Liu Sen also had some difficulty and kept waving the sword: Yes, its strength is several levels higher than what it was just now.

It seems that you didn't use your full strength against us just now!

Murong Fu's eyes flashed with light, and he easily knocked all the surrounding feathers to the ground.

He shouted loudly, lifted up on his toes and flew into the air, looking eye to eye with the [Soni Vajra Beast].

Ouch! [Soni Vajra Beast] felt the unkind aura of the visitor, and opened its big mouth and roared.

Countless blood and fishy stench emanated, making people unable to open their eyes and almost making Murong Fu vomit.

Shut up! It's disgusting! Murong Fu said coldly, shot out a blazing flame with one hand and threw it into the mouth of [Soni Vajra Beast].

[Soni Diamond Beast] didn't expect that he would suddenly do something like this. He froze on the spot for a moment and subconsciously closed his mouth.

However, the flame had already rushed in and was now burning in its mouth.

Haha, that's all! Murong Fu smiled and nodded, with a bit of ridicule and disdain in his tone.

Sure enough, [Soni Vajra Beast] was in pain, opened its bloody mouth again, and spit out the flame.

Ouch! It suddenly became angry, spitting out two fire dragons from its eyes, circling towards Murong Fu.

I saw that Murong Fu's face did not change at all, and he stood calmly opposite the [Soni Diamond Beast].

Looking at it expressionlessly, without any disturbance at all, he gently raised his hand, and a golden light suddenly appeared.

It easily resisted the attacks of the two fire dragons and directly scattered them.

[Soni Vajra Beast] saw Murong Fu neutralizing it so easily, and it immediately became even more angry. It flapped its wings and jumped into the air, and all the feathers on its body exploded.

It stands straight on the body, like sharp swords stuck in it.

Roar! Ouch!

Murong Fu looked at it and couldn't help but feel a little funny: What is this? A porcupine?

Obviously, he didn't put it in his eyes. He glanced at it with disdain and formed a barrier around him to block its figure.

No matter how hard [Soni Vajra Beast] tried its best, there was no way to break this barrier.

It tried several times in a row, but all ended in failure, and was even injured by the aura's backlash.

Ouch! It finally chose to give up, turned around and leaned towards the people below.

But the others on the other side suffered a disaster. The wings of the [Soni Vajra Beast] were several meters long, and the moment they flapped their wings, they set off bursts of airflow.

Soon everyone was thrown to the ground, and the powerful pressure made them unable to breathe.

Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva was startled, and quickly circulated the spiritual energy around her body to protect herself: Everyone, please protect your heart veins, don't be hurt by it!

After her reminder, the others also reacted, got up from the ground in embarrassment, and used their spiritual energy to fight.

But even so, they were still affected to some extent, and some of the weaker ones even had bloodshot eyes oozing from the corners of their mouths.

I'm going, I can't hold it anymore. Liu Rui gritted his teeth and said every word.

Liu Miao and Liu Sen beside her were also sweating profusely at this moment, their hands were shaking, and there was a faint sign of being unable to hold on.

Behind them, Wang Zhigao and his party were even more embarrassed. They tried their best, but could not stop the pressure of [Soni Vajra Beast].

Senior Brother Wang, please think of a solution quickly! Some disciples couldn't hold on anymore and asked Wang Zhigao for help.

However, Wang Zhigao snorted coldly: I'm not the bastard in the wishing pool, what can I do?

Zhuge Qingyun also felt that his spiritual power was gradually losing, and he looked up at the sky: Murong Fu, think of a way!

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned to Murong Fu with some hope and expectation.

Don't worry! Just a beast, how can he stir up trouble? He slowly raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes full of disdain.

[Soni Diamond Beast] seemed to understand his words, and restrained the pressure and aura it released, and instead applied them to Murong Fu's sky.

However, the way Murong Fu looked at it did not change at all, it was still indifferent and contemptuous.

[Soni Vajra Beast] flapped its wings with an angry ouch sound, and the howling wind blew past Murong Fu's ears.

Just when its claws were about to hit Murong Fu, the latter struck him casually.

A raging spiritual energy was released from his body, carrying blazing light one after another, blasting the [Soni Vajra Beast] out at once.

He remained motionless, with a deep smile on his face as he casually brushed the dust on his clothes.

It was as if we were not on the battlefield at all, but strolling in our own back garden.

The people below were also shocked by his move. They all opened their mouths and were speechless for a long time.

I, I, I...I'm going!

Murong Fu is so handsome, he just knocked back the [Soni Vajra Beast] with just one click!

Sure enough, in the face of a certain level of strength, those fancy things are just playing house!

The female Bodhisattva Miao Yi looked fascinated for a while, and even had a bit of a blush on her face.

Even she herself didn't notice that the look she was looking at Murong Fu was mixed with a bit of hazy emotion.

Roar! [Soni Vajra Beast] was in pain and naturally refused to give up.

He yelled at Murong Fu, and with a bit of bloodthirsty murderous intent all over his body, he rushed over like an arrow from a string.

Murong Fu casually rubbed his sore ears: Besides screaming, what else can you do?

The speed of the [Soni Vajra Beast] did not slow down at all, and its whole body was wrapped in blazing flames, like a huge fireball.

Be careful! It's going to mutate! Bodhisattva Miaoyi's heart tightened and she hurriedly warned.

Murong Fu turned his head to look in her direction, smiled at her, and nodded: Don't worry!

Seeing the fireball getting closer and closer to him, Murong Fu clearly felt the burning heat coming towards his face.

It's too late, but it's soon.

He stood there, a smile slowly forming on his lips, and his eyes became colder.

Are you angry?

Then show me what you're capable of!

What is the secret behind [Soni Vajra Beast]’s heart!

I saw that Murong Fu's fists were slightly curled up, with countless spiritual energy condensed on them.

He counted silently in his heart: 3, 2, 1...

It's now!

Ouch! Before the [Soni Vajra Beast] could get close to Murong Fu, he saw a huge fist smashing down into the wind.

Unable to dodge, it suddenly felt pain and flew out fiercely, hitting the woods heavily.

It crushed dozens of trees in a row, screaming and rolling around in embarrassment.

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