Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 104 To kneel or not to kneel

Don't worry, I will let Wuxiang Bodhisattva and the others come with you. Zhao Min smiled.

Hou Xibai thought for a moment and said:

If she can use all her strength to trap Murong Fu in the spiritual world, our chances of killing Murong Fu are not small!

Well, I will talk to her. Zhao Min said solemnly.

The techniques practiced by Wuxiang Bodhisattva belong to the lineage of the Great Joy Zen Sect, which was not before Dacheng.

It is very dangerous to introduce people into the spiritual world. It is very likely that if you are not careful, your mind will fall.

Then I will be waiting for news from the princess at any time. Hou Xibai bowed and said goodbye.

Go! Zhao Min said with a smile.

Above the imperial court of the Song Dynasty.

Qin Hui walked to the middle and said: Your Majesty, there was a shocking murder in Gusu City yesterday.

Murong Fu, the head of the Murong family, killed a Japanese man with the help of his thugs.

Zhao Huan, Emperor Qinzong of the Song Dynasty, looked at Qin Hui with a strange look on his face: Why don't we just let the local prefect handle such small matters?

Back to Your Majesty, the death of the Japanese is related to the diplomacy between the two countries. A small local governor is not enough to handle it. Qin Hui said.

Zhao Huan frowned: Killing a Japanese will involve the diplomacy between the two countries?

Yes, Your Majesty!

Qin Hui nodded and continued:

We have finally negotiated peace with the Yuan Kingdom. It is time to develop our national strength.

What if the Japanese come to cause trouble again at this time, wouldn't we have to waste our people and money again?

Zhao Huan thought for a moment and felt that what Qin Hui said made sense and said, Then how else do you think we should deal with it?

Well, it's better to escort him back to Beijing first and let the Ministry of Punishment sentence him. Qin Hui said.

Your Majesty, I think this is inappropriate.

Just as Zhao Huan was about to give the order, a man wearing a white embroidered black python came out.

Zhao Huan asked: What did the Eight Wise Kings say?

Back to your Majesty, according to the information I learned, Murong Fu is a chivalrous person in the martial arts world.

He is quite prestigious in the world. If we just blame him for killing Japanese people, we will convict him.

The entire Song Dynasty is afraid that there will be a trend of cursing the country. The Eighth Sage King said.

When Zhao Huan heard this, he hesitated and said: Eight Wise King, how do you think this matter should be handled?

It's better to just let the Jianghu matter. What does Qin Xiang think? the Eighth Sage King said calmly.

Qin Hui frowned, but he was unwilling to confront the Eight Wise Kings. He said with a smile: My lord, listen to your Majesty.

Zhao Huan nodded and said: The Eight Wise Kings are right, it's all about the rivers and lakes.

My world needs to be protected by these heroes.

In the court hall, all the ministers saluted quickly and said: Your Majesty is wise.

The Eighth Sage King glanced at Qin Hui, saluted again and said: Speaking of this Murong Fu, my brother recently received news from the Ministry of War.

Song Yongsi, the prefect of Gusu City, once submitted a petition to the Holy One to confer Murong Fu the title of Qianzong!

Zhao Huan asked strangely: Why is that so?

Because the previous plague in Gusu City was cured by this Murong Fu, who was not far away and was invited by the divine doctor from thousands of miles away. The Eight Wise Kings said truthfully.

Zhao Huan was overjoyed and fortunate that he had not sent anyone to arrest Murong Fu before.

If he is really caught, he will be laughed at by all the people, and it will be difficult to end it.

Thinking of this, Zhao Huan glared at Qin Hui fiercely.

Incompetent bungler!

For such a great achievement, it's probably too small to only award one thousand.

Then what kind of official position are you going to give him? asked the Eighth Sage King.

Just give him the title of Yihui Colonel and let him serve our country well in the future. Zhao Huan said.

The Eight Sages King said: Then my brother will order someone to convey the Holy Emperor's will. I think Murong Fu will be extremely happy.

But...I heard that this Murong Fu is training his own soldiers. If your Majesty gives him the position of military attache at this time, might it arouse his ambition? Qin Hui said to stop him.

The Eighth Sage King glanced at Zhao Heng and retorted: Training family soldiers is also for our Song Dynasty. If you are really ambitious, what is the point of having an official position with him?

Well, the Eight Wise Kings are right. This matter is settled. Zhao Heng made the decision, said a few more innocuous things, and then left the court.

The Eight Sages and Qin Hui also looked at each other and left.

In the dungeon behind Murong's old house.

Murong Fu specially opened a thousand-square-meter martial arts training ground here.

He hasn't stopped for a day since he went to dig for the treasure.

Taking advantage of nothing happening recently, I decided to take a good rest.

Condensate the skills you have learned systematically.

Especially the dragon-elephant prajna skill.

This technique is the best body-training technique, and it is unique in this world.



On the martial arts training ground, Murong Fu and Bronze Corpse were going back and forth, attacking each other.

Each of the Bronze Corpse's punches was powerful enough to weigh a thousand kilograms, and he had no chance of defeat in a fight with Murong Fu.

Instead, due to his physical attributes, Murong Fu was so shocked that his whole body was covered with injuries.

If he hadn't had several kinds of true energy to protect his body, others would have vomited blood and died. ..

Murong Fu gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain in his body without using any weapons.

Fight physically.

He couldn't get used to this desperate feeling in the past few times. Every time he finished practicing, his internal organs would be shaken with traces of blood.

When he looked inside, he couldn't help but worry.

Fortunately, the Shenzhao Jing's repair ability is amazing, and he only needs to consume a lot of infuriating energy to recover quickly.

After doing this several times, Murong Fu discovered that not only his dragon-elephant prajna skill had improved rapidly.

The true energy in the body has also become more pure.

He often thinks of Huo Gong Tutuo's words. If you deplete the zhenqi in your body, you will practice faster.

Murong Fu is simply a masochist!

I have never seen anyone practicing like this in my whole life.

Su Ying, who was watching him practice from the side, was so surprised that she couldn't even close her jaw.

No, no.

Bao BuTong appeared behind Su Ying at some point, startling her.

Su Ying asked: Mr. Chatterbox, why are you here?

I'm here to tell the young master that his appointment has been confirmed. Bao BuTong smiled.

Huh? So fast? Su Ying felt strange. Song Yongsi said a few days ago that this matter was difficult to handle, so he sent it down today?

Bao BuTong nodded: Yes, the person who reads the imperial edict is in the hall. I came here specially to invite the young master to come over.

Su Ying rolled her eyes and smiled evilly: Your young master has always been conceited. I'm curious, does he kneel when receiving the imperial edict or not?


Bao BuTong raised his eyebrows. He really hadn't thought about this matter.

Murong Fu's ears moved and he heard the two talking. He suddenly let out a loud shout and used his true energy to push the bronze corpse back several meters.

When he came to Su Ying and Bao Tongtong, he joked: Guess, should I kneel or not?

Hmph, you must kneel down to receive the imperial edict in the Song Kingdom. I'm afraid you will have to kneel down even if you are the majestic head of the Murong family. Su Ying said.

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