Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1039 Are you so perverted?

Inside [Black Rock Mountain], Zhuge Qingyun was fighting with his sword, his face covered in black blood.

Around him, countless [Nine-Legged Purple Spiders] crawled quickly, rushing towards him like a tide.

Not long after, his surroundings were covered with densely packed [Nine-legged Purple Spiders].

White threads spewed out of their mouths one by one, and were woven into tough nets one after another, shrouding Zhuge Qingyun in them.

At this moment, he was exhausted, even being bitten by the [Nine-Legged Purple Spider] at close range.

From the bitten skin, black blood spurted out instantly, and the flesh fester bit by bit, emitting the stench of a rotting corpse.

Zhuge Qingyun endured the severe pain in his body and did not dare to relax for a moment.

I was just secretly glad in my heart that the toxins in these [Nine-Legged Purple Spiders] were not fatal.

However, as time passed, his physical strength became weaker and weaker, and the speed of drawing the sword became slower and slower.

Seeing that Zhuge Qingyun was about to be defeated, those [Nine-Legged Purple Spiders] became even more unscrupulous.

He rushed forward like crazy, not afraid of the blade in his hand.

Zhuge Qingyun took a breath, gritted his teeth tightly, and burst out all the spiritual energy in his body, instantly knocking hundreds of [Nine-Legged Purple Spiders] away.

He took advantage of this gap and breathed a sigh of relief. He took out a bottle of elixir from his arms and poured it into his mouth.

After taking these elixirs, Zhuge Qingyun immediately regained some strength, and his spiritual energy also slowly increased.

At this time, the [Nine-Legged Purple Spiders] gathered in the distance again, their dense claws clinging to the ground, even shaking the ground faintly.

There was a bit of shock and fear in Zhuge Qingyun's eyes, but it soon turned into endless motivation.

He roared in anger, and golden light filled his body: Come on! I'm not afraid of you!

After saying that, he swung his sword around like crazy, killing a large number of spiders in succession, and blood splashed on his body in mid-air.

It is no longer clear whose blood it is.

Seeing that the number of [Nine-legged Purple Spiders] was visibly decreasing, he finally saw hope.

He thought that a few hours ago, he lured the [Soni Vajra Beast] away and came here, and unexpectedly entered this place by mistake.

Somehow, just after escaping the pursuit of the [Soni Vajra Beast], he fell into the lair of the [Nine-Legged Purple Spider] and has been fighting them until now.

However, he always felt that something was wrong. His eyes fell on the group of [Nine-Legged Purple Spiders], and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

The direction of these [Nine-Legged Purple Spiders] seems to be controlled by someone behind the scenes.

He could even clearly feel that a pair of eyes were staring at him, as if he had become someone else's prey.

While Zhuge Qingyun was killing the [Nine-Legged Purple Spider], he was secretly observing everywhere, trying to find the person behind it.

Suddenly, the sword light flashed across, and he suddenly discovered that there was a faint black mist in the valley ahead.

A faint red color flows, hazy, making it difficult to see clearly.

He gritted his teeth and dealt with numerous [Nine-Legged Purple Spiders].

At this time, he had been trapped by these ghosts for half a day. If he continued like this, he would probably be consumed to death sooner or later.

Zhuge Qingyun's eyes turned, maybe that was his chance to survive.

With a thought in his mind, he controlled his pace and led the spider group slowly towards that direction.

[Nine-Legged Purple Spider] naturally followed closely, trapping him in the center without missing a step.

Finally, he came to a place only ten steps away from the valley, and looked straight at that place.

Just such a look immediately frightened him into a cold sweat and his mind went blank.

What was swirling in the valley was not mist at all, but a group of entangled snakes.

Countless snake tails are intertwined, and the snake's body is dark and smooth. From a distance, it looks like a moving mist.

And that little bit of red is the spot on their head, which looks particularly dazzling in the dark valley.

Zhuge Qingyun was shocked and wanted to leave here quickly, but it was already too late.

Those [Red-headed and Two-tailed Snakes] were awakened by his arrival. They raised their red heads one by one and stared at him with their triangular eyes blinking.

There was a cold light in his eyes, and two sharp teeth were exposed at the corners of his mouth, spitting out dark green snake bites.

Hiss, hiss...

This strange sound was like a spell, pouring into Zhuge Qingyun's ears, making him feel dizzy.

In just a moment, he felt as if the blood all over his body had solidified. He made a mistake in the moves on his hand and was bitten by several [Nine-legged Purple Spiders] again.

His heart was as gray as ashes, and he couldn't help shouting: Really, God is going to kill me!

However, as soon as he finished speaking, with a bang, a mountain suddenly slid down.

Countless boulders fell from the sky and hit those [Nine-legged Purple Spiders] and [Red-headed Two-tailed Snakes], directly crushing them into pulp.

With a bang sound, the stones fell heavily to the ground, causing countless cracks in the ground.

Fortunately, Zhuge Qingyun reacted in time and cut a bloody path in front of him. He pressed his body close to the mountain to avoid being injured by these huge rocks.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, countless mist slowly rose up around him, making it difficult for him to see the scene in front of him clearly.

The next moment, the ground beneath his feet gradually cracked, and he fell into it in a daze.

When he stabilized his body again, the scene had changed before his eyes.

But he saw that he was surrounded by black cliffs, like a cage trapping him in it.

He panicked, looked up, and saw large swaths of fog, making it impossible to see the outside world.

Zhuge Qingyun cursed secretly and began to fumble around in the darkness, trying to find a way out of here.

There was only a click sound, his hand touched a mechanism, and the surrounding area lit up instantly.

He was so blinded by the sudden light that he couldn't open his eyes, so he could only open a crack and look around.

As he expected, he was currently in a square underground world, with flickering firelights flashing on the cliff walls, illuminating the whole place.

Just as he was shocked, the ground suddenly shook again, and countless strange sounds came from it. M..

He hurriedly looked over, and his whole body was stunned. His feet seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't move even half a step.

I saw all kinds of strange beasts crawling densely on the cliff not far away.

To the east of him is the [Six-tailed Purple Yin Scorpion]; to the west is the [Nine-legged Purple Spider]; to the north is the [10,000-legged Golden Centipede]; to the south is the [Long-tongued Blood Toad].

Under his body, there were [red-headed and twin-tailed snakes] squirming.

Zhuge Qingyun had never seen such a scene before. Cold sweat poured down his body, and his clothes were wet in an instant: I'll go! Is he so perverted?

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