Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1052 Blood Corpse Lord

Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva held hands with each other, their eyes full of solemnity.

This Blood Corpse Lord is absorbing the resentment of thousands of corpses, and I'm afraid he will be able to break out of the coffin soon!

Haha, this [Spiritual God Realm] is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. We just went to those Void Spirit Clan that are neither humans nor ghosts, and here comes a half-demon and half-demon Blood Corpse Lord!

Be careful, this Blood Corpse Lord is not easy to deal with. It is said that his strength is comparable to that of the Sanxian Realm. The two of us are probably no match for him!

The two people looked serious, staring straight at the blood-red wooden coffin, frowning secretly.



Thunder and lightning struck the wooden coffin hard, leaving dozens of tiny cracks.


A sharp and hoarse voice came out from the broken wooden coffin, far away in the horizon but close in front of you.

The blood flowing back from the sky was gradually absorbed and soon disappeared. The blood-red mist around the wooden coffin became even thicker.

The black clouds were sinking with low pressure, making people breathless.

With a boom, the wooden coffin lid suddenly burst open, and a black figure flew out instantly: I'm finally back!

Not good! Murong Fu said secretly, and took Miao Yi Bodhisattva to hide beside a mountain cliff, quietly watching everything that happened in front of him.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi's voice was a little anxious, and she whispered in his ear: He has not recovered yet. We must kill him, and we must not let him continue.

Otherwise, he will continue to absorb the resentment in this world, and his strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds!

After hearing this, Murong Fu's eyes flashed with light, he nodded firmly, and his eyes fell in the direction of the Blood Corpse Master again.

I saw that at this moment, there was black mist all over his body, and there was a faint blood-red light all over his body.

Countless corpses rose into the air, surrounding him, constantly changing and rotating.

Shrouded in black clouds, he slowly stretched out his white arm, which was so white that there was no trace of blood.

As a pair of big hands waved, the blood clots from the corpses flew into his mouth as if they had eyes.

In the blink of an eye, he swallowed a lot of flesh, blood and bones, and his aura became more and more fierce, waving his arms to raise a fierce and fierce hurricane.

The heavy smell of blood wrapped around the broken corpses, which he swallowed little by little. Some even burst out with red and white liquid the moment they entered his mouth.

As he slowly raised his head, there was no white at all in his pupils, not even a trace of ink.

He looked up to the sky and roared, and countless bloodshot eyes quickly appeared in his eyes, like red threadworms struggling and crawling inside, twisting and turning.

Ah! He roared angrily, and the entire mountain range trembled, shrouded in thick black mist, with no trace of light visible.

Soon, with him as the center, countless dark purple resentments flew towards him from all directions, and they were all absorbed into his body.

Visible to the naked eye, his hair is growing rapidly and flying wildly in the air.

His white, bloodless hands and black nails were growing longer and sharper. Drops of black liquid slowly slid down, seemingly carrying corpse poison.

Jie Jie Jie, it feels so good to be able to breathe! He kept laughing, but his eyes slowly fell on the hiding place of Murong Fu and Miao Yi Bodhisattva.

He seems to have discovered us, what should we do now? Bodhisattva Miaoyi raised her head and suddenly met the dark eyes, her heart trembled, and she spoke tremblingly.

Murong Fu lowered his eyes, with murderous intent faintly revealed in his eyes, but he did not answer.

A stranger? The Blood Corpse Lord's voice was ethereal and harsh, coming from far away.

But he saw a black finger bone flying out of his hand and heading straight towards the two of them.

Let's go! Murong Fu reacted quickly and took Miaoyi Bodhisattva away and flew to another mountain range.


The moment the two people left, the cliff was instantly destroyed, and even a complete sand stone disappeared, turning into a handful of white sand and disappearing in the wind.

Hey, the reaction is pretty fast! The Blood Corpse Lord flew into the air, dressed in black clothes and surrounded by blood energy.

As he spoke, he raised his fair and bloodless cheeks and looked straight at Murong Fu and the two with a murderous look in his eyes.

It's really hard to find anywhere without wearing iron shoes. It takes no effort at all to get here!

As soon as I woke up, two delicious dishes were delivered to my door.

If that's the case, then I will accept it!

Before he finished speaking, a strong wind whipped up around the Blood Corpse Lord, and countless pieces of flesh and blood flew everywhere. With his low roar, they instantly turned into streaks of blood mist.

Murong Fu's mind moved, and he pushed Miaoyi Bodhisattva behind him, and then he flew up and faced her head on.

Suddenly, he felt a surge of blood and a faint taste of fishy sweetness in his throat.

I saw a faint red halo flashing through the dark eyes of the Blood Corpse Master, and powerful energy erupted from his body, approaching Murong Fu.

Although the latter looks calm on the surface, in fact he has already made all preparations.

Since the last time he suffered a loss at the hands of the Fox Fairy Empress, he has always kept it in mind and knows the importance of strength.

Therefore, after he returned to Canglan Sword Sect, he continued to refine the spiritual energy in his body while healing his wounds, until it reached the highest point.

He clearly felt that the spiritual energy in his body was vigorous and unrestrained, as if it could spurt out in the next moment.

It's now!

Murong Fu's eyes suddenly changed, and he dodged several attacks of violent airflows. His body disappeared silently like a ghost.

The Blood Corpse Master really didn't expect that Murong Fu would suddenly disappear. A hint of shock and fear flashed subconsciously in his blood-black eyes.

The next moment, a breeze blew by, and the Blood Corpse Master felt a powerful coercion coming towards him from behind.

With a thought in his mind, several zombies with hideous faces emerged from the ground, and they barged their teeth and claws and smashed around.

Murong Fu disappeared, restrained his aura, and using the cover of the bloody mist, he came to the left side behind the Blood Corpse Main Hall.

When he punched his chest, Murong Fu's heart trembled and his hands began to tremble unconsciously.

At that moment, he suddenly felt a sudden pressure enveloping him, holding his fist tightly against it.

Murong Fu was cruel, poured all his spiritual energy into his fists, and punched them out violently.

The Blood Corpse Master's expression first changed, and then he revealed a sinister smile: Boy, you are very brave!

As soon as these words came out, Murong Fu's expression suddenly changed.

The color of 昘 disappeared, and his eyes were full of shock. actually...

He wanted to withdraw his fists, but they were stuck tightly by a force, preventing him from moving at all.

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