Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1013: Changing the Heaven and the Sun

What none of them know is that this [Spiritual God Realm] is a world far different from the outside.

A world that violates the laws of nature is a world that obeys the laws of nature.

Time passed little by little, and all the disciples did not dare to relax for a moment, staring at the gray-yellow mist.

The person who tried to find the exit over and over again gave up after repeated failures and sat on the ground dejectedly for a long time.

Then, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, he stood up suddenly, faced the fellow disciples and said: Now, we must unite as one, we must not wait here to die.

That's right! Junior Brother Wanshan is right!

Now is a critical moment, we disciples from all sects must unite as one.

I agree……

When everyone heard this, they all spoke in agreement, which was contrary to their previous decadence and sluggishness.

Soon, the disciples divided into two groups, half of them went to look for the exit they came from, and the other half went to explore the mist.

Just as everyone was about to leave, a hurricane came oncoming and hit everyone in the face.

Murong Fu and Zhuge Qingyun were both shocked and shouted quickly: Everyone, move back quickly!

As soon as the words fell, everyone turned around and ran away without hesitation, retreating for more than a hundred steps before gradually stopping.

They panted slightly and looked back, only to see the gray-yellow mist being blown by the wind and gradually approaching them.

If they had hesitated for just a moment, they would have been swallowed by the mist.

Everyone looked in the direction of Murong Fu and others, with a bit of gratitude in their eyes.

Little brother, thank you for reminding me just now. Do you know your name? A man in the crowd stepped forward, nodded and said.

Murong Fu smiled back and nodded to him: My lord, Murong Fu, it's just a little effort. Now that we are in the same danger, we must help each other.

You are Murong Fu! The man's eyes changed, and then he took a step forward and said:

I am Gu Aoxue of the [Jiuyun Sword Sect]. My father was once honored as my master and mentioned you to me many times. When I saw you today, your reputation was indeed well-deserved.

If Senior Brother Murong hadn't discovered something was wrong just now, I'm afraid our entire army would have been wiped out.

Murong Fu looked at him steadily for a long time, feeling that his face was a little stiff, and then smiled: It turns out that your father and my master still have such a past, it is really fate.

Just as the two of them were talking, suddenly there was a noise from the crowd, and the next moment everyone was screaming.

Look, what is that?

It seems like... a figure.


Before he finished speaking, he saw three people slowly walking out of the mist.

It was Wan Shan who was swallowed before, and the other two people.

Plop! As soon as the three of them stepped out of the gray-yellow mist, they fell to the ground and stopped moving.

When the other disciples saw this scene, they immediately started talking again.

Some people wanted to step forward to check, but some people didn't want to get any closer for fear of another accident.

Soon, the two groups of people were arguing fiercely and refused to give in to each other.

Gu Aoxue didn't know when she came behind Murong Fu, and her voice was hollow and low: Senior Brother Murong, what do you think?

Haha, you are trying to be mysterious. Murong Fu turned around and looked directly at him. There was a hint of temptation in the intersection of eyes.

Everyone was still talking endlessly, and someone in the crowd exclaimed: Look, there are no people on the ground.

In an instant, all the sounds disappeared, and there was a deathly silence. No one said another word.

Brothers, I just called you, why didn't you go in? A voice suddenly sounded among them, it was Wan Shan.

Everyone was stunned immediately, and then flew away from the three of them, dozens of steps away from them.

Just now, no one noticed how these three people stood up or how they quietly blended in among them.

You...when did you come here? someone asked, with a hint of panic in his tone.

Wan Shan didn't answer, a strange light flashed across his eyes, and he mechanically raised his hand, revealing a shining elixir.

We just found the treasure in the mist. We wanted to ask you to go in, but who would have thought that you wouldn't believe it.

After he finished speaking, his eyes fell on the disciples again, and they all showed a faint smile.

As soon as these words came out, several disciples suddenly forgot their fear and became interested.

What! If I read it correctly, what he is holding is the legendary ancient elixir.

Yes, I have learned about this in ancient books, but I didn't expect to actually see it today.

He really didn't lie to us. There must be other treasures hidden inside.


However, most people did not believe it easily, and looked at the three people with suspicion.

Gu Aoxue lost her composure just now. The moment Wan Shan and the others walked out, she seemed to be attracted by something.

He walked straight in front of the three people and slowly raised his hand to make a gesture.

Murong Fu stood in the distance, with no emotion on his face, and whispered to Zhuge Qingyun: They are not them anymore..


After Zhuge Qingyun heard these words, he turned his head and looked over in confusion, a little confused: What do you mean by this? Why are they not them anymore?

Murong Fu motioned him to look over, and he saw that the three people, including Gu Aoxue, began to continuously lure everyone into the mist.

In fact, a few people have been shaken, and their guard is slowly letting go, and they have a pleasant conversation with Wan Shan and the others.

Zhuge Qingyun pondered for a long time, and his face suddenly showed shock: You mean, in the mist...

Murong Fu nodded towards him, the suspicion in his heart getting stronger and stronger.

Soon, several people began to be eager to try, and had already decided to enter the mist with Wanshan and the others.

Not everyone can resist the temptation of those treasures.

Other disciples wanted to admonish them, but they were scolded back: Everyone is a coward. If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs.

You are afraid of this damn mist, but I am not!

let's go!

The person who spoke was Zhang Yuxuan, a disciple of [Lingxiao Sect]. He was extremely arrogant and arrogant. Once he made up his mind on something, not even nine cows could pull him back.

After being blocked by countless people, Zhang Yuxuan still resolutely took his two junior brothers and followed Wan Shan in.

Accompanying him were several disciples of the [Cumulus Sword Sect], who also followed under the leadership of Gu Aoxue.

Murong Fu narrowed his eyes, looked at Gu Aoxue's figure, and fell into deep thought.

Why would he also...

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