take over his family. Who was the accountant who sold him a daughter of a guilty Minister?

One side of Qiao son immediately should.

Lu Yirou looked at all this in despair. Her voice was speechless. She felt that she was going to die.

It's better for her to be clean than dead!

After a while, the door of the White House rang, Bai Feiyang looked at the frightened Meng Lanzhu with relief, "Lanzhu, don't be afraid, it will be OK for a while."

Then Bai Feiyang went to open the door, "is it Mrs. Wang? People are in the house... "

The door opened, but the scene outside let Bai Feiyang open the door with a stiff hand.

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