Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 103 Princess Zhao Min is angry


Ruan Yi turned around and punched out, and felt a huge pain in his hand, as if he had hit a copper wall.

An extremely terrifying face suddenly appeared in front of him, with a roaring voice.

Ah Tong, stop! Murong Fu stopped him immediately.


Ruan subconsciously retreated to Murong Fu and looked up and down at the bronze corpse.

Then, he asked in disbelief: Master, is this a zombie?

Yes, it's a bronze corpse! Murong Fu said truthfully.

Ruan Yi lowered his head and looked at his swelling in the light of the fire, and said in shock: His body is really hard.

Let's go, we'll let you two compete then. Murong Fu said.

Ruan Yi quickly waved his hand and said: Master, let it go, my subordinate's body cannot withstand its blow.

Murong Fu smiled and walked with his hands behind his back, arriving at the place where Murong Qiudi, Murong Wudi and Tianfeng Shiro were imprisoned.

Glancing around the three of them, except for Murong Wudi who was still strong, one of the other two was very weak and the other still had half a breath left.

Murong Fu, you killed my father, I will not let you go. Murong Qiudi looked up at Murong Fu, his eyes full of hatred, and his voice was hoarse like a female ghost crawling up from hell.

Murong Fu said speechlessly: It was obviously him who blew up your father to death with a black fireball. What does it have to do with me?


Murong Qiudi was immediately speechless.

What am I? You can't even figure out the person who killed your father and are still here biting people? Are you a dog? Murong Fu said disdainfully.

Murong Fu, please let me out, otherwise my sons-in-law will not make it easy for you! Murong Wudi, who was quite strong, shouted in a loud voice.

Son-in-law? Mr. Wudi, you'd better keep silent. Murong Fu glared at Murong Wudi coldly and walked straight to Tianfeng Shiro's cell.

Murong Fu...what do you want to do? Tianfeng Shiro asked in panic.

Nothing, I'll give you a ride. Murong Fu said calmly.

I'm from Japan. If you dare to kill me, all of us in Japan will avenge me! Tianfeng Shiro said excitedly.

Murong Fu snorted coldly, his right palm turned light black, and he slapped Tian Feng Shiro's head hard.

The latter didn't even have time to utter a single word or plea, and his whole body shrank and died under Murong Fu's soul-searching palm.

Tianfeng Shishiro's faint soul power slowly entered the body from Murong Fu's right hand.

Murong Fu quickly used his internal energy to increase the activity of his brain and quickly consume the opponent's memory.

Soon, some of Tianfeng Shiro's recent memories were displayed in his mind one by one.

The figure of a beautiful woman suddenly appeared in Murong Fu's mind.

This is Tianfeng Shiro's lifelong obsession.

Murong Fu secretly thought something was wrong, and quickly tightened his mind to dispel the image of the woman in his mind, otherwise, the other party's obsession would most likely affect him.

Evil work!

Murong Wudi's eyes widened in shock. He never thought that Murong Fu would practice such evil skills.

The Great Soul Searcher of Heaven and Earth Destruction? Murong Qiudi was shocked and directly called out Murong Fu's martial arts.

As expected of the Heavenly Lord, he has good eyesight. Murong Fu did not refute. In his opinion, people have good and evil, but martial arts do not distinguish between good and evil.

Murong Qiudi said in a deep voice: Murong Fu, please let me go. This will end the grudge between Tianzun and you.

Wait, then.

Murong Fu looked up and down Murong Qiudi's figure and smiled faintly.

Murong Qiudi bit her lips lightly and said, If you let me go, I am willing to compensate you a large sum of money.

Murong Fu shook his head and patted the bronze corpse.

Then he left with Ruan Yi.

Soon, there was a sound of gnawing from behind.

There was also the scream of Murong Wudi pleading.

Master, you don't seem very happy. Seeing that Murong Fu was worried, Ruan Yi couldn't help but ask.

Murong Fu said calmly: In the memory of Tianfeng Shiroji just now, I got a piece of news that the Japanese are very likely to send troops in advance.

Send troops in advance? Ruan Yi looked puzzled.


Murong Fu nodded, not because he didn't want to say more, but because Tianfeng Shishiro had a lot of grudges with the Yagyu clan.

He was not told about the other party's military deployment.

Does the master know their main purpose? Ruan Yi asked.

I don't know, I just know that Huating is probably their main attack point. Murong Fu shook his head.

Ruan Yidao: Master, why don't you ask Zian to arrange secret guards to guard the seaside and keep an eye on the enemy at all times.

Well, this is the last resort. Murong Fu thought deeply: You can lead your troops and set off tomorrow.

Yes! Ruan Yi cupped his hands and said.

Murong Fu also returned to the room and began to make the next plan.

Although he is now a strong master, the Murong clan's overall strength is still too weak.

If we want sustainable development, we must stick to the south and never let Jiangnan become a dangerous place.


This will be the place where the Murong family army becomes famous!

The next day, Murong Fu's battle on the Double Ninth Festival spread throughout the world.

Murong Fu defeated Tianzun and the Japanese warriors with one against two.

The new myth of southern martial arts, Nan Murong lives up to his name!

To promote the prestige of our country, who dares to fight when the Murong family is sitting in the south of the Yangtze River!

Damn it! This Murong Fu deserves to die! In a large tent in the Yuan Kingdom, an incomparably beautiful woman with a gorgeous face and a hint of arrogance violently pushed the table in front of her down.

Haha, Princess Princess, what bothers you so much? A sudden voice came to Zhao Min's ears.

When Zhao Min saw the visitor, he immediately became angry and said with a smile: Who am I? It turns out to be Hou Xibai, the evil king's good disciple.

Hou Xibai smiled and said: Haha, I am right down there.

Oh, why did the passionate young master come to me if you don't show mercy today? Zhao Min asked with a smile.

I recently heard that there was a despicable person in the martial arts world of Song Dynasty who specifically made our princess angry, so I wanted to teach him a lesson. Hou Xibai said with a smile, inciting the beauty fan in his hand.


Zhao Min rolled his eyes and understood immediately.

The higher-ups must have arranged for Hou Xibai to come over to help. He exposed it unceremoniously: Young Master, you must have been sent here by the evil king, and you still want to fool me?

Haha, as expected, I can't hide anything from you, Princess. Hou Xibai also hid himself and said openly.

Zhao Min asked: Does the Evil King have any instructions?

There are no instructions. They only say that the Huajian faction will do their best to help the princess and complete the New Year's Eve victory! Hou Xibai said coldly.

Zhao Min nodded, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes: Then I'll help you lead someone to get rid of Murong Fu. This man's prestige in the southern martial arts world is increasing day by day. I'm worried that he will eventually become a serious problem for our Yuan Kingdom.

Hou Xibai pondered for a moment, shook his head and said: With his current strength, if we meet head-on, I'm afraid I won't be his opponent!


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