Without much pause, Murong Fu turned over and landed on the ground. Facing everyone's admiring eyes, he walked step by step in the direction of the [Soni Vajra Beast].

At this moment, [Soni Vajra Beast]'s eyes were glowing with red light, and countless drops of blood were salivating from the corners of its mouth.

It stood up unsteadily, its feathers slowly turned golden, and its eyes turned faintly green.

One man and one beast faced off like this for a long time.

Murong Fu adhered to the principle of being immovable if the enemy does not move, and stood firmly on the spot with a smile on his face.

His eyes fell on the chest of [Soni Vajra Beast]. The sharp feathers were folded together to protect something firmly.

Through the gap, a piece of scarlet flesh could be vaguely seen, beating regularly bit by bit.

It turns out that this is the pet peeve of [Soni Vajra Beast]!

Wait for me to get it and restore Luo Tianxi's body!

Just as he was thinking about it, [Soni Vajra Beast] seemed to have lost its patience and rushed towards his position like crazy.

As soon as its huge body moved, sand and rocks flew into the sky, and a cloud of flying sand and rocks was thrown up, making everyone unable to open their eyes.

Be careful! Bodhisattva Miaoyi felt something bad in her heart and was extremely worried.

He was about to step forward to help, but he only felt blocked.

When he came back to his senses, he saw Murong Fu's bright smile: Have a good rest, I'm here!

He nimbly turned sideways and avoided the huge body of [Soni Vajra Beast].

Immediately, his body was as light as a swan goose, spinning several times in mid-air, drawing a graceful curve.

The [Taiyi Light Splitting Sword] thrust straight out, and countless sword shadows flashed in mid-air, carrying fierce aura.


The sword energy hit the wings of [Soni Vajra Beast] heavily, making a loud noise and sparks.

However, the feathers were as sharp as sharp blades, firmly protecting the [Soni Vajra Beast] within it without causing any harm to it at all.

A trace of surprise flashed in Murong Fu's eyes, he increased his strength with his left hand, and turned his right hand into a fist and went straight towards its eye socket.

[Soni Diamond Beast] was unable to dodge for a moment and was punched hard. It screamed in pain and jumped to the side.

I saw it wailing in pain at the top of its throat, making a gurgling sound in its throat.

The right eye was replaced by a ball of flame, burning blazingly, as if it was about to spurt out at the next moment.


Well done!

Kill this beast!

The people below all cheered and cheered, all looking at Murong Fu with awe and admiration in their eyes.

There were streaks of gray smoke flying out of [Soni Vajra Beast]'s right eye, the flames flickered on and off, and the pain made it beyond recognition.

It used its only left eye to look at the people below, its paws slightly curled up, and its gaze like a torch.


Murong Fu noticed something was wrong and was about to warn him, but it was too late.

[Soni Vajra Beast] flapped its wings and rushed down. Its feathers turned into flaming hidden weapons and shot out quickly.

The people below were still immersed in the joy of being repelled by the [Soni Vajra Beast], and they didn't react at all, and were injured one after another by hidden weapons.


Screams were heard one after another, and the fighting spirit of the [Soni Vajra Beast] became even higher, and it rushed down with a roar, heading straight to the position of Wang Zhigao and others.

Wang Zhigao was so frightened that he froze in place. Seeing this, the female Bodhisattva Miaoyi hurriedly shouted and woke him up from his despair.

What are you still doing? Run!

As soon as these words came out, everyone began to show off their skills and evade the attacks of hidden weapons one by one.

[Soni Diamond Beast] saw the situation reversed, screamed, and opened its claws instantly.

With the swing of its wings, it leaned down and rushed down. Before anyone could react, it had already firmly grasped one of the disciples.

Ah! Save me! I don't want to die yet...

The disciple was taken high into the sky and kept shouting, his limbs flying wildly. He was obviously frightened.

Seeing this, Bodhisattva Miaoyi gritted her teeth and chased after him.

Under the urging of her thoughts, the Buddha beads in her hand suddenly grew hundreds of times in size, tightly trapping the [Soni Vajra Beast].

No matter how hard it struggled, there was no way to break free.

Let him go! Bodhisattva Miaoyi screamed, her eyes filled with determination and holiness that she had never seen before.

When Murong Fu saw this, his heart suddenly rose to his throat, he hurriedly caught up and stood next to Miaoyi Bodhisattva.

He looked directly at the [Soni Vajra Beast] with a hint of shock and threat.

The captured disciple howled loudly, as if he didn't care about any dignity: Please, let me go...

Murong Fu looked at the darkening of his pants and couldn't help showing contempt.

He is innocent, please save him! The gentle voice of Miaoyi Bodhisattva sounded in Murong Fu's ears.

Suddenly, it was like a clear spring flowing, purifying the countless noise and hustle and bustle around him, as if everything became beautiful.

Murong Fu looked at her little face and nodded inexplicably: Okay!

After that, he drew out the [Taiyi Light Splitting Sword] and held several sword flowers in mid-air.

The next moment, the [Taiyi Splitting Light Sword] quickly stabbed towards the [Soni Vajra Beast], bringing up bursts of hurricane winds.


[Soni Vajra Beast] was trapped by the beads, and was upset for a while, and began to scurry around like a headless fly.

On the other side, the female Bodhisattva Miao Yi was reciting the scriptures silently. Rays of golden light emanated from her body, forming a golden holy sword.

With a move of her wrist, her spiritual energy suddenly increased.

The holy sword instantly came to life and pointed directly at the left eye of [Soni Vajra Beast].



There were two sounds of the sword sinking into flesh, and two streams of bright red blood spurted out from its eye sockets.

Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva looked at each other, nodded tacitly, and pulled out the sword blade at the same time.

In an instant, two round eyeballs were brought out and hit the ground heavily, shining with a strange light.

[Soni Vajra Beast] was trembling in pain, and without caring about the person under its claws, it let go of him and bumped around.

The disciple was caught off guard and let go. He was obviously not prepared, and fell rapidly like a kite with its string broken.

Just as Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva wanted to catch him, she was stopped by Murong Fu: You stay here, I'll come.

As soon as he finished speaking, Murong Fu walked straight towards the figure and grabbed his collar with a strong hand.


The man was suddenly grabbed by the back of Destiny's neck, and his face turned red from holding back.

Seeing that he was about to lose his breath, Murong Fu let go of his hand at the right time and threw him against a tree.

The man was subjected to inhuman treatment one after another. He was so frightened that he was thrown into the canopy of the tree again.

His whole body was in a state of extreme embarrassment!

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