Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1002 Fighting the Demon Concubine

I... Qin San hesitated, kneeling on the ground for a long time and not getting up, feeling extremely frightened.

The moment he saw [Emperor Qian] safe and sound, he had already backed down.

The awe and fear he had felt since childhood made him dare not raise his head to look at her.

Qin San, are you going to rebel? [Qianhuang]'s eyes fell on him with pressure.

In an instant, Qin San's body was shaking uncontrollably and he couldn't say a word.

Ling Meiren rolled her eyes at him coldly and said, Now that things have come to a point, you have no way out. Whether you live or die, you decide for yourself.

Qin San's eyes changed, he suppressed the fear in his heart, and stood up slowly.

You're right, I have no way out.

He looked up at the person above him and gritted his teeth tightly: Father, don't blame me, this is all out of necessity!

Haha, you have no choice. It seems that I underestimated you in the past. [Qianhuang] said with a cold smile.

Come on! Following Qin San's order, the soldiers present stepped forward one after another and surrounded the three people.

[Qianhuang] looked around, gently turned the ring on his hand, and after a long time he spoke in a low voice: I gave birth to a good son!

Ling Meiren obviously lost her patience: Stop nagging, let's make a quick decision.

Qin San nodded, waved his hand forward slightly, and the soldiers rushed forward like a tide.

Do you really think that your work is perfect? [Qianhuang]'s voice came, accompanied by the sound of jade breaking.

Suddenly, countless personal guards rushed out from all directions of the dormitory and fought with the soldiers, and the scene suddenly turned around.

Although Qin San's soldiers were numerous in number, their strength was far inferior to that of the personal guards trained by [Emperor Qian] himself.

In less than half an hour, they were all killed and no one was left alive, leaving only a few people who were still resisting fearlessly.

Qin San never expected something like this to happen. Cold sweat broke out on his back. He looked at Ling Meiren next to him: It's over now, it's over completely...

Ling Meiren also didn't expect that [Qianhuang] would still have such a hand, she frowned tightly and said coldly: Shut up!

As the last soldier fell, the guards put away their swords and stood in front of the three [Qianhuang].

They all spoke together and shouted loudly: Whoever dares to come forward! Kill!

A flash of light flashed in Qin Yi's eyes and he said, Qin San, if you don't surrender quickly, please apologize to your father!

The latter trembled suddenly, and then he laughed loudly like a maniac: Hahaha, I haven't lost yet!

Now, the entire [Qian Palace] is mine, from top to bottom, and you can't escape!

[Qian Huang] had a cold look on his face and raised the corners of his lips: Qin San, what sound do you hear outside?

Outside the dormitory, the entire [Qian Palace] was in chaos, and soldiers wearing golden armor appeared out of nowhere.

The soldiers brought by Qin San were killed one by one on the spot, and they were all wiped out in less than a cup of tea.

There are only a few fish that slipped through the net and are running around in [Qian Palace].

The sound of fighting quickly disappeared, and Qin San suddenly turned pale and stood there in shock.

Qin Yi looked at him and said: Guess, which one is more powerful is your palace soldiers or my father's personal guards?

Ling Meiren, who had been silent all this time, slowly took a few steps forward and shocked all the guards with a move.

Why bother? As long as I kill you all, what's the use of those personal guards outside?

After saying that, she flew forward, her hands surrounded by a ball of dark demonic energy, carrying a hurricane.

Qin Yi and Bian Twenty-one were both startled and quickly flew forward to resist.

Unfortunately, the strength of the two was far from enough. Before they could take action, they were knocked away by a burst of demonic energy.

Qin Yi saw that she wanted to take action again, and endured the severe pain in her body, and stood directly in front of [Qianhuang].

With a sound of Boom!, his legs were directly broken by the demonic energy, and his heart was also violently impacted.

Your Majesty! [Emperor Qian] was startled and flew in front of him, knocking Beauty Ling away with one palm.

Qin Yiyi felt the severe pain in his body and fainted as soon as his eyes darkened.

Bian Eryi quickly stepped forward to check the injury and slowly breathed a sigh of relief: It's okay! It's not life-threatening!

[Qianhuang] nodded, and then stared at the woman in front of him: Demon? Then let me see what you are capable of!

His expression darkened, and he rushed out of the long sword on the shelf, using the cold air to cover the two of them tightly.

Under the halo of the sword shadow, the colorful sword light continued to shoot out, flying out with the fury of thunder, and the spiritual energy instantly filled the entire sword blade.

Ling Meiren smiled slightly, raised her eyebrows, and stepped forward without flinching.

The two people went back and forth, and after hundreds of moves, it was still hard to tell the winner.

After dozens more moves, [Qianhuang]'s sharp sword energy forced Mei Ling back, and while she was distracted, he cut a long and deep gash on her arm.

She turned her head to look at the blood that was constantly pouring out, and took a breath: Oh, I really underestimated you, old thing.

After saying that, she stood there and shouted loudly, and the strong demonic energy gathered around her and surrounded her.

The wound that was originally scratched healed visibly to the naked eye, without any traces left.

Be careful! Bian Eryi was watching from a distance, but felt that the situation was not good, so he quickly warned.

[Qianhuang] also frowned, held the long sword in his hand tightly, and flew out to stab out again.

However, when the tip of the sword was only three inches away from the tip of Ling Meiren's nose, no matter how hard he tried, he could not make any further progress.

He looked at her for a long time, and a bad feeling arose in his heart.

The next moment, [Qianhuang] wanted to withdraw, but felt that his body was suppressed by an invisible demonic energy.

He couldn't move at all.

Ling Meiren smiled evilly, and a dark purple whip appeared in her hand, surrounded by a trace of evil energy.

Old man! It's my turn now!

As soon as he finished speaking, [Qianhuang] felt his body sink and he was hit hard and flew away.

Fortunately, he defended himself in time and received that sharp blow.

Before he could take a breath, the whip kept coming, as fine as a huge net, making it impossible for him to escape.

In just a moment, [Qianhuang] felt a little powerless and was almost injured by the demonic energy on his body.

A smile appeared on Ling Meiren's face, and she said coldly: Today, your death has come!

After saying that, the whip in her hand danced even faster, and with a push of her foot, she flashed behind [Qianhuang], and the rich demonic aura instantly enveloped him.

[Qianhuang] At this moment, he felt a giant hand locking his neck tightly, making him breathless.

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