Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1012 Entering the Spiritual God Realm

In the afternoon of that day, Murong Fu and his party had arrived at the [Spiritual God Realm].

All the disciples did not dare to act rashly and just followed the large army forward. No one left the team.

No one said a word, there was only the rustling of footsteps on the gray leaves, and the silence was eerie.

They passed through a forest, and suddenly it became clear. The scene in front of them shocked everyone, and they could not recover for a long time.

I saw that from a distance, the end of the meandering river was closely connected to the sky.

Stretching mountains and rivers, sky streets and cloud waves, forests and deserts accompany each other, and the sky is equally divided between day and night.

The volcano that is about to erupt is billowing with thick smoke, and next to it is the snow-capped mountain covered with thousands of miles of ice. Everything is so ordinary here.

As we explore more deeply, we cross lakes, cross glaciers, and step onto plains, looking out at a gray and yellow landscape.

That's... Zhuge Qingyun narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

Just as Murong Fu was about to speak, he heard a burst of noise from the crowd.

Look at that ray of light, it's my sect's treasure [Peerless Vase]!

That purple phantom is [Yi Jiang Soul-Slaying Sword]!

What's behind is the magic weapon of the previous leader of our sect, [Void Whip]!


For a moment, everyone had excited smiles on their faces, and they all forgot about the fear of being in another world.

Soon, someone from the crowd rushed in and rushed directly into the gray-yellow mist.

With this precursor, everyone else could not hold back and followed him one after another.

Disciples of [Tianmen Taoist Academy], rush in with me and get the treasure back!

Senior brother, junior fellow apprentices, let's work hard and live up to the high expectations of the elders.

Follow me...

Liu Miao was also a little eager to try, but Liu Sen stopped him and shook his head at him.

In an instant, he reacted, stopped, and looked back at Zhuge Qingyun.

Murong Fu always felt that they had overlooked something, but he didn't know where it was.

He looked steadily at the advancing crowd, and suddenly he was startled, and a phantom appeared in his eyes.

He quickly came to his senses and was about to speak to stop it, but it was already too late.

It was seen that as soon as the person at the front touched the mist, his whole body began to twitch continuously.

The limbs were twisted, as if they were broken by an invisible force.

Ah! The mist gradually filled in, shrouding the man in it, leaving only a hazy shadow, struggling and shouting.

Murong Fu had an impression that that person was Luo Zhu, the top disciple of the inner sect of the Tsinghua Sword Sect. He was a genius who could only be seen once in a century.

Now, he was pulled directly in by the mist, without any ability to fight back.

No one in the crowd dared to go up easily. They all stopped in an emergency and stood blankly in front of the mist.

Everyone had no time to be surprised and turned around and ran back, but they only heard a voice coming from the distance.

Brothers, it's very safe here, come in quickly! Luo Zhu, who had been swallowed by the mist before, was now standing there calmly, even with a smile on his face.

There was no injury on his body, and he was waving to everyone as usual.

Senior Brother Luo, how is the situation over there? A disciple bravely asked loudly.

There was no warmth in Luo Zhu's eyes, and his body was a little stiff. He took a few steps forward and said with a smile, Nothing is strange here. Come in quickly.

Then you just...

I was just tripped by a branch just now, but it's no longer a serious problem. Luo Zhu answered mechanically, his tone calm and without any fluctuation.

As soon as these words came out, several people who had originally retreated started to move forward again.

Very good!

Let's go! Let's go find senior brother together!

Don't be afraid, senior brother has already gone in first.

Soon, more than ten people followed one after another, all running towards the mist.

A glimmer of light flashed in Murong Fu's eyes, and he looked at the gray-yellow mist, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

At this time, Liu Rui was also inspired and eager to follow.

Wait, I think... Zhuge Qingyun stopped him, but before he could finish speaking, two screams came from the front again.

Looking along the sound, the gray-yellow mist seemed to be faintly flashing with red light, and several figures could be vaguely seen struggling.

In an instant, several crisp sounds of bones breaking were heard, and the gray-yellow mist actually spread forward.

Those who were about to enter the mist were so frightened that their legs weakened, and they immediately crawled back crying and howling.

In the crowd, there was even a man who shouted that he wanted to leave and ran out the same way. M..

However, just a moment later, his body fell from the sky and fell heavily to the ground.

He suddenly sat up, observed the surrounding scene, held his head and shouted: What is going on, what is going on?

I have just found the original path and walked out of the cave.

Why are you back now?

He was going crazy at the moment, running towards the original path over and over again, falling from the sky again and again.

Seeing him like this, everyone was dumbfounded, frightened, and their faces turned pale.

Ahead was an endless, strange fog, and the original road behind them had been blocked. They were now trapped animals.

Murong Fu and Zhuge Qingyun looked at each other and saw shock and confusion in each other's eyes.

Did you just see it? Zhuge Qingyun slowly walked to his side and whispered softly.

Murong Fu looked solemn and nodded slightly, but his eyes fell on the gray-yellow mist again.

Just now, as those people stepped into the mist, there were shadows that circled their bodies from the side and wandered around.

The shadow is floating in mid-air, with different shapes and sizes.

But they all have one characteristic, that is, they come and go without a trace, and their entities cannot be caught at all.

At this time, the disciples of various sects who had been quiet slowly recovered from the shock and continued to retreat away from the gray-yellow mist.

I wonder if there's something scary in it?

You don't have to say it, we all know it.

The most important thing now is to know what is inside and whether Brother Luo Zhu is still alive!


As everyone began to speculate and had different opinions, none of them noticed that a pair of eyes actually appeared in the gray-yellow mist.

Soon, there was the second and third one, each with greedy eyes, as if they had seen their prey.

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