Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1040 Getting restless

Centipedes, poisonous snakes, scorpions, toads, and spiders are the five types of poisons in Miao Gu, collectively known as the Five Poisons

But now, how could it appear here?

Could it be that the [Spiritual God Realm] is also connected to the outside, or was someone once bringing these here?

A trace of surprise flashed in Zhuge Qingyun's eyes, and he couldn't help but think about it.

He looked at the densely packed [Five Poisons] crawling in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a chill.

He couldn't help but shiver as the dark wind gusted underground, and the smelly wind penetrated his nostrils.

Zhuge Qingyun has also seen the world for a long time, but he still bent down and vomited: Ouch!

It's not that he's being too pretentious, it's actually that the flavor here is unique.

All kinds of odors were mixed together, and there was even a faint fishy smell.

He looked around, and the [Five Poisons] showed no intention of moving at all. They just stared at him with eyes of different colors.

Zhuge Qingyun tried to move cautiously, but as soon as he took a step forward, a rustling sound suddenly sounded around him.

[Red-headed Two-tailed Snake], [Nine-legged Purple Spider], [Ten Thousand-legged Golden Centipede], [Long-Tongue Blood Toad], and [Six-tailed Purple Yin Scorpion] all moved at the same time.

Vomiting purple tongue, swaying its chubby belly, and waving its six tails...

Zhuge Qingyun was startled and quickly stopped, staying where he was without daring to move rashly.

His hand holding the sword slowly tightened a bit, with fear and panic in his eyes.

However, half an hour passed.

Among the [Five Poisons], no one took the lead to make a move. They all squirmed lazily and looked in Zhuge Qingyun's direction from time to time.

Zhuge Qingyun was surprised and confused, and wanted to move tentatively.

But before he could make any move, the [Five Poisons] suddenly seemed to notice something, and their eyes were cold.

Hey!, he looked at Zhuge Qingyun, and even narrowed the encirclement by a few points.

How could this happen... He froze in place, not daring to move, muttering to himself.

It's a coincidence that as long as Zhuge Qingyun doesn't make any movement, they seem to be unaware of his existence and just hover around in a daze.

But once there is any disturbance there, [Five Poisons] will have signs of launching an offensive.

Could it be that they...

Just as Zhuge Qingyun was racking his brains to think, suddenly a light flashed above his head.

He took advantage of the situation and looked up, but saw that the place where the dense fog was originally shrouded had slowly dispersed, and it was quite a situation where the clouds had cleared and the moon was bright.

A faint light penetrated the fog and shone beside Zhuge Qingyun, also illuminating the flickering underground.

Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

Several hurricanes blew from top to bottom, completely blowing away the mist.

In an instant, blood-colored light spilled down and shone on Zhuge Qingyun and [Five Poisons].

I saw that the five poisons suddenly moved one by one the moment they came into contact with the light.

He began to circle around Zhuge Qingyun, baring his teeth and claws, with great momentum.

On the cliff in the distance, figures of [Five Poisons] were still pouring out in large numbers, coming quickly one after another.

In just a few breaths, these dense objects quickly gathered around Zhuge Qingyun, looking at him with vicious eyes.

Zhuge Qingyun suppressed his nausea and looked at them motionlessly, his whole body suddenly became nervous.

At this time, the red light became more dazzling, and the poisons became more and more active.

There were even a few [bloody toads with long tongues] crawling onto his feet at some point.

Zhuge Qingyun was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat and quickly drew his sword and stabbed out.

In an instant, the stomachs of those [Long Tongue Blood Toads] were pierced, and several jets of black liquid spewed out from their bodies.

The stench was like feces mixed with flesh and blood and suddenly filled the air.

Before he could react, he saw a black object attacking towards him.

Zhuge Qingyun didn't think much, and subconsciously thrust out the sword blade, cutting off the tails of several [Six-tailed Purple Yin Scorpions] in succession.

Those dark scorpions let out fierce screams and fled back in a hurry, standing only five steps away from him, staring with eager eyes.

It was as if, the next moment, they would swarm and attack, splitting Zhuge Qingyun into pieces and eating him.

Zhuge Qingyun didn't dare to relax at all here, and cursed with disdain in his heart: This [Spirit God Realm] is really not a place for people to stay.

First, they encountered the [Soni Vajra Beast], and almost all the sects were wiped out.

Then, he met the Void Spirit Clan seizing the body halfway. If he hadn't used all his strength to avoid stepping into their trap.

I am afraid that at this time, he has already become the carrier of the Void Spirit Clan just like Wan Shan and others.

And now, he had just escaped from the siege of the [Nine-Legged Purple Spider] and fell into this inhuman situation again.

Really, all the misfortunes happened to him alone.

Just when he was secretly feeling sad and lamenting his ill-fated fate, silvery-white shadows suddenly appeared in his peripheral vision.

He felt a thump in his heart and quickly looked back.

I saw that the [Nine-Legged Purple Spider] secretly started to build a web at some point.

While he was not paying attention, one by one quietly walked around behind him.

Thousands of fine, gray-white nets have been formed, tightly arranged behind him. ..

Fortunately, Zhuge Qingyun reacted in time. Just when Xie Wang was about to touch him, he turned around and dodged easily.

However, what greeted him was what followed, hundreds of thousands of networks, interlocking and connected from generation to generation.

Zhuge Qingyun tried his best to avoid it, but as soon as he landed on the ground, his feet were immediately stuck.

He was startled and looked down quickly.

White spider threads clung to the ground, and silvery white mucus secreted from them, clinging to his shoes.




The [Five Poisons] who had been watching on the sidelines became agitated when they saw this situation, and crawled quickly in his direction.

It was as if he had been hungry for a long time and suddenly saw food, already salivating for him.

Zhuge Qingyun couldn't move or move.

The countless spider silks were extremely sticky. He tried his best and could only move two steps with difficulty.

Looking at the five kinds of poisons surrounding him, the tight string in his mind was about to break, and a deep feeling of powerlessness surged into his heart.

He was in a difficult situation, unable to escape, and faced the [Five Poisons] roaring towards him like a mountain and sea alone.

No, can't give up.

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