Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1001 Don’t Kneel before the King

[Qianhuang] sounded a bit weak, and coughed continuously as soon as he opened his mouth.

He stood up tremblingly, raised his finger and pointed at him through the gauze curtain, wanting to say something.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, a mouthful of black blood spurted out, soaking the gray-white gauze.

Bian Eryi and Qin Yi were startled at the same time, and quickly stepped forward to help [Qianhuang] lie down on the soft couch.

Below, Qin San and Ling Meiren looked at each other and smiled, slowly stood up and stepped forward step by step.

Father, why don't you let me help you heal your wounds. Qin San's tone was mixed with a bit of uncontrollable joy.

Qin Yigang was about to stand up to stop him, when suddenly a cold light flashed and a sword was placed on his neck.

Brother, I advise you not to act rashly. Everyone outside now belongs to me.

If you know better, I might be able to spare your life.

After Qin San finished speaking, he kicked Qin Yi to the ground and lifted the veil himself.

I saw Bian Twenty-one's body moving very fast, and he slapped out a palm, hitting the opponent's chest hard.

Pfft! Qin San didn't expect that he would attack suddenly. He couldn't dodge for a moment and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

He fell to the ground, wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and a cold look flashed in his eyes: Old man, you are here to ruin my business too.

It's enough for me to be alone here. You should all go out. Bian Eryi's heart sank and he pretended to be calm.

He has been addicted to medical skills all his life, but he is still a little behind in martial arts attainments. At most, he can be on par with Qin San.

If he hadn't attacked suddenly just now, I'm afraid he wouldn't have succeeded so easily.

Qin San stood up and cursed secretly: Old man! I'll kill you!

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised the sword blade in his hand, held a few sword flowers in mid-air, and stabbed out like a startling giant.

Bian Twenty-One glanced at the soft spot, tapped the ground lightly with his toes, flew up lightly, and then landed on the sword.

He stepped hard on the long sword with his feet, turned his palm into a fist, brought up a stream of spiritual energy, and slammed it out.

Qin San was not a light-hearted man, so he abandoned his sword and stepped back to avoid the blow.

However, just when he was about to turn around and fight back, Bian Eryi was one step ahead. Three silver needles in his hand flew out and pierced his three acupuncture points in sequence.

The latter's body suddenly stiffened, as if a thousand kilograms of weight had been placed on his legs, and he stood fixedly in place, unable to lift them up again.

He only felt numbness starting from his limbs, gradually invading his whole body, until his entire body was unable to move.

Ling Meiren stood aside, a cold look flashed in her eyes, and her red lips were slightly raised.

Suddenly, a cold voice came out: Interesting! Things are getting more and more interesting.

As she spoke, she flew to Qin San's side and slapped him on the back.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Three wind-breaking sounds sounded, and silver needles flew out of his body.

Qin San staggered and almost fell to the ground.

His eyes were cold, looking at Qin Yi and Bian Twenty-one, with a hint of murderous intent.

For a moment, the whole room fell into a deathly silence, with only the faint breathing of [Qianhuang].

Suddenly, a voice rang out: Come quickly, the eldest prince Qin Yi and Bian Eryi are planning to murder my father, come and protect them!

In an instant, when the soldiers who were originally guarding outside the palace heard this, they drew their swords one by one and rushed in.

Qin Yi didn't expect that he would confuse right and wrong so much, and he was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe.

He stretched out his finger and pointed tremblingly at the soldiers: You...are you all going to rebel?

Ling Meiren smiled softly, and the laughter like a silver bell echoed in the palace: Hahaha, isn't this an obvious thing?

Her eyes were like a torch, and several black demonic auras were emanating from far away from her body, and she was slowly approaching.

Qin Yi's face was full of disbelief and he said loudly: You are... you are from the demon clan! Qin San, you can actually get entangled with her!

However, the other party looked nonchalant and raised his eyebrows slightly: So what? None of you can run away today.

I think the old guy on the bed may have lived too long, so why not let me give him a ride.

It can be regarded as my filial piety!

With a wave of his hand, dozens of soldiers raised their swords and stabbed directly in the direction of the bed.

Qin San, how dare you! Qin Yi repeled the people one by one, staring downward with a stern look on his face.

Do you think I dare or not?

The Emperor of Killing will be rewarded with three thousand top-grade spiritual stones, one million medium-grade spiritual stones, and an official title. He will not kneel before the king!

As soon as these words came out, everyone present opened their eyes and felt moved in their hearts.

Soon, there were waves of soldiers, constantly attacking Ruantao.

Bian Eryi and Qin Yi were guarding the front, but gradually they became a little weak, and they were about to be defeated.

At this moment, the gauze curtain suddenly moved, and everyone looked over.

I saw that [Emperor Qian] was dressed in a golden dragon robe, his face was full of energy, and there was no sign of any illness at all.

Everyone was stunned, their eyes widened, as if they couldn't believe it.

Qin San's heart tightened, his feet softened, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop, his lips kept trembling:

Father...Father? Are you not poisoned?

Qin Yi smiled coldly at him and said, Father is in good health, and the poison from earlier has been cured long ago.

This time, I just want to see what kind of monsters are hidden in this palace!

This investigation actually caught you out, which none of us expected.

Qin San kept shaking his head, his eyes full of horror: No, it's impossible, I've obviously got the news...

[Qianhuang] didn't even give him a look, his eyes kept falling on the other side: It's really you!

The moment Ling Meiren saw him, the surprise on her face flashed across her face, but she soon returned to her original appearance.

She showed a bright smile: [Qianhuang], it's been a long time since we last met.

[Qianhuang] narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke slowly: Ling Meiren, you actually hid it so deeply and even instigated the third child.

Tell me, what is your purpose of hiding next to me?

Purpose? Ling Meiren raised her lips, and then continued: Then of course I will kill you and subvert the entire [Qian Palace]!

When she said this, there was no trace of panic on her face, and there was even a hint of contempt on her face.

In her eyes, all the people here combined would not be her opponent alone.

Moreover, Qin San's personal soldiers controlled the entire [Qian Palace], so this move was inevitable.

She glanced at the people on the ground with her cold eyes, with a bit of contempt: Qin San, why don't you take action?

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